Good Friday, April 2. No
Coffee with the Principals. Friday, Apr.
9, 2010. 8:30-9:15am. Fort River Cafeteria. Join Principal Sharick and
Asst. Principal Kennedy-Marx for coffee, light refreshments and
conversation. All parent/guardians invited, younger siblings welcome.
Night for Grades K,1, 2, and 3. Friday, Apr. 9, 6:30-7:30pm. Fort
River Gym. Info below.
River Roasters by Dean's Beans Coffee Orders Due. Friday, Apr. 9.
See below for more info.
Swap. Week of April 12th. Parent Council is now collecting books!
More info
Spring Vacation. April
19-23. No School.
Night for Grades 4, 5 & 6. Friday,
April 30. 6:30-7:30pm. Fort River Gym. Info below.
in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Fort River PGO Information
Friday, March 26, 2010
Attention Future Wildwood Families
For those families who will be moving to Wildwood School next year:
The Wildwood Community Coffees with the Principal will be held on the following days from 8:30-9:30 am in the cafeteria, followed by Visitors Day tours of the building. The coffees and tours will take place on the following dates: April 1st, 16th and 30th and May 14th.
The Wildwood Community Coffees with the Principal will be held on the following days from 8:30-9:30 am in the cafeteria, followed by Visitors Day tours of the building. The coffees and tours will take place on the following dates: April 1st, 16th and 30th and May 14th.
ARMS Family School Partnership Coffee with the Principal
Parents that are looking ahead to the middle school, add this function to your calendar: The next ARMS Family School Partnership Coffee with the Principal is April 8th from 7-8 pm in the MS Professional Development Center. The topics for the evening will be the MS Needs Assessment that was presented by consultant Dr. Barry Beers and the ARMS School Improvement Plan. This important discussion about the direction of the middle school welcomes your participation. Please add your opinions and preferences to the conversation. In addition to great conversation and coffee, a yummy dessert will be provided!
Don't Forget Your Books for the Book Swap!
We need your BOOKS for the Fort River
Book Swap. The
Swap will take place during the week of April 12. We will collect books
through the first week of April, but the sooner we have your books the
Please donate your gently used books for ages K-6. Donate as many books as you like and keep in mind that we always have a shortage of books for 5th & 6th grade. Adult level books are often great for the older kids, but please be sure they are appropriate. Reference books, dictionaries, thesauruses are also welcome.
Collection boxes are near the Library entrances and outside the Main Office. THANK YOU!
Volunteers are needed for sorting, setting up, and working the Swap. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Please donate your gently used books for ages K-6. Donate as many books as you like and keep in mind that we always have a shortage of books for 5th & 6th grade. Adult level books are often great for the older kids, but please be sure they are appropriate. Reference books, dictionaries, thesauruses are also welcome.
Collection boxes are near the Library entrances and outside the Main Office. THANK YOU!
Volunteers are needed for sorting, setting up, and working the Swap. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Fort River Science Nights
Parent Council is sponsoring a series of two
Science Nights to be held in April.
Come watch demonstrations by the UMass Science Outreach Club involving a Bed of Nails, Liquid Nitrogen, a Rocket Wagon and more. Polymer Science inspired artwork created by Fort River students will also be on display during these evenings. There will be two nights–one geared toward older students, one geared towards younger ones.
Come watch demonstrations by the UMass Science Outreach Club involving a Bed of Nails, Liquid Nitrogen, a Rocket Wagon and more. Polymer Science inspired artwork created by Fort River students will also be on display during these evenings. There will be two nights–one geared toward older students, one geared towards younger ones.
April 9th Grades
K, 1, 2, 3
Friday, April 30th Grades 4, 5, 6
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Place: Fort River Gym
Friday, April 30th Grades 4, 5, 6
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Place: Fort River Gym
Finalists for Middle School Principal Position Announced
Three finalists have been announced for the position of Amherst
Regional Middle School Principal: Karsten Schlenter, Michael Hayes, and
Paul Goodhind.
The finalists will visit the district on Thursday, April 1, 2010 and will spend the day on site at the Middle School in a variety of settings. Each candidate will begin his day with a building tour, followed by meetings with staff, students, elementary and secondary administrators, and Central Office administrators.
The public forums will be held in the Middle School library on the evening of April 1 at the following times:
More information on the website:
The finalists will visit the district on Thursday, April 1, 2010 and will spend the day on site at the Middle School in a variety of settings. Each candidate will begin his day with a building tour, followed by meetings with staff, students, elementary and secondary administrators, and Central Office administrators.
The public forums will be held in the Middle School library on the evening of April 1 at the following times:
- Karsten Schlenter 6:30 - 7:15 p.m.
- Michael Hayes 7:15 - 8:00 p.m.
- Paul Goodhind 8:00 - 8:45 p.m.
More information on the website:
Donations for Haiti Relief Wanted
Hello Ft. River Parents!
Wanted to let you know about a supply drive that is happening in Amherst - supplies will be trucked to NYC then to an orphanage in Haiti north of Port au Prince, called "St. Clare's" - through AFYA and PIH (Partners in Health) and Ft. River has a chance to help!
You can drop off supplies from this list on Saturday or Sunday at 74 North Whitney Street, from 9-5.
SATURDAY - SUNDAY (March 27-28)
TIMES: 9-6 pm
PHONE for questions: Siobhan 374-8896 or Mariaelena Garcia - 413-222-1001.
For the orphanage
ITEMS IN NEED OF: (in brand new or excellent condition please)
* Tents, Tarps, umbrellas, rain gear
* Water Bottles
* Ensure
* school supplies and backpacks
* Formula (already premixed / ready to drink strongly preferred for
lack of sanitation / clean water)
* Other Basics like clothes, shoes, rainboots, non perishable foods,
bulk foods, etc.
Our local Amherst Mariaelena Garcia is working with AFYA and PIH and they have let her know what the current important needs are...this is her fourth supply drive -
There was an article in the gazette and Bulletin about her
* Awaiting information as to whether there will be boxes in Ft. River to collect supplies Friday afternoon... though if you can drive to Ft River Friday afternoon, 74 North Whitney Street is not that far away... it's about a 1/2 mile from Ft River - she has accepted donations left in her driveway even when she is not there if that is the only time you can stop by.
FROM FORT RIVER: - take a right on SouthEast Street as you exit the parking lot. At the light, take a LEFT on Main Street. Take your THIRD RIGHT onto North Whitney Street. # 74 is on the left on the corner of Clifton Avenue - take a left - her driveway is on Clifton
Avenue. Mariaelena Garcia - 222-1001.
(Leigh Salvage is coordinating Ft River efforts for Mariaelena - you can also contact Leigh (Matt's mom, 6th grade), at 230-3722 -home or 230-0806 - cell or We may be able to make a more organized / concerted effort for the next shipment which might be in another few weeks.)
Wanted to let you know about a supply drive that is happening in Amherst - supplies will be trucked to NYC then to an orphanage in Haiti north of Port au Prince, called "St. Clare's" - through AFYA and PIH (Partners in Health) and Ft. River has a chance to help!
You can drop off supplies from this list on Saturday or Sunday at 74 North Whitney Street, from 9-5.
SATURDAY - SUNDAY (March 27-28)
TIMES: 9-6 pm
PHONE for questions: Siobhan 374-8896 or Mariaelena Garcia - 413-222-1001.
For the orphanage
ITEMS IN NEED OF: (in brand new or excellent condition please)
* Tents, Tarps, umbrellas, rain gear
* Water Bottles
* Ensure
* school supplies and backpacks
* Formula (already premixed / ready to drink strongly preferred for
lack of sanitation / clean water)
* Other Basics like clothes, shoes, rainboots, non perishable foods,
bulk foods, etc.
Our local Amherst Mariaelena Garcia is working with AFYA and PIH and they have let her know what the current important needs are...this is her fourth supply drive -
There was an article in the gazette and Bulletin about her
* Awaiting information as to whether there will be boxes in Ft. River to collect supplies Friday afternoon... though if you can drive to Ft River Friday afternoon, 74 North Whitney Street is not that far away... it's about a 1/2 mile from Ft River - she has accepted donations left in her driveway even when she is not there if that is the only time you can stop by.
FROM FORT RIVER: - take a right on SouthEast Street as you exit the parking lot. At the light, take a LEFT on Main Street. Take your THIRD RIGHT onto North Whitney Street. # 74 is on the left on the corner of Clifton Avenue - take a left - her driveway is on Clifton
Avenue. Mariaelena Garcia - 222-1001.
(Leigh Salvage is coordinating Ft River efforts for Mariaelena - you can also contact Leigh (Matt's mom, 6th grade), at 230-3722 -home or 230-0806 - cell or We may be able to make a more organized / concerted effort for the next shipment which might be in another few weeks.)
Fort River Roasters by Dean's Beans Order Deadline Changed
The deadline for next
month's coffee orders has been postponed to Friday, April 9th. Also,
Dean's Beans is raising their prices somewhat as of April 1st.
A new order form with the new prices will be available soon!
A new order form with the new prices will be available soon!
Upcoming Community Events
Come dance with us at the Northampton Family Dance! Join us for our last dance of this season on Sunday, March 21, from 3 - 5 PM at First Churches, 129 Main St., Northampton (use Center Street entrance). Tim Van Egmond calls, with music by Susan Janssen & Becky Miller. Come enjoy easy, fun dances for children and families, from traditional American to international folk. All dances are taught, so no dance experience is necessary. Admission is $4 per person for ages 3 and up, free for ages 2 and under, $15 maximum per family. The Northampton Family Dance is held on the third Sunday of the month, November through March. For more information, please call Judy Stern (parent of Fort River third grader) at (413) 256-2613.
All are invited to attend a conference, Saving Our Schools: Defending Public Education, on Saturday, March 27, at UMass-Amherst in Thompson Hall, Room 102. Parents, students, community leaders, educators, activitsts, policy makers and anyone interested in the education and welfare of our children is encouraged to come. Pauline Lipman, author of High Stakes Education: Inequality, Globalization, and Urban School Reform, will be the keynote speaker. The event is co-sponsored by Citizens for Public Schools and the Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts (PHENOM). Come discuss public education funding, charter schools, high-stakes testing, privatization, education for Democracy, vocationalization and teachers under fire. To register online, click here. For more information, call 413-687-8150.
Fort River Parent Council will publish
information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please send your announcement no later than 5pm Wednesday for inclusion in the week's updates. Also note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please send your announcement no later than 5pm Wednesday for inclusion in the week's updates. Also note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Easy Ways to Earn $$$ for Fort River
Stop & Shopʼs A+ BonusBucks Program
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! This year's program program ended on March 25th. I will post the total for the year when available. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Contact Ann McLaughlin ( if you have any questions.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River. Last year Fort River parents earned $500 for Fort River by shopping at Atkins! Thanks to everyone who has been participating--and don't forget to keep using your card every time you go.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! This year's program program ended on March 25th. I will post the total for the year when available. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Contact Ann McLaughlin ( if you have any questions.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River. Last year Fort River parents earned $500 for Fort River by shopping at Atkins! Thanks to everyone who has been participating--and don't forget to keep using your card every time you go.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Upcoming School Events
Coffee with the Superintendent. Friday, March 19th at 1:30 pm in the Superintendent's Office at the Amherst Regional Middle School. See below for more information.
Town Election. March 23. MORE INFORMATION BELOW
Parent Council Meeting. Wed. March 24, 7-8pm. Fort River Library.
School Council Meeting. Thurs. March 25, 5-6pm. Fort River Conference Room.
Good Friday, April 2. No school.
Coffee with the Principals. Friday, Apr. 9, 2010. 8:30-9:15am. Fort River Cafeteria. Join Principal Sharick and Asst. Principal Kennedy-Marx for coffee, light refreshments and conversation. All parent/guardians invited, younger siblings welcome.
Science Night for Grades K,1, 2, and 3. Friday, Apr. 9, 6:30-7:30pm. Fort River Gym.
Fort River Roasters by Dean's Beans Coffee Orders Due. Friday, Apr. 9. See below for more info.
Book Swap. Week of April 12th. Parent Council is now collecting books! More info below.
Spring Vacation. April 19-23. No School.
Science Night for Grades 4, 5 & 6. Friday, April 30. 6:30-7:30pm. Fort River Gym.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Town Election. March 23. MORE INFORMATION BELOW
Parent Council Meeting. Wed. March 24, 7-8pm. Fort River Library.
School Council Meeting. Thurs. March 25, 5-6pm. Fort River Conference Room.
Good Friday, April 2. No school.
Coffee with the Principals. Friday, Apr. 9, 2010. 8:30-9:15am. Fort River Cafeteria. Join Principal Sharick and Asst. Principal Kennedy-Marx for coffee, light refreshments and conversation. All parent/guardians invited, younger siblings welcome.
Science Night for Grades K,1, 2, and 3. Friday, Apr. 9, 6:30-7:30pm. Fort River Gym.
Fort River Roasters by Dean's Beans Coffee Orders Due. Friday, Apr. 9. See below for more info.
Book Swap. Week of April 12th. Parent Council is now collecting books! More info below.
Spring Vacation. April 19-23. No School.
Science Night for Grades 4, 5 & 6. Friday, April 30. 6:30-7:30pm. Fort River Gym.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Mark Your Calendars: Fort River Science Night
Parent Council is sponsoring a series of two Science Nights to be held in April. Come watch demonstrations by the UMass
Science Outreach Club involving a Bed of Nails, Liquid Nitrogen, a Rocket Wagon
and more. Polymer Science inspired
artwork created by Fort River students will also be on display during these
evenings. There will be two nights–one geared toward older students, one geared towards younger ones.
Date: Friday,
April 9th Grades
K, 1, 2, 3
Friday, April 30th Grades 4, 5, 6
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Place: Fort River Gym
Friday, April 30th Grades 4, 5, 6
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Place: Fort River Gym
Coffee With the Superintendent at ARMS, Friday March 19, 1:30pm
Meet the newly appointed Interim Superintendent of Schools Maria Geryk on Friday, March 19th at 1:30 pm in the Superintendent's Office at the Amherst Regional Middle School. Take this opportunity to chat with the person who will continue the work of leading our schools. Join us Friday to ask questions and hear more about her vision for the future of our district. The entire community is welcome to this coffee co-hosted by the ARMS Family School Partnership.
Town Election Information

In addition to voting on the Proposition 2 1/2 Override, there are candidates running for many town offices.
The five candidates for School Committee have provided Parent Council with brief statements about their platforms. These statements have been sent home in the backpacks (Friday, 3/19). For a copy of this document, please click here.
Below is a list of candidates and issues (I have included links to campaign websites, when I have found them!--AFM):
Proposition 2 1/2 Override:
NO -
Amherst Select Board:
Alisa V. Brewer
James J. Wald
Amherst School Committee:
Kathleen Dequence Anderson
Ernest J. Dalkas
Richard Blake Hood
Vincent J. O'Connor
Robert A. Spence
Jones Library Trustee:
Emily G. Lewis
Kathleen Wang
Town Meeting Moderator: Harrison L. Gregg
Oliver Smith Will Elector: John W. Coull
All 10 precincts will be electing at least 8 Town Meeting Members to 3 year terms as well. You can view sample ballots on the Town of Amherst website here: (Click on "Absentee Ballots.")
You can also view conversations with the candidates for school committee as well as the League of Women Voters evening with the candidates on demand at the Amherst Community Television website.
Crocker Farm Dance-a-Thon, Friday March 19th
The Crocker Farm PGO invites all Amherst Elementary School students and their families to the playground dance party of the year this Friday, March 19th from 6 pm – 8:30 pm in the Crocker Farm cafeteria. It's a dance to raise money for the new CF playground and the night will be filled with great music from DJ Benny Black, Sibies pizza, baked treats and fun. Whether you have pledges or not, we hope to see you there! Questions? Contact the PGO at
We're Still Collecting Books for the Book Swap!
We need your BOOKS for the Fort River Book Swap. The
Swap will take place during the week of April 12. We will collect books through the first week of April, but the sooner we have your books the better!
Please donate your gently used books for ages K-6. Donate as many books as you like and keep in mind that we always have a shortage of books for 5th & 6th grade. Adult level books are often great for the older kids, but please be sure they are appropriate. Reference books, dictionaries, thesauruses are also welcome.
Collection boxes are near the Library entrances and outside the Main Office. THANK YOU!
Volunteers are needed for sorting, setting up, and working the Swap. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Please donate your gently used books for ages K-6. Donate as many books as you like and keep in mind that we always have a shortage of books for 5th & 6th grade. Adult level books are often great for the older kids, but please be sure they are appropriate. Reference books, dictionaries, thesauruses are also welcome.
Collection boxes are near the Library entrances and outside the Main Office. THANK YOU!
Volunteers are needed for sorting, setting up, and working the Swap. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Reminder: MCAS Testing Starts Next Week
The first round of MCAS tests will be starting next week for grades 3, 4 and 5. The schedule is posted on the Fort River website here:
Here are some tips for test-taking success:
Here are some tips for test-taking success:
For Parents and Guardians
• On time arrivals at school are essential to best student outcomes on testing days. A late arriving student may be prohibited from taking the test on the scheduled day and have to take it on a scheduled makeup day.
• Be sure your child/ren observe routine and early bedtimes for at least
48 hours ahead of testing. Well rested children have more focused
energy to devote to the challenges associated with testing!
• Ensure a healthy breakfast on testing days. Protein (rather than sugar cereals) will keep your child’s energy and attending focused.
• Support an “I Can and I will” test taking attitude. Students who identify as capable learners and combine that with effective effort are poised to show what they know!
Fort River Roasters by Dean's Beans Order Deadline Changed
The deadline for next month's coffee orders has been postponed to Friday, April 9th. Also, Dean's Beans is raising their prices somewhat as of April 1st.
A new order form with the new prices will be available by the end of next week!
A new order form with the new prices will be available by the end of next week!
Multi-Arts Raffle to Benefit Crocker Farm Playground
Multi-Arts is pleased to announce a raffle with all proceeds
benefiting the Crocker Farm Playground Initiative. Each raffle ticket
costs $15. The winner will receive a free Multi-Arts camp session (up
to a $585 value) good for summer 2010. The raffle runs until May 4th.
For more information, please contact Multi-Arts at or the Crocker Farm PGO at
To buy tickets on line visit:
For more information, please contact Multi-Arts at or the Crocker Farm PGO at
To buy tickets on line visit:
Easy Ways to Earn $$$ for Fort River
Stop & Shopʼs A+ BonusBucks Program
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! This year's program program ends on March 25th. So far this year, Fort River has earned $499.80 with 123 people participating. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Contact Ann McLaughlin ( if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River. Last year Fort River parents earned $500 for Fort River by shopping at Atkins! Thanks to everyone who has been participating--and don't forget to keep using your card every time you go.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! This year's program program ends on March 25th. So far this year, Fort River has earned $499.80 with 123 people participating. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Contact Ann McLaughlin ( if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River. Last year Fort River parents earned $500 for Fort River by shopping at Atkins! Thanks to everyone who has been participating--and don't forget to keep using your card every time you go.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Upcoming School Events
Teacher Curriculum
Workday. Monday, March 15. No School.
Town Election. March 23. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for more information.
Parent Council Meeting. Wed. March 24, 7-8pm. Fort River Library.
School Council Meeting. Thurs. March 25, 5-6pm. FR Conference Room.
Book Swap. Week of April 12th. Start collecting your books! More info below.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Town Election. March 23. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for more information.
Parent Council Meeting. Wed. March 24, 7-8pm. Fort River Library.
School Council Meeting. Thurs. March 25, 5-6pm. FR Conference Room.
Book Swap. Week of April 12th. Start collecting your books! More info below.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Volunteers Needed for 5th and 6th Grade Shows
Fort River music teacher Anne White could use help from fifth and sixth grade parents, one from each class. She could use a parent volunteer to help with the fifth grade show about immigration, and the sixth grade show called "World Beat" about music and dance from around the world. Practice is usually during regularly scheduled music class time. Any interested volunteers should contact Anne White directly.
Bring In Your Books for the Book Swap!
We need your BOOKS for the Fort River Book Swap
The Book Swap will take place during the week of April 12. Every student will choose books to bring home without spending a dime!
The number of books they receive depends on your donations.
Please donate your gently used books for ages K-6.
Donate as many books as you like and keep in mind that we always havea shortage of books for 5th & 6th grade. Adult level books are often great for the older kids, but please be sure they are appropriate. Reference books, dictionaries, thesauruses are also welcome.
Collection boxes are near the Library entrances and outside the Main Office. We will collect books through the first week of April, but the sooner we have your books the better!
Volunteers are needed for sorting, setting up, and working the Swap. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
The Book Swap will take place during the week of April 12. Every student will choose books to bring home without spending a dime!
The number of books they receive depends on your donations.
Please donate your gently used books for ages K-6.
Donate as many books as you like and keep in mind that we always havea shortage of books for 5th & 6th grade. Adult level books are often great for the older kids, but please be sure they are appropriate. Reference books, dictionaries, thesauruses are also welcome.
Collection boxes are near the Library entrances and outside the Main Office. We will collect books through the first week of April, but the sooner we have your books the better!
Volunteers are needed for sorting, setting up, and working the Swap. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Multi-Arts Raffle to Benefit Crocker Farm Playground!
Multi-Arts is pleased to announce a raffle with all proceeds benefiting the Crocker Farm Playground Initiative. Each raffle ticket costs $15. The winner will receive a free Multi-Arts camp session (up to a $585 value) good for summer 2010. The raffle runs until May 4th.
For more information, please contact Multi-Arts at or the Crocker Farm PGO at
To buy tickets on line visit:
For more information, please contact Multi-Arts at or the Crocker Farm PGO at
To buy tickets on line visit:
Amherst Education Foundation Challenge
BREAKING NEWS: The Amherst Education Foundation has been challenged! Please join your community in support of our schools and help AEF meet an exciting challenge. We are trying to raise $10,000 by midnight on Monday, March 15 in order to qualify for a $5,000 matching challenge grant.
We are about half way towards meeting our goal. Please make a gift of any amount before midnight on Monday!!
You can get more information about the great projects your donation will help support in 2010 at AEF’s website and you can give online there, too! But don't put it off--we need your help TODAY to meet the challenge. Thank you!
We are about half way towards meeting our goal. Please make a gift of any amount before midnight on Monday!!
You can get more information about the great projects your donation will help support in 2010 at AEF’s website and you can give online there, too! But don't put it off--we need your help TODAY to meet the challenge. Thank you!
Click on image to enlarge.
Stop & Shop A+ Bonusbucks News
The Stop & Shop A+ Bonusbucks program is (amazingly!) soon coming to an end for the 2009-2010 school year. There are only a couple more weeks until the program ends on March 25th. So far this year, Fort River has earned $499.80 with 123 people participating.
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to register with the program, and don't forget to use your card at Stop & Shop in the next couple of weeks! --Ann McLaughlin
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to register with the program, and don't forget to use your card at Stop & Shop in the next couple of weeks! --Ann McLaughlin
Upcoming Community Events
Music Together® for Valley Families:
March 9 -19, 2010: Free sample classes of Music Together® for Valley Families, offering this internationally recognized parent/child music enrichment program at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Amherst, All Saint’s Episcopal Church in South Hadley, The Congregational Church Parish House in Belchertown, The South Deerfield Congregational Church and the new Intergenerational class at Birch Manor Nursing Home in Chicopee. Each semester 45 minute classes meet for 10 weeks as participants share songs, instrument play, rhythm chants, and movement activities in a relaxed, playful, nonperformance-oriented setting. Call (413) 259-9400 or see for more information. Please call for class times and to reserve a space.
Through March 22, 2010: It is registration time for Spring classes at Music Together® for Valley Families, offering weekly sessions of this internationally recognized parent/child music enrichment program. Locations are at The Congregational Church Parish House in Belchertown, All Saint’s Episcopal Church in So. Hadley, in Amherst at Immanuel Lutheran Church, at The South Deerfield Congregational Church and the new Intergenerational class at Birch Manor Nursing Home in Chicopee. Each semester 45 minute classes meet for 10 weeks as participants share songs, instrument play, rhythm chants, and movement activities in a relaxed, playful, nonperformance-oriented setting. Classes are held on various days and times. Call (413) 259-9400 or view their web site: to register and receive more information.
Come dance with us at the Northampton Family Dance! Join us for our last dance of this season on Sunday, March 21, from 3 - 5 PM at First Churches, 129 Main St., Northampton (use Center Street entrance). Tim Van Egmond calls, with music by Susan Janssen & Becky Miller. Come enjoy easy, fun dances for children and families, from traditional American to international folk. All dances are taught, so no dance experience is necessary. Admission is $4 per person for ages 3 and up, free for ages 2 and under, $15 maximum per family. The Northampton Family Dance is held on the third Sunday of the month, November through March. For more information, please call Judy Stern (parent of Fort River third grader) at (413) 256-2613.
This is where you can help! Each year, the Amherst Hurricane Boosters hosts a gala event--Monte Carlo Night--to raise money for all the athletic clubs. This year's event will be held on March 13th and is a true night on the town. Complete information on Monte Carlo night can be found at Tickets ($25 in advance and $30 at the door).
P.S. The Amherst Hurricane Boosters are now on Facebook...become a fan!
Family Outreach "Salute to Families"
Where magic happens:
Improv. class with Multi-Arts, a safe and positive environment.
Amherst High School.
Begins this Thursday 5-6 pm. Room 112
Film class
Amherst High School.
Thursdays from 4-5, room 112
For more info visit:
All are invited to attend a conference, Saving Our Schools: Defending Public Education, on Saturday, March 27, at UMass-Amherst in Thompson Hall, Room 102. Parents, students, community leaders, educators, activitsts, policy makers and anyone interested in the education and welfare of our children is encouraged to come. Pauline Lipman, author of High Stakes Education: Inequality, Globalization, and Urban School Reform, will be the keynote speaker. The event is co-sponsored by Citizens for Public Schools and the Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts (PHENOM). Come discuss public education funding, charter schools, high-stakes testing, privatization, education for Democracy, vocationalization and teachers under fire. To register online, click here. For more information, call 413-687-8150.
Fort River Parent Council will publish
information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please send your announcement no later than 5pm Wednesday for inclusion in the week's updates. Also note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please send your announcement no later than 5pm Wednesday for inclusion in the week's updates. Also note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Easy Ways to Earn $$$ for Fort River
Stop & Shopʼs A+ BonusBucks Program
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! It's not too late to sign up! This is an easy way to raise money with absolutely no cost to you. However, for Fort River to receive credit you need to re-designate Fort River each year. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit Fort River ID # 05218. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. And, if you sign up anytime in the month of January, ALL your purchases for the month will be counted! We need your support! Contact Ann McLaughlin ( if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River. Last year Fort River parents earned $500 for Fort River by shopping at Atkins! Thanks to everyone who has been participating--and don't forget to keep using your card every time you go.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! It's not too late to sign up! This is an easy way to raise money with absolutely no cost to you. However, for Fort River to receive credit you need to re-designate Fort River each year. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit Fort River ID # 05218. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. And, if you sign up anytime in the month of January, ALL your purchases for the month will be counted! We need your support! Contact Ann McLaughlin ( if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River. Last year Fort River parents earned $500 for Fort River by shopping at Atkins! Thanks to everyone who has been participating--and don't forget to keep using your card every time you go.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Town Election Information
The next town election will take place on TUESDAY March 23rd.
In addition to voting on the Proposition 2 1/2 Override, there are candidates running for many town offices.
There are several ways of learning more about the candidates:
Thursday 3/11, Noon - 1pm @ ARMS - The Family-School Parntership is hosting a Meet The School Committee Candidates Brown Bag Lunch at ARMS.
Thursday 3/11 7-9pm - League of Women Voters host the candidates for all town offices at ARMS.
Here is a list of candidates and issues (I have included links to campaign websites, when I have found them!--AFM):
Proposition 2 1/2 Override:
NO -
Amherst Select Board:
Alisa V. Brewer
James J. Wald
Amherst School Committee:
Kathleen Dequence Anderson
Ernest J. Dalkas
Richard Blake Hood
Vincent J. O'Connor
Robert A. Spence
Jones Library Trustee:
Emily G. Lewis
Kathleen Wang
Town Meeting Moderator: Harrison L. Gregg
Oliver Smith Will Elector: John W. Coull
All 10 precincts will be electing at least 8 Town Meeting Members to 3 year terms as well. You can view sample ballots on the Town of Amherst website here:
In addition to voting on the Proposition 2 1/2 Override, there are candidates running for many town offices.
There are several ways of learning more about the candidates:
Thursday 3/11, Noon - 1pm @ ARMS - The Family-School Parntership is hosting a Meet The School Committee Candidates Brown Bag Lunch at ARMS.
Thursday 3/11 7-9pm - League of Women Voters host the candidates for all town offices at ARMS.
Here is a list of candidates and issues (I have included links to campaign websites, when I have found them!--AFM):
Proposition 2 1/2 Override:
NO -
Amherst Select Board:
Alisa V. Brewer
James J. Wald
Amherst School Committee:
Kathleen Dequence Anderson
Ernest J. Dalkas
Richard Blake Hood
Vincent J. O'Connor
Robert A. Spence
Jones Library Trustee:
Emily G. Lewis
Kathleen Wang
Town Meeting Moderator: Harrison L. Gregg
Oliver Smith Will Elector: John W. Coull
All 10 precincts will be electing at least 8 Town Meeting Members to 3 year terms as well. You can view sample ballots on the Town of Amherst website here:
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Upcoming School Events
Dean's Beans Coffee
order form.
Coffee with the Principals. Friday, March 5. 8:30-9:45am. Come to the cafeteria for coffee, light refreshments, and conversation with Fort River parents, Principal Sharick and Asst. Principal Kennedy-Marx. Younger siblings are welcome to attend.
Teacher Curriculum Workday. Monday, March 15. No School.
Town Election. March 23.
Parent Council Meeting. Wed. March 24, 7-8pm. Fort River Library.
Book Swap. Week of April 12th. Start collecting your books! More info below.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Coffee with the Principals. Friday, March 5. 8:30-9:45am. Come to the cafeteria for coffee, light refreshments, and conversation with Fort River parents, Principal Sharick and Asst. Principal Kennedy-Marx. Younger siblings are welcome to attend.
Teacher Curriculum Workday. Monday, March 15. No School.
Town Election. March 23.
Parent Council Meeting. Wed. March 24, 7-8pm. Fort River Library.
Book Swap. Week of April 12th. Start collecting your books! More info below.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Books Wanted for the Book Swap!
We need your BOOKS for the Fort River Book Swap
The Book Swap will take place during the week of April 12. Every student will choose books to bring home without spending a dime!
The number of books they receive depends on your donations.
Please donate your gently used books for ages K-6.
Donate as many books as you like and keep in mind that we always havea shortage of books for 5th & 6th grade. Adult level books are often great for the older kids, but please be sure they are appropriate. Reference books, dictionaries, thesauruses are also welcome.
Collection boxes are near the Library entrances and outside the Main Office. We will collect books through the first week of April, but the sooner we have your books the better!
Volunteers are needed for sorting, setting up, and working the Swap. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
The Book Swap will take place during the week of April 12. Every student will choose books to bring home without spending a dime!
The number of books they receive depends on your donations.
Please donate your gently used books for ages K-6.
Donate as many books as you like and keep in mind that we always havea shortage of books for 5th & 6th grade. Adult level books are often great for the older kids, but please be sure they are appropriate. Reference books, dictionaries, thesauruses are also welcome.
Collection boxes are near the Library entrances and outside the Main Office. We will collect books through the first week of April, but the sooner we have your books the better!
Volunteers are needed for sorting, setting up, and working the Swap. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Volunteer to Help with 6th Grade Graduation
Dear Sixth Grade Parents/Guardians,
Please click on the link below if you would like to volunteer to help out with the graduation this year.
Some of you may have already filled out a volunteer request form but we are asking you to check this "PleaseBringIt" sign up sheet to verify that we have added your name to the list.
You are welcome to add your name to more than one Committee.
Please feel free to contact either Lynn Logan at or Gloria McCann if you have any questions.
Thank you.
6th Grade Graduation Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet:
Please click on the link below if you would like to volunteer to help out with the graduation this year.
Some of you may have already filled out a volunteer request form but we are asking you to check this "PleaseBringIt" sign up sheet to verify that we have added your name to the list.
You are welcome to add your name to more than one Committee.
Please feel free to contact either Lynn Logan at or Gloria McCann if you have any questions.
Thank you.
6th Grade Graduation Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet:
Crocker Farm Dance-a-Thon Sign-Up Sheets Due
Please remember to return your Dance-a-Thon sign up sheet to your school as soon as possible to help Crocker Farm with planning. Dance-a-Thon Pledge Sheets will be sent home on Monday, March 8th. Bring those with you, along with all your pledge money, to the dance on Friday, March 19th, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This will be the largest playground fundraiser Crocker Farm is planning and we need everyone's participation to make it a success! Don't like to dance? Just join us, listen to good music, and enjoy our pizza and dessert tables!
Becky Demling
Crocker Farm PGO Co-Chair
FYI- CF will pick up all sheets tomorrow afternoon from each school. Thanks for your support!
Becky Demling
Crocker Farm PGO Co-Chair
FYI- CF will pick up all sheets tomorrow afternoon from each school. Thanks for your support!
Attention 6th Grade Families: Family Fun Night at ARMS!
Dear 6th Grade Families:
Check out this wonderful opportunity for your family to visit Amherst Regional Middle School:
Come join us THIS FRIDAY (March 5) from 6:00-8:00 for Family Fun Night. Here’s what you’ll find:
Great opportunity to check out the middle school! Find out about after school clubs, FSP, meet other families, and enjoy fun food and entertainment.
So, come have fun, learn about ARMS, and help our school! We hope to see you and your family there!!
Forward this to other 6th grade parents that might want to learn more about our school!
The Family School Partnership
Family Fun Night Committee
Check out this wonderful opportunity for your family to visit Amherst Regional Middle School:
Come join us THIS FRIDAY (March 5) from 6:00-8:00 for Family Fun Night. Here’s what you’ll find:
- Great food! We’ll be serving an inexpensive pizza dinner and delicious home baked goodies at our bake sale;
- Great entertainment! Dramatic and musical performances bystudents in the ARMS after school clubs;
- Great raffle prizes! Gift certificates to restaurants, movie theater, hair salons, itunes; jewelry; toys; and more!
- Great chance to support FSP! Proceeds from this event will support the Family School Partnership (the PTO of the middle school). What do we do with all that money? FSP supports programs that will enrich your student’s middle school experience through:
o Scholars-in-residence – authors and artists visit ARMS and work directly with students;
o After school clubs – Art Club, Latin Club, Girls Eye View photography club, Engineering Club, Rock and Roll Club, and many more. Run by teachers!
o Teacher grants – to support special projects such as the school garden, class trips, special classroom supplies etc;
o Principal coffees – parent meetings with the principal to share ideas/concerns/questions;
o Community events – just like Family Fun Night!
Great opportunity to check out the middle school! Find out about after school clubs, FSP, meet other families, and enjoy fun food and entertainment.
So, come have fun, learn about ARMS, and help our school! We hope to see you and your family there!!
Forward this to other 6th grade parents that might want to learn more about our school!
The Family School Partnership
Family Fun Night Committee
Meet the AEF Challenge!
The Amherst Education Foundation is excited to announce a great opportunity to support our students, teachers and schools!
There's much more info and an opportunity to donate at
There's much more info and an opportunity to donate at
Click on image to enlarge.
School Committee Approves 2010-2011 School Calendar
The school committee has approved a calendar for the 2010-2011 school year. The first day
for students in grades 1 - 12 will be Thursday, September 2, 2010.
Kindergarten students will begin on Tuesday, September 7.
The earliest last day of school is June 16, 2011. With five snow days, the school year would end on June 23.
The earliest last day of school is June 16, 2011. With five snow days, the school year would end on June 23.
Click on image to enlarge.
You can also view next year's school calendar at this link: .Scholarship Opportunity from the Mass. State Treasurer's Office
Treasurer Tim Cahill's Financial Education Department has teamed up
with Liberty Bay Credit Union and WBZ-FM 98.5 "The Sports Hub," for the
"Saving For Your Future" Contest.
Students in grades K-12 are encouraged to complete an essay about the importance of saving for higher education. Each week during the regular season three winning essays will be selected!
One Grand Prize Winner will be chosen from the finalists and will receive a scholarship based on the amount of Boston hockey saves for the 2010 season and a special guest appearance at the grand prize winner’s school by Boston goalie Tim Thomas. Contest ends April 12th.
Please click here for more information and entry form.
Students in grades K-12 are encouraged to complete an essay about the importance of saving for higher education. Each week during the regular season three winning essays will be selected!
One Grand Prize Winner will be chosen from the finalists and will receive a scholarship based on the amount of Boston hockey saves for the 2010 season and a special guest appearance at the grand prize winner’s school by Boston goalie Tim Thomas. Contest ends April 12th.
Please click here for more information and entry form.
Fort River Thanks Summerlin Floors
A BIG Fort River "Thank You" to Summerlin Floors for the wonderful work they did in repairing our library carpet. Having the carpet in good repair creates a safe and welcoming space for the children to develop their love of books and learning. We truly appreciate Summerlin’s commitment to our community and our kids.
Jumpathon Thank You
Our Fort River Jumpathon was a huge success. The students raised $8,183.25 for the American Heart Association! Many thanks to all the dedicated parent volunteers who helped organize and count the donations. It was heart-warming to see the parents and staff who came and jumped with the children. Please continue to encourage your child to establish a healthy lifestyle by including physical activity in their daily lives. Support the fight against heart attack and stroke.
Our school will receive $400.00 worth of free P.E. equipment for our donations.
Special CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Sautter’s and Ms. Yeh’s classes for each donating $952.00!
Yours in fitness,
Dianna Spaulding
Our school will receive $400.00 worth of free P.E. equipment for our donations.
Special CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Sautter’s and Ms. Yeh’s classes for each donating $952.00!
Yours in fitness,
Dianna Spaulding
Upcoming Community Events
Romance Flamenco: March 5 & 6. For information and to buy tickets online visit:és.html.
Click on image to enlarge.
Music Together® for Valley Families:
March 9 -19, 2010: Free sample classes of Music Together® for Valley Families, offering this internationally recognized parent/child music enrichment program at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Amherst, All Saint’s Episcopal Church in South Hadley, The Congregational Church Parish House in Belchertown, The South Deerfield Congregational Church and the new Intergenerational class at Birch Manor Nursing Home in Chicopee. Each semester 45 minute classes meet for 10 weeks as participants share songs, instrument play, rhythm chants, and movement activities in a relaxed, playful, nonperformance-oriented setting. Call (413) 259-9400 or see for more information. Please call for class times and to reserve a space.
Through March 22, 2010: It is registration time for Spring classes at Music Together® for Valley Families, offering weekly sessions of this internationally recognized parent/child music enrichment program. Locations are at The Congregational Church Parish House in Belchertown, All Saint’s Episcopal Church in So. Hadley, in Amherst at Immanuel Lutheran Church, at The South Deerfield Congregational Church and the new Intergenerational class at Birch Manor Nursing Home in Chicopee. Each semester 45 minute classes meet for 10 weeks as participants share songs, instrument play, rhythm chants, and movement activities in a relaxed, playful, nonperformance-oriented setting. Classes are held on various days and times. Call (413) 259-9400 or view their web site: to register and receive more information.
Multi-Arts Program For Teens: Get that creative energy focused and share it with the world.

2. Be part of a video production workshop: "create a movie to be watched by the whole world".
3. Learn to tap your strengths to move around the world: Improvisation with Multi-Arts.
Video: Thursday 4:00 p.m.
Improv: Thursday 5:00 p.m.
Playwriting: Friday 3:15 p.m.
Where: Amherst High School. Workshops starts: March 4 through May 27. The cost of each workshop is $120. Choice of two is $200. (Financial Aid available) To register, please send payment with your contact information (your name, child's name & age, phone, email address) to: Multi-Arts, P.O. Box 108, Hadley MA 01035.
This is where you can help! Each year, the Amherst Hurricane Boosters hosts a gala event--Monte Carlo Night--to raise money for all the athletic clubs. This year's event will be held on March 13th and is a true night on the town. Complete information on Monte Carlo night can be found at Tickets ($25 in advance and $30 at the door).
P.S. The Amherst Hurricane Boosters are now on Facebook...become a fan!
Fort River Parent Council will publish
information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please send your announcement no later than 5pm Wednesday for inclusion in the week's updates. Also note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please send your announcement no later than 5pm Wednesday for inclusion in the week's updates. Also note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Easy Ways to Earn $$$ for Fort River
Stop & Shopʼs A+ BonusBucks Program
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! It's not too late to sign up! This is an easy way to raise money with absolutely no cost to you. However, for Fort River to receive credit you need to re-designate Fort River each year. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit Fort River ID # 05218. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. And, if you sign up anytime in the month of January, ALL your purchases for the month will be counted! We need your support! Contact Ann McLaughlin ( if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River. Last year Fort River parents earned $500 for Fort River by shopping at Atkins! Thanks to everyone who has been participating--and don't forget to keep using your card every time you go.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! It's not too late to sign up! This is an easy way to raise money with absolutely no cost to you. However, for Fort River to receive credit you need to re-designate Fort River each year. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit Fort River ID # 05218. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. And, if you sign up anytime in the month of January, ALL your purchases for the month will be counted! We need your support! Contact Ann McLaughlin ( if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River. Last year Fort River parents earned $500 for Fort River by shopping at Atkins! Thanks to everyone who has been participating--and don't forget to keep using your card every time you go.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
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