Thursday, December 16, 2010


See below for more pictures of the event

to the many volunteers and guests who made last week's Book Fair and Thursday evening's FORT RIVER READS: Book Event & Community Marketplace a huge success! The Scholastic Book Fair generated a school record of over $8000 in sales. As a result, Scholastic will provide our library with at least $4000 worth of credit towards books and other educational materials!

A round of applause goes to Diane Caraker, Carol Slaughter, and Sue Borden for all their hard work at the Book Fair. Many thanks also go to volunteers: Jon Kurtz, Nancy Stewart, Becky Schneider, Sarah Thompson, Kathy Niedzielski, Frieda Alker, Mark Dooley, Jean MacKimmie, Libby Stanforth, Stacy Simonson, Deb Leonard, Kathryn Mahony, Myles Cunningham, Devaiah Vytla, Shubha Tewari, Becky, Elizabeth & Laura Caraker.

We are proud that our generous Fort River community donated over $400 in teacher requested books. The PGO is also pleased to have provided over $500 in scholarships to our students.

Click on picture for larger view.

THANK YOU to the Thursday evening team!

Shari Abbott, for coordinating the Community Marketplace.
Rolf and Cindy Nelson, for making the most delicious chili and serving it up with a smile!
(Keep an eye out for the Nelsons' new restaurant, the Lumberyard, coming soon to Amherst.)
Kathy Brennan, for cooking up the veggie chili.
Erin Cherewatti, for coordinating and staffing the bake sale.
Ali Wicks-Lim and Maria Polino, for brewing and selling Fort River Roasters (Dean's Beans).
Atkins Farms and Libby Stanforth, for donating the Atkins Apple Cider.
Peter Wolfwood, for managing the Winter Sports Swap.
Chris Felton, Becky Michaels, Kathleen Traphagen, and Alana Atkinson, for helping out where needed!

Thank you also to our Community Marketplace vendors:
Catalina and Ines Arrubla
Diane Caraker
Karen Cardozo
Todd Felton
Rebecca Fricke
Rebecca Guay
Emma Knight
Pam Lewis
Lisa Oram
Lisa Pope
Judy Stern

Many thanks to our vendors for contributions made to the PGO Library fund on this evening!

This event was great fun and we look forward to doing it again next year!

Pam Rietkerk, PGO President & Michele Spirko, PGO Vice President

Lost and Found: This is Your Last Chance!

Your last chance to claim lost and found items! Lost and found items will be on a table in the lobby through Dec. 21st. Any unclaimed items will be given to Survival Center.

Questions? Contact Sue Cairn at

Multi-Arts Winter Program Registration

MULTI-ARTS open registration for its WINTER PROGRAMS 2011


WEDNESDAYS • 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ten Classes: $120
Munson Library, South Amherst

FRIDAYS • 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Ten Classes: $120
Fort River Elementary School, Amherst


WEDNESDAYS • 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Ten Classes: $120
Munson Library, South Amherst

FRIDAYS • 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Ten Classes: $120
Fort River Elementary School, Amherst



WEDNESDAYS • 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
January 5 through March 16
Munson Library, South Amherst

FRIDAYS • 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
January 7 through March 18
Fort River Elementary School, Amherst

To register contact Catalina at or call 413-5847951.

Please note: Not sponsored by the FR PGO.

Friday, December 10, 2010

AEF Holiday Appreciation Gifts in Honor of Special Teachers and Staff

Join the Amherst Education Foundation (AEF) in celebrating our teachers and supporting our schools!

Click here or check your child’s backpack for the flyer on how to make a holiday gift to AEF and honor teachers and/or staff. Your honored teacher or staff person will get a personalized gift card letting them know of your thoughtfulness. General end of year contributions to AEF are also welcome and appreciated! Last year, AEF gave over $40,000 to the Amherst-Pelham Regional Schools to support teachers in all 8 schools to enhance the educational experience of our children. For more information, visit

Nominations Invited for 1st Annual Norma Jean Anderson Award

Members of the Amherst elementary and regional school community are invited to nominate a teacher, administrator or staff member of the schools for the new Dr. Norma Jean Anderson Award. The award will recognize a school employee who “promotes the ideals of a just and respectful community built on compassionate relationships.” The award is presented as “part of the on-going work to remove systemic privilege based on race and class in our schools”. It is presented by RaDAR (Race and Discipline Action Rights), a local group that is committed to promoting social justice and excellence in the schools.

This is the first year of what will be an annual award. It will be presented at the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast in Amherst, January 15, 2011.

The late Dr. Norma Jean Anderson was a dean at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a leader in addressing issues of educational diversity, opportunity and access. She was instrumental in mentoring over 300 graduates from the School of Education. She was a long-time community advocate for justice and equity. She was a co-founder of the NAACP chapter in Amherst and of Hope Church in Amherst.

Nominations should be sent to RaDAR in care of Reynolds Winslow at: They must be received by Noon, December 28th.

Those interested in making a nomination can obtain more information from Reynolds Winslow, Jackie Wolf (, Russ Vernon-Jones (, or at

Amahl and the Night Visitors at Immanuel Lutheran Church

This is a family-friendly production which includes three Fort River students in the cast!

Zumba Fitness Class at Amherst Ballet

Zumba Fitness with Zulma Rivera

Parents need to exercise and have fun too!

Check out these two opportunities at Amherst Ballet.

Let's workout with Latin rhythms and flavor!!!

You don't even have to know how to dance,
Just move your body and follow my lead.
Currently I'm licensed to to teach and
I am waiting for YOU to join the class.
Every Class feels like a party!

Sunday 9:30 to 10:30 am
Starts Novemebr 21st.
Amherst Ballet Studios.
$5 per class and the 10th class is free!

For more information
Zulma Rivera
or call 413-546-2059

Pilates with Catherine Fair: Director of Amherst Ballet.

There are only a few more classes left in this session. But why not try a great class.
Fridays 10:30 am to 11:45 am.   $10/class.
Call 549-1555 to register or stop by on you way out of Wildwood: 29 Strong Street.

Please note: this event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


On Thursday, December 9 from 6-8pm the PGO Presents:

Book Event & Community Marketplace

Your family is invited to an open house style evening featuring great books from Scholastic, music, homemade chili, pizza, baked goods, cider and coffee, and the opportunity to shop at a marketplace featuring FR businesses and artisans. (Chili and cornbread dinner $2, pizza slices $1, and baked goods for sale.)

This special event will include the Book Fair collection, as well as many new titles, popular book sets, and fun merchandise from Scholastic only available on this evening.

Marketplace vendors will include:

Lisa Pope, Pampered Chef consultant
Bedscape Design, Fiber art by Rebecca Fricke
Original Works by Multi-Arts
Judy Stern, Amigos de Los Niños con Bendicion
Lbaggies by Pam and Matt Lewis  
Todd Felton, travel writer and photographer

Rebecca Guay, professional artist of children’s books, graphic novels, and book covers
Show of Cards, a folk/rock/Dutch pop band selling their original CD “Leap Year”
Ellare Books, children’s books distributed by Diane Caraker

Our generous vendors will contribute a portion of sales to the Fort River Library.

And don't forget that the Winter Sports Swap takes place this evening (See below for more information).

Please join us for this new event celebrating literacy and community and raise money for our beloved Library.

Fort River Roasters by Deans Beans Order Form

The monthly orders for Dean's Beans are due Friday, December 10th. Please send your forms into school with your child or bring your orders to the PGO mailbox in the main office at school.

You can download the order form here:  Fort River Roasters Order Form.

Please note that an outdated link for the form has been inadvertently sent out in the calendar event email reminders. The correct form above has updated prices. Please be sure that the form you send in has coffee prices starting at $9.00 per pound. Thanks and sorry for the mix-up!

Fort River Winter Sports Swap

The annual Fort River Winter Sports Swap will take place from 6-8pm on the evening of Thursday, December 9 at the Book Event and Community Marketplace. Please bring your used winter/sports gear and clothing--coats, hats, gloves, boots, skates, ski equipment, etc. to Fort River anytime between 3-6pm. Everyone in the community is invited to come by after 6pm and take anything they need. This is a FREE exchange--you do not need to bring anything to participate in the Winter Sports Swap. This is a great way to clean out your winter clothing/equipment or stock up on gear for growing kids! Questions? Contact Peter Wood at

Coffee with the Principal/Math Curriculum Discussion, Friday Dec. 10

Please join us for Coffee with the Principal at 8:30-9:30am in the cafeteria next Friday (Dec. 10th).

There will be an informal discussion of the elementary math curriculum with Pam Szczesny.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


On Thursday, December 9 from 6-8pm the PGO Presents:

Book Event & Community Marketplace

Your family is invited to an open house style evening featuring great books from Scholastic, music, homemade chili, pizza, baked goods, cider and coffee, and the opportunity to shop at a marketplace featuring FR businesses and artisans. (Chili and cornbread dinner $2, pizza slices $1, and baked goods for sale.)

This special event will include the Book Fair collection, as well as many new titles, popular book sets, and fun merchandise from Scholastic only available on this evening.

Marketplace vendors will include:

Lisa Pope, Pampered Chef consultant
Bedscape Design, Fiber art by Rebecca Fricke
Original Works by Multi-Arts
Judy Stern, Amigos de Los Niños con Bendicion
Lbaggies by Pam and Matt Lewis  
Todd Felton, travel writer and photographer

Rebecca Guay, professional artist of children’s books, graphic novels, and book covers
Show of Cards, a folk/rock/Dutch pop band selling their original CD “Leap Year”
Ellare Books, children’s books distributed by Diane Caraker

Our generous vendors will contribute a portion of sales to the Fort River Library.

And don't forget that the Winter Sports Swap takes place this evening (See below for more information).

Please join us for this new event celebrating literacy and community and raise money for our beloved Library.

To volunteer to work at the Book Fair on this evening, please click here and scroll down to Thursday evening to sign up for a shift.

To volunteer to bake for the bake sale, please click here

Scholastic Book Fair: Dec. 7-9.

Families are welcome to visit next week's Book Fair with their child’s class or send cash in an envelope or a check payable to Fort River PGO. If you send a check, please designate on the memo line a maximum purchase amount. Credit/debit cards are also accepted. 6.25% sales tax will be added to totals. Check out the Scholastic flyer that came home today and please know this is only a sampling of books that may be available at the Fair.

We want every child to go home with a book! Limited scholarships are available. Please contact guidance counselor Justin Gianesin at 362-1200 to request a scholarship. Scholarships are good for one book at a cost of $7.00 or less. If you would like to make a donation to the Scholarship Fund look for the collection jar at checkout.

Teacher book wish lists will be at the cashier’s table if you would like to purchase a book for a classroom. Teachers truly appreciate the generosity of our community!

Volunteers Still Needed
We still need a few volunteers for shifts during daytime classroom visits or during the evening Book Fair at our new FORT RIVER READS!!! Book Event & Community Marketplace.

Diane Caraker ( 413-687-8333
Carol Slaughter ( 413-253-9920
All profits from our Scholastic Book Fair directly support the Fort River Library! Every child at Fort River will benefit from your participation in this great community event!


Winter Sports Swap During the FORT RIVER READS!!! Book Event and Community Marketplace

The annual Fort River Winter Sports Swap will take place from 6-8pm on the evening of Thursday, December 9 at the Book Event and Community Marketplace. Please bring your used winter/sports gear and clothing--coats, hats, gloves, boots, skates, ski equipment, etc. to Fort River anytime between 3-6pm. Everyone in the community is invited to come by after 6pm and take anything they need. This is a FREE exchange--you do not need to bring anything to participate in the Winter Sports Swap. This is a great way to clean out your winter clothing/equipment or stock up on gear for growing kids! Questions? Contact Peter Wood at

Community Marketplace Vendors Wanted--It's Not Too Late!

We are still looking for vendors to take part in the FORT RIVER READS!!! Community Marketplace.
  • Do you own a small business?
  • Want to expand your market to the Fort River community?
  • Are you an artist?
  • Do you make/sell jewelry, pottery, photography or other crafts?
We want YOU to be a vendor at our Marketplace on December 9!

If you would like to have a table to sell your wares, please contact Shari Abbott at or 256-2353. This event is part of the FORT RIVER READS--Book Event and Community Marketplace on the evening of Thursday, December 9 celebrating the final days of the Scholastic Book Fair. See above for more information about this event.

Lost and Found: Look for your lost stuff during the Book Fair

All lost and found items not claimed by Dec. 10th will be donated to a local charity. Be sure to stop by and look for lost items during the Book Fair.

Questions? Sue Cairn 253-9148.

Latest Fort River Newsletter

Asst. Principal Susan Kennedy-Marx has posted the latest school newsletter (Dated Dec. 2) on the Fort River School website.

Please click here to check it out! 

Anti-Bullying Forums

En Espanol

Multi-Arts Monsters Exhibition

Monsters Exhibition Opening night

Monsters or no monsters? You decide!

Come and see Multi-Arts' scary exhibit of monster faces at the Amherst Chamber of Commerce: 28 Amity St. in Amherst.

Opening night: Thursday, December 2 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m or come any day from December 2nd through December 31st.

Madeline Clarkewright and Danny Martin from Fort River are two of the featured artists.

Hope to see you there.

Please note: this event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO. 

New Winter Farmers' Market at ARMS

ARMS Farmers Market opening this Saturday 12/4

Who: 25 local farmers and producers.
Where: Amherst Middle School, 170 Chestnut St., Amherst MA
What: A Brand New Winter Farmers Market
When: Every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Starts December 4th )*
Why: Because the market will be warm and cozy and have lots of great food!

I don’t know if you have heard, but there is an exciting new Winter
Farmers Market at the Amherst Middles School. The Grand Opening is this
Saturday, December 4th . There will be an unbelievable selection of
delicious local food. Over 25 farmers and food producers have joined
together to offer everything from beautiful baby salad greens and bok
choi to artisanal cheese, sweet and crunchy carrots, grass fed lamb,
pork and beef. The list is too big to fit on this page--Apex Orchard’s
famous apples (have you tried their Honey Crisp?!?), Sidehill Farm’s
luscious yogurt. El Jardin’s sour dough breads fresh out of the oven.
Atlas Farm, Stone Soup Farm, Red Fire Farm and Simple Gifts will have
their wonderful veggie selections. Winter Moon Roots with their carrots,
beets, and psychedelic watermelon radishes. Bug Hill Farm's Black
Currant Cordials.....And if it gets cold, Balky Farm has hats, gloves
and mittens knitted from their own sheep wool!

Because local food is always a cause for celebration, we are making it a
festive event with free music from Darlingside. There will be prepared
local delicacies served by The Turkish Kitchen, Tom Hidas' Curried
Veggies (formerly of Amber Waves Restaurant) and the Black Sheep Deli.
Live music too. Don’t miss it!!!

If you‘d like to sign up for the Winter Farmer’s Market newsletter
follow the link below. This will keep you up to date on special events
at the market, tasty new recipes, music and more. We will also let you
know about snow closings due through this list. We will never share your
name or this list with anybody else.

To find out about the Amherst Winter Market, just follow these 2 easy steps:

1) Go to:
and write your email address and name.

2) Once you have registered, you will get a confirmation email. Just hit
“Reply” and “Send” and you will receive market updates.

Thanks for joining us at the Amherst Winter Market…and for eating local
all year round!

Please note: This event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO.

Boy Scouts ChristmasTree Sale

Please support the Boy Scouts' annual Christmas Tree sale at Kendrick Park in Amherst. The sale has started and will run through December 24th or until we run out of trees. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 4-8 PM, Saturday-Sunday 9-5 PM. This is our major yearly fundraiser and goes a long way towards supporting programs for Amherst Boy Scout Troops 500 and 504 and Hadley Troop 550. As always, we have very high quality trees (Fraser & Balsam fir from tree farms in Amherst and Vermont) at reasonable prices (6-8 ft trees are $35 and 8 ft-plus trees are $40). Wreaths are available as well ($11 for single variety, $15 for tri weave styles).

Note: This event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Book Event & Community Marketplace
Thursday, December 9
The Fort River Scholastic Book Fair will take place during the week of December 6, and this year it will END with a BANG!
On Thursday, December 9 you will be invited to join the community for an evening celebrating literacy, music, entrepreneurs, and families at the FORT RIVER READS!!!--Book Event & Community Marketplace. We will offer a chili dinner, dessert, and coffee for your enjoyment at a very reasonable cost. The annual Winter Sport Swap, where you can drop off/pick up terrific gear for your kids (for FREE!) will also take place on this evening. Please see below for more information on everything that will be happening during this fun event.
All proceeds from the Book Fair and this Event will go directly to the Fort River Library for books and educational materials.

Fort River Reads!!!--Bakers Needed

We are gearing up for our exciting FORT RIVER READS!!! Book Event & Community Marketplace on the evening of December 9. We need volunteers to sign up to bring desserts for the bake sale. In addition, we also need donations of cornbread and/or cornbread muffins to go with the chili dinner.

Click here for the online sign-up sheet: 

Items can be dropped off at any time during the day of Thursday, December 9 or at the beginning of the event. All proceeds support the Fort River Library. Contact the Bake Sale Coordinator for more details: Erin Cherewatti ( or 253-2304)

Vendors Still Wanted!

We are still looking for vendors to take part in the FORT RIVER READS!!! Community Marketplace.

  • Do you own a small business?
  • Want to expand your market to the Fort River community?
  • Are you an artist?
  • Do you make/sell jewelry, pottery, photography or other crafts?

We want YOU to be a vendor at our Marketplace on December 9!

If you would like to have a table to sell your wares, please contact Shari Abbott at or 256-2353. This event is part of the FORT RIVER READS--Book Event and Community Marketplace on the evening of Thursday, December 9 celebrating the final days of the Scholastic Book Fair. See above for more information about this event.

Volunteers Still Needed to Work at the Book Fair


If you love to read and want to share your enthusiasm with kids, we need you at the book fair! Volunteers are needed for shifts during daytime classroom visits or during the evening Book Fair at our new FORT RIVER READS!!! Book Event & Community Marketplace.

Tasks are varied and include assisting shoppers, stocking and arranging merchandise, checking out customers, or maybe even dressing up as your favorite book character! During slow times you might have time to read to kids! Volunteers are also needed to set-up and breakdown the fair and for other promotional and decorating tasks.

The Scholastic Book Fair will take place during the week of December 6th. We need lots of volunteers! Classroom visits will occur on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, December 7th - 9th. The evening Book Fair will occur on Thursday, December 9th, and includes our exciting new Community Marketplace, chili supper, dessert, coffee, and delightful company!

Diane Caraker ( 413-687-8333
Carol Slaughter ( 413-253-9920
All profits from our Scholastic Book Fair directly support the Fort River Library! Every child at Fort River will benefit from your participation in this great community event!


Winter Sports Swap

The annual Fort River Winter Sports Swap will take place from 6-8pm on the evening of Thursday, December 9 at the Book Event and Community Marketplace. Please bring your used winter/sports gear and clothing--coats, hats, gloves, boots, skates, ski equipment, etc. to Fort River anytime between 3-6pm. Everyone in the community is invited to come by after 6pm and take anything they need. This is a FREE exchange--you do not need to bring anything to participate in the Winter Sports Swap. This is a great way to clean out your winter clothing/equipment or stock up on gear for growing kids! Questions? Contact Peter Wood at

Yearbook Candid Pictures and Volunteers Wanted

You can send digital pictures of class and school events to the yearbook in two ways:

    1. Forward digital photos to
    2. Put digital photos on a DVD or flash drive and place it in the PGO mailbox marked for the yearbook.

Volunteers are always needed, both adult volunteers and student/adult teams.

Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards Program News

The Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards (BonusBucks) Program is underway. So far Fort River has 104 people signed up, and we earned $87.70 last month.

If you are a Stop and Shop customer, it's still not too late to register!!! Just click here for easy instructions on how to register. 


Beauty and the Beast Auditions

Be our guest and join us for registration and auditions for:

Starlight’s Youth Theatre’s Spring Musical

Audition and Registration Information:

• Youth Ages 7 -18 years of age

• Sunday, December 5th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

• Maple Ridge Church, 659 Amherst Rd (Rte. 116), Sunderland, just over the Amherst border and across from Bub’s Barbeque.

• Call Deb at 413-210-1137 to reserve audition time; you need to reserve an audition time before December 5th .

• Be prepared to sing 16 bars of a song and you will also do some scene readings provided by Starlight.

• Registration fee: $130 fee to be paid at time of audition/registration. Depending on the age group of the class, the students will learn acting tools such as sensory recall, character development, expression of emotions, method acting, as well as participating in the mounting of a full scale musical: Disney's beloved “Beauty and the Beast”.

• Classes and rehearsals will be held at the Maple Ridge Church where auditions will be held and will start Saturday, January 22, 2011.

• All youth auditioning will receive a part in the production.

• Starlight’s Youth Theatre is under the direction of Cyn Strycharz and is the only theatre group in the Pioneer Valley dedicated solely to the youth of the valley.

• Visit our website:

• Performances will be on June 3, 4, & 5, 2011 at Bowker Auditorium at UMass

Please note: this event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fort River Reads!!--Date Change

Book Event & Community Marketplace

Thursday, December 9
(Please note the date change.)
The Fort River Scholastic Book Fair will take place during the week of December 6, and this year it will END with a BANG!

On Thursday, December 9 you will be invited to join the community for an evening celebrating literacy, music, entrepreneurs, and families at the FORT RIVER READS!!!--Book Event & Community Marketplace. We will offer a chili dinner, dessert, and coffee for your enjoyment at a very reasonable cost. The annual Winter Sport Swap, where you can drop off/pick up terrific gear for your kids (for FREE!) will also take place on this evening. More information and details on this exciting event will follow in the coming weeks.

At this time members of the Fort River community who own small businesses are invited to have a table at the Marketplace to sell their products or services. Please contact Shari Abbott ( or 256-2353) for details and to reserve a place at the Market.

Volunteers are needed to plan and run this event. This is a fantastic way to get involved with something that really impacts kids at Fort River! If you love books and want to support the Fort River Library, your help is needed. Again, please contact Shari ( or 256-2353) to volunteer for committee or event work. All proceeds from the Book Fair and this Event will go directly to the Fort River Library for books and educational materials.


Vendors Wanted for Community Marketplace

Do you own a small business?
Want to expand your market to the Fort River community?
Are you an artist?
Do you make/sell jewelry, pottery, photography or other crafts?

We want YOU to be a vendor at our Marketplace on December 9!

If you would like to have a table to sell your wares, please contact Shari Abbott at or 256-2353. This event is part of the FORT RIVER READS--Book Event and Community Marketplace on the evening of Thursday, December 9 celebrating the final days of the Scholastic Book Fair. See above for more information about this event.

PGO November Meeting Agenda

The next PGO meeting is on Wednesday, November 17 at 8:45am in the Fort River Cafeteria.

Please join us!

Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions and Meeting Guidelines

2. Budget Review

3. Upcoming Events

4. Winter Event Ideas

5. New Business

Election Day Bake Sale: Big Success!

On Tuesday, November 2nd, the hard-working fifth grade classes held an Election Day Bake Sale to raise funds for their annual field trip. Each spring the fifth grade visits the historic textile mills of Lowell, MA as part of an interdisciplinary curricular unit integrating early US History, Geography, Economics, and Immigration. Read more about the mills and their fascinating history here.
Due to the incredible generosity of our school community and Precinct 6 voters, the fifth grade was able to raise $592.76! Cheers to all of the successful bakers, sellers, and eaters!

Latest Newsletter

In case you missed it, Assistant Principal Susan Kennedy Marx posted the latest school newsletter on the Fort River School website last Friday (Nov. 5). It includes a cool Powerpoint presentation made by Fort River students about the recent rescue of the Chilean miners. Click on the link to view it:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

FORT RIVER READS!!!--Book Event and Community Marketplace


The Fort River Scholastic Book Fair will take place during the week of December 6, and this year it will start with a BANG!

On Monday, December 6 you will be invited to join the community for an evening celebrating literacy, music, entrepreneurs, and families at the FORT RIVER READS!!!--Book Event & Community Marketplace. We will offer a chili dinner, dessert, and coffee for your enjoyment at a very reasonable cost. The annual Winter Sport Swap, where you can drop off/pick up terrific gear for your kids (for FREE!) will also take place on this evening. More information and details on this exciting event will follow in the coming weeks.

At this time members of the Fort River community who own small businesses are invited to have a table at the Marketplace to sell their products or services. Please contact Shari Abbott ( or 256-2353) for details and to reserve a place at the Market.

Volunteers are needed to plan and run this event. This is a fantastic way to get involved with something that really impacts kids at Fort River! If you love books and want to support the Fort River Library, your help is needed. Again, please contact Shari (  or 256-2353) to volunteer for committee or event work.

All proceeds from the Book Fair and this Event will go directly to the
Fort River Library for books and educational materials.


Fort River Yearbook Committee Meeting, Nov. 10

Come join the yearbook committee as we plan and design our next yearbook. We need parents to be involved in:

--Yearbook cover design with the 6th grade students 
--Communicating with teachers/parents to collect digital photographs
--Photographing missing staff/students
--Photographing events, specials classes, and instrumental performances
--Creating yearbook pages, distributing proofs to classroom teachers for review, and editing 

Come and find out how you can help at our first meeting on Wednesday, November 10th at 7:00pm, or contact Kathy Niedzielski at Location: Fort River Library.

School Picture RETAKE Day is Monday, November 8, 10am-1pm

School Pictures went home yesterday with students. If you are dissatisfied with the photographs and wish to have them retaken please bring your entire packet to give to the photographer on retake day. Please do keep the class photograph. If your child was absent, please send in the envelope and payment if you wish to order a package. In some cases your child's teacher may have the envelope.

Original Works Workshop--Thanks from the PGO

The PGO would like to thank Carmela Gravante-Gunnells and Barbara Davis (whose children came to Fort River 10 years ago) and Multi-Arts teachers for their support of the event at Fort River.  In additon we would like thank Multi-Arts Director Catalina Arrubla organizing this fun event!

This event was supported by Guild Art Supply.

Also, please note that orders are now being collected.  They can be dropped off in the PGO mail box in the main office.

Tour of Hawthorne Property

We Want You To Come!


On fields behind the Amherst Regional High School

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 (see time schedule below)

How far:   
1K (.62 miles) for Kindergarten through second grade
1.5K (.93 miles) for grades three and four
2K (1.25 miles) for grades five and six

How much:  
Donation requested, but not required

Schools Invited:   
Crocker Farm, Wildwood, Fort River, Shutesbury, Pelham, Leverett, Common School, Amherst Montessori

Time Schedule
K-2 boys and girls (3:30)
3-4 boys and girls (3:50)
5-6 boys and girls (4:10)
(Please register as close to 3:00 as possible)

Sponsored by the Amherst Regional Boys Cross Country Team.

Please note: this event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fort River Yearbook 2010-2011

Come join the yearbook committee as we plan and design our next yearbook. We need parents to be involved in:

  • Yearbook cover design with the 6th grade students 
  • Communicating with teachers/parents to collect digital photographs 
  • Photographing missing staff/students 
  • Photographing events, specials classes, and instrumental performances 
  • Creating yearbook pages, distributing proofs to classroom teachers for review, and editing 

Come and find out how you can help at our first meeting on Wednesday, November 10th at 7:00pm, or contact Kathy Niedzielski at Location TBA.

Election Day Bake Sale

On Tuesday, November 2nd, the fifth grade classes will hold an Election Day Bake Sale fund raiser from 7am-9am (in the hallway near the music room for voters) and 9:30am-12:30pm (in the lobby area for the school).  The money raised will be used for 5th grade field trip admissions.

Please stop by and support the 5th grade! And don't forget to vote on Tuesday!!

Math Night

Members of the community are invited to Math Night, a presentation by consultant Dr. Andrew Chen, at 6:30 pm on Monday, November 1st in the ARMS auditorium. Dr. Chen will present preliminary findings from the K12 Math Review.

The Fort River School Directory is HERE!!

The PGO is proud to offer the community the 2010-2011 Student Directory.

Thank You…..

· Dror Shmerling and Karen Bonneau for data processing

· Jen Vanderleeden for advertising sales

· Hana Rivkin for directory production

· Susan Raker for cover art

And Thank You to all the local businesses and individuals who continue to support Fort River by advertising in our school directory! Please don't forget to make your Annual Fund contribution so the PGO can continue to offer this directory and all other programs and events.

School Picture Retake Day

School Pictures "Retake Day" is scheduled for Monday, November 8 from 10:00am-1:00pm. Pictures will be going home with students soon. If you are dissatisfied with the pictures your child must bring the entire package to return to the photographer. Students who were absent should have their order form with payment ready for the photographer.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meeting with Superintendent Search Firm Today at Fort River library, 1pm.

There will be a meeting this afternoon (Thurs. Oct. 28) in the Fort River School library at 1:00pm with a representative from the search firm in charge of the Superintendent search. This meeting is for the members of the Fort River School Council and PGO. It is intended to provide the search firm consultant with information about the views of the School Council and PGO membership regarding the district’s current strengths and challenges, as well as to gather suggestions about the qualities and characteristics that the district should seek in its superintendent.

All Fort River Parents/Guardians are invited to attend.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

School Council Election Results

Thank you to all the candidates in the School Governance Council election. This is an important volunteer role and we are so please to have offered a full slate of candidates to the community.

The candidates elected to serve a two-year term on the Council are: Catalina Arrubla and Sue Borden

Halloween Happenings in Amherst

Autumn in Amherst includes colorful fall foliage as well as a lively Halloween Parade & Carnival set for Sunday, Oct. 31. The festivities began with Trick or Treating for children in costume at downtown merchants from 10:45am to 12:45pm. The family parade steps off at 12:45pm from Sweetser Park on Main Street.

Inside the Bangs Center, the fun continues from 1 to 4 p.m. at a carnival in the Large Activity Room with games, performance, a haunted house, prizes, and refreshments.

The Halloween Fest is open to all ages and abilities. Costumes, instruments and noisemakers are encouraged. The activities are staffed by 50-60 volunteers from the community. For details go to: To volunteer for this event call 259-3065 or visit

Please note: these activities are not sponsored by the Fort River PGO.

Fall Festival Cancellation

The Fall Festival has been canceled due to inadequate volunteer support. Successful, safe, and fun community events require lots of volunteers! A steering committee will be formed to create a new and improved community event for next year that celebrates the treasures of the harvest season and reflects a true autumn festival. Creative ideas are needed to ensure an fun event that everyone looks forward to and is consistent with the PGO's mission to enrich and enhance our children's experience at Fort River. Volunteers interested in supporting this event next year should stay tuned for news about the kick-off meeting in the spring.

"Original Works" After-School Art Workshop

The Multi-Arts staff will host and supervise an afternoon of art for students who want to create projects for Original Works. Information on Original Works has gone home in the backpacks. The workshop will be on Friday, October 22nd from 3:05-4:30pm in the Fort River Cafeteria. Please be on time for pick up. Questions? Contact Catalina Arrubla at at 413-387-5304.

Fort River 3rd Grade Fall Pot-Luck

Fort River 3rd Grade Fall Pot-Luck
Please join us for a pot-luck for the families of Grade 3.

Sunday, October 24
Groff Park

Bring the whole family for food, fun, and a chance to get to know each other!

We have created a Please Bring It sign-up for this event.  Please go to to sign up, or let any of the room parents know what you are able to bring.

Please bring re-usable dinner ware and cups for your family; limited paper products will be provided.

Please call or email any of the 3rd grade room parents with questions:
Iris Berkman (Griswold) -; 253-3787
Jacquelyn Kang (Fournier) -; 230-3284
Suzanne Schilling (Bhowmik/Sautter) -; 253-4697

School Pictures--Retake Day

School Pictures "Retake Day" is scheduled for Monday, November 8 from 10:00am-1:00pm. Pictures will be going home with students soon. If you are dissatisfied with the pictures your child must bring the entire package to return to the photographer. Students who were absent should have their order form with payment ready for the photographer.

Superintendent Search

Our school district is now in the process of searching for a new Superintendent of Schools to begin work in July 2011. Hazard, Young, Attea and Associates has been hired to assist the School Committees in this search process. Consultants Al Argenziano and John Connolly of HYA will begin their work by helping the community define the qualities, skills and experience that the public is looking for in a Superintendent. The work to develop this leadership profile will occur on October 27 and October 28, during which time a variety of meetings will occur with school, parent, and community groups. In addition, public forums will be held on Wednesday, October 27 at 2:00 pm in the Wildwood School library and at 7:00 pm in the ARHS Auditorium. The list of groups scheduled to meet with the consultants will be announced in the next few days.

In addition to holding public forums, we are now posting an online survey to seek your input in the process of hiring a new superintendent. This survey is designed to gather your perception on the importance of various characteristics commonly found in effective superintendents. The information will be used by the School Committees to determine the "Desired Characteristics" of our next superintendent. Select the survey link below that best represents your relationship to the School District.


Please continue to check this site for updates as the search process occurs. We deeply appreciate your participation in this important endeavor.

Rick Hood, Chair- Regional School Committee

Irv Rhodes, Chair- Amherst School Committee

Debbie Gould, Chair- Pelham School Committee

Math Survey from the Superintendent's Office

Families of current students are invited to fill out a brief Math Survey as part of the comprehensive K-12 Math Review. Participants are asked to complete the survey by Wednesday, October 27. Click on the link to take the survey, or go to the website to find the link.

Pancake Breakfast to Benefit Fire Department SAFE Program

The Amherst Fire Department will hold a pancake breakfast to raise funds for the SAFE (Student Awareness of Fire Education) program. The SAFE program teaches fire safety to all fourth graders in the Amherst School system. The cost of the breakfast is $6.00/adults and $4.00/children. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausages, juice/milk and coffee/tea. Live entertainment by the Horse Mountain Jazz band.

Learn more about SAFE by visiting the program's website.

*Please note: this event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO.

2010 Amherst Biennial: Painting Amherst with Art

The Amherst Public Art Commission is running an exhibit of over 40 artists' work here in Amherst through Dec. 5th. The exhibit is entitled Amherst 
Biennial: Art in Unexpected Places. Artworks are displayed at a wide array of venues around town including businesses, galleries, farms and Kendrick Park. The exhibition will end of Dec 5th with a projection by artist Erica Zekos on the East Street School building. 

Here's a list of where and when to see the art on display. 

-Amherst Town Hall 4 Boltwood Ave M-W 8am-7pm, Th noon-7pm, F 8am-4:30pm 
-Hope & Feather Gallery & Framing 319 Main St. Weekdays 10am-7pm,  Sat. 10am-5pm 
-ETTA Gallery 534 Main St. Sat & Sun 1-4 pm 
-Nacul Center 592 Main St. Weekdays 9am-4pm, Sat & Sun 1-4 pm 
-East Street School 31 South East St. Weekdays 1-4 pm
-Thistlebrook Farm 784 Southeast St  
-Swartz Family Farm 11 Meadow St  
-Kendrick Park 
-AJ Hastings 
-J. Austin Antiques 
-Bank of America 
-Chopping Block

Please note: this is not a PGO-sponsored event.

Boy Scout Open House

The Boy Scouts of America is now 100 years old. Come join Boy Scout Troop 500 Amherst to see how Scouting is evolving as it enters its 2nd century. We are having an Open House for prospective scouts and their families Tuesday, October 26 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at the South Congregational Church, 1066 Southeast Street, Amherst.  Troop 500 has a 50+ year history in Amherst working with school-age boys (grades 5-12).  Troop activities are organized and run by the boys, including weekly meetings, monthly campouts, and projects in the community.  Our Scouts learn practical outdoor skills and develop leadership skills while having a lot of fun.  For more information, contact Scoutmaster Peter Crowley at (413) 253-0964.

Not sponsored by the FRPGO.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

PGO October Meeting Agenda

Our next PGO meeting will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 20 at 8:45am in the Fort River cafeteria.

PGO Meeting Agenda/October 20, 2010

Annual Fund Update

Discussions of Upcoming Events/Fundraisers:

- Original Works
- Fall Festival
- Election Day PGO bake sale
- Dean’s Bean’s coffee sale
- Book Fair
- Community Marketplace/Chili Supper

Discussions of Other New and Continuining Initiatives:

- Directory
- Cultural Enrichment Program
- Teacher Outreach
- Time and Talent Survey

New Business

Potluck for Peter Lamdin's Class

Peter Landin's class will have a potluck dinner Thursday October 22 at 6:00 pm at FR Cafeteria. 

AEF Annual Trivia Bee

Save the Date for Amherst’s “Not to Miss” Fall Event!

Thursday October 28th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Amherst Regional Middle School Auditorium 

Who will get an ‘A’ at the Bee? Under the direction of Ellen Story, 30 teams will vie for bragging rights to be “Trivia Bee Champion”. The evening will include refreshments, lots of trivia and laughs. Admission is free with donations to AEF welcome.

Please note: this event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO.

Multi-Arts Halloween Costume Design Workshop

Multi-Arts invites kids of all ages to participate in one of two “Halloween Costume Design” workshops offered in Amherst. Guided by artist Titus Neijens and fashion designer Asia van Pelt, students will use cardboard and fabrics to design and make their own dream costumes.

For more information and to register visit


WHAT: Designing and making of own costume for Halloween
WHEN: First workshop: Saturday, October 23 /
   Second workshop: Saturday, October 30
TIME: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: Munson Public library,  1046 South East St., South Amherst  

Fee: $30 each workshop $45 both Saturdays

*Please note: this event is not sponsored by the Fort River PGO. See below for our publication policy for non-PGO events. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Fort River Fall Festival is "creeping" up on us!

The Fall Festival
Wednesday, October 27, 5:30-7:30pm

This Halloween celebration takes many hands to work and the PGO is looking for volunteers willing to help out.
We need help with:
  • games
  • crafts
  • food service
  • set up/clean up
  • general supervision
Please lend a hand if you can! We can't do this without your help!
Contact Diane Caraker ASAP at to sign up.
Thank you.

Having Trouble Viewing Fort River PGO Emails?

Several people have recently reported to me that they are unable to view the emails which are sent using the NPOGroups mailing list. This may be a because I have recently changed the email address which I use to reflect our new Fort River PGO name. Your email program may be blocking the content of the message because it thinks I am sending you spam messages.

If you are not able to read the emails that I send out,  please try adding the following email address to your contacts: "" ( You may also want to be sure you have my email address ( in your contact list as well. I hope this will take care of the problem.

If not, please check the Fort River PGO website directly. I will try to be sure to add the content of all my emails directly to the the blog.

AND, stay tuned in the coming weeks for some exciting news about a new way to get content from this website delivered to your inbox!

Ann McLaughlin
Website Editor