Thursday, March 4, 2010

Crocker Farm Dance-a-Thon Sign-Up Sheets Due

Please remember to return your Dance-a-Thon sign up sheet to your school as soon as possible to help Crocker Farm with planning.  Dance-a-Thon Pledge Sheets will be sent home on Monday, March 8th.  Bring those with you, along with all your pledge money, to the dance on Friday, March 19th, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.  This will be the largest playground fundraiser Crocker Farm is planning and we need everyone's participation to make it a success!   Don't like to dance?  Just join us, listen to good music, and enjoy our pizza and dessert tables!

Becky Demling
Crocker Farm PGO Co-Chair

FYI-  CF will pick up all sheets tomorrow afternoon from each school.  Thanks for your support!