Fort River PGO Information
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Band and Orchestra Concert on June 6
The Fort River Band and Orchestra Concert will be on Tuesday, June 6 at Fort River. The evening concert begins at 6:30pm and will last approximately one hour. Students should arrive at 6 pm to tune up and warm up.
There will be a daytime concert at 2 pm and students will be released from class at 1:15 pm to tune up and warm up. All students should remember to bring their instruments on Tuesday.
Thank Teachers with a Gift to AEF
a message from Amherst Education Foundation:
The school year is almost over, and now is the time we begin
thinking about how to thank our teachers for a terrific year. What better way
to thank them than to give a gift in their name to the Amherst Education
Foundation? AEF has provided more than $400,000 in grants to our public schools
over the last 24 years.
“I have had the good fortune to be honored by parents and
members of the Amherst community through their “STARS in our Schools” donations
to AEF. When making their
donations, parents and relatives have commented specifically that they see
their children singing with joy and self confidence and that they have an
appreciation for music of different world cultures. It is deeply satisfying to
know that what we do in the schools gets carried out into the community.”
- Fort River Music Teacher Anne Louise White
AEF provides an easy way for you to make a meaningful
donation to your child’s teacher(s) by going to and clicking on “Stars in Our Schools.” You can donate to more than one teacher
in one easy transaction! Or send a check with a note identifying the
teacher(s), the school, and who is giving the donation to our mailing address
at: PO Box 1363, Amherst, MA 01004.
In order for your teacher to receive a star, please make
your donation by June 15.
View: AEF Stars flyer 2017
ARMS Science Club in the News
The ARMS Science Club, under the direction of Team Y Science
Teacher Jennifer Welborn, was featured in the Amherst Bulletin and Daily
Hampshire Gazette last week. The club is modeled on UMass Amherst’s Integrated
Concentration in Science program and is co-facilitated by a Fort River parent.
UMass students serve as mentors. To read the article, click here:
Field Day on June 14
Wednesday, June 14th (Rain date June 15th)
Field Day is a school wide event that allows the entire school to get outside for sun and fun. It is a highlight of the entire year for students, staff, and families! In the morning, students will participate in field day activities together in multi-aged groups to build school unity across grades.
We will need lots of parent volunteers to make field day a huge success. Parents can volunteer as an activity station worker or a group leader; parents can also help set up or clean up. Volunteers can sign up at or by by emailing Rebecca Kennedy at or Tim Hope at
Bus/Van Driver & Crossing Guard Appreciation Breakfast on June 7
Bus/Van Driver & Crossing Guard Appreciation Breakfast
It's time to
join the families of Fort River for an appreciation breakfast to say thank you
to all of our drivers and crossing guards for everything they do to get our
kids to and from school safely.
Sign up on Please Bring it to donate and help:
Thank you for making this a special morning for our safety
Summer Ultimate League of Amherst
from SULA:
Join us for another exciting summer of Ultimate Frisbee. This league is geared for people who want to enjoy the thrill and excitement of ultimate Frisbee, regardless of experience level. All levels of ability will be welcomed to join. All players will be assigned their own team in this fun and competitive league! Register at and then sign up at SULADISC.COM
Price: $45 (Save $10 if you sign up before June 2nd!)
Junior SULA: Tuesdays, June 27th—August 8th
· Session A, Activities for Kids (Ages 7-8)
· Session B, Elementary Division (Ages 9-11)
· Session C, Middle School Division (Ages 12-14)
Adult SULA
This Week at the Jones Library
updates from the Jones Library staff:
As May draws to a close, we have some changes in hours coming up.
The library will be closed for the Memorial Day weekend, and summer hours will begin the first week of June.
The library will be closed on Sundays for the summer, and earlier evening hours will have the library closing at 8:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on June 6th. For more information, visit our online calendar. Click here for Kids' Room schedule.
Monday, May 22, 2017
PGO Meeting On May 23 at 6:30pm
General PGO Meeting
Tuesday, May 23
Please join the PGO Board for a short and sweet evening meeting to review plans for the end of the year and to brainstorm ideas for the 2017-2018 school year. All current and future Fort River parents and guardians are welcome! The budget, fundraising goals, and volunteer needs will be discussed.
Summer Activities for Children
Click for PDF catalog of summer activities prepared by ARPS Office of the Superintendent. These are not School or District sponsored events/camps.
Amherst LWV Young Readers Day on July 26
The League of Women Voters Amherst is
sponsoring a "Young Readers Day" at the annual book sale this summer
on which all children who come will receive one free book. The 2017 Book Sale
will be held at the Fort River School on South East Street.
Here are the important dates:
June 30 - July 18: Book donations at
Fort River School ONLY
July 25: Children's Day for Summer
Academy students at Crocker Farm School
July 26: Young Readers Day at Fort
River School
July 28-30 (Friday-Sunday), 9-4: Sale
open to the public
August 4-6 (Friday-Sunday), 9-4: Sale
open to the public
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Luncheon Donations Needed

The Teacher and
Staff Appreciation Luncheon will take place at the High Horse on Wednesday,
June 7th. Please express your thanks to our amazing staff by making a
contribution in their honor. Fort River teachers and staff will be invited and
be treated to a hearty meal and tasty dessert at the luncheon.
The PGO needs your
help to keep this special tradition going. Let's honor the wonderful Fort River
staff by giving them a real celebration! Click here for the contribution form or to send a special message to staff.
Please send your
contribution in any amount to the PGO mailbox in the office by Wednesday, May
31st (cash or Say Thank You to Fort River Staff!
¡Diga gracias al
personal de Fort River!
El Almuerzo de
Apreciación del Maestros y del Personal tendrá lugar en el High Horse el
miércoles, 7 de junio. Por favor, exprese su agradecimiento a nuestro personal increíble
haciendo una contribución en su honor. Los maestros y
personal del Río Fort serán invitados y serán tratados a una comida abundante y
postre sabroso en el almuerzo.
El PGO necesita su
ayuda para mantener esta tradición especial. ¡Honremos al maravilloso personal
del Fort River dándoles una verdadera celebración! Haga clic aquí parael formulario de contribución o para enviar un mensaje especial al personal.
Por favor envíe su
contribución en cualquier cantidad al buzón PGO en la oficina para el miércoles,
31 de mayo (efectivo o cheque pagadero a Fort River PGO).
Sugarloaf Youth Track League
Sugarloaf Youth Track League begins this week!
Ages: 6-14
Dates: Thursday 5/25, 6/1, 6/8 and Friday 6/16, 6/23, 6/30
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Location: Amherst Regional High School Track, 21 Mattoon Street, Amherst.
Price: $49
Boys and girls of all abilities will be placed on a team and
can compete in both relay and individual events. First night for Team
Assignments & Orientation: Thursday, May 25 at 5:00 p.m. Arrive on first
night to group teams, meet coaches & run an informal series of practice
races. Meet dates are 6/1, 8, 16, 23, 30. Rain date is 6/27.
For more info please visit our website at
Contact Sydney Henthorn, Sugarloaf Track League
Director at or
Chris Johnson, Sports Director at LSSE, (413)259-3144 or
SEPAC Presents Post-Building Project Presentation on May 24
SEPAC invites you to take part in the upcoming Post-Building
Project Presentation with Interim Superintendent, Dr. Mike Morris. All are welcome.
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Time: 5:00 -6:30pm
Location: Amherst Regional Middle School, Professional
Development Center
RSVP: or 413-687-4255
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Auditions for the Hampshire Young People’s Chorus on June 6
Does your child love to sing?
The Hampshire Young People’s Chorus (YPC), an award-winning youth choir, will hold auditions on June 6 for new members for the 2017-2018 year.
YPC offers children the opportunity to experience choral singing in a comfortable and encouraging atmosphere. Healthy vocal technique and fundamental music skills are taught through singing a wide range of music from many styles and traditions. The choir’s roster includes more than 45 children in two age divisions – Concert Choir (grades 3-6) and Chamber Singers (grades 6-10).
Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays in Amherst. For more information, please visit or call the director, K.C. Conlan, at 413-530-9337.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Fort River Spring Chorus Concert on May 31 at 7pm at ARMS Auditorium
The Fort River Spring chorus concert will be held on Wednesday, May 31st at 7 pm at the Amherst Middle School auditorium. The chorus will include the 4th, 5th and 6th grades!
A message from Ms. White:
Dear families of our Fort River fourth, fifth, and sixth graders,
You are cordially invited to our Spring Concert which will feature fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students. Xinef Afraim will guest conduct several songs that he has taught our chorus. We will also feature Nigerian dance and drumming taught by Tashina Bowman and Donovan Riley Robinson. And we will be joined by parent and master drummer, Champion Bakari. It promises to be a fabulous evening of music!
Please have your student arrive by 6:45pm that evening. Concert attire for students: white blouse, dark slacks or skirts.
Thank you,
Anne White
Dear families of our Fort River fourth, fifth, and sixth graders,
You are cordially invited to our Spring Concert which will feature fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students. Xinef Afraim will guest conduct several songs that he has taught our chorus. We will also feature Nigerian dance and drumming taught by Tashina Bowman and Donovan Riley Robinson. And we will be joined by parent and master drummer, Champion Bakari. It promises to be a fabulous evening of music!
Please have your student arrive by 6:45pm that evening. Concert attire for students: white blouse, dark slacks or skirts.
Thank you,
Anne White
Job Panel for Teens on May 25 at Amherst Survival Center
JOB PANEL FOR TEENS (ages 15-21 years)
For Release: Immediate
Contact: Tracey Levy, Program Director 549-3968 ext 102
Amherst, MA – In collaboration with the Amherst Regional Public Schools Vocational Services and the Collaborative for Educational Services, the Amherst Survival Center will sponsor a Job Panel for Teens on Thursday, May 25 from 5:30-6:30pm. The Job Panel will include employers from the area and a teen who has successfully landed employment. This is part of the Amherst Survival Center’s job search support program, and the third event of its kind for teenagers in the community.
The panel will include a guest speaker who is a manager at a local store who hires teens and other experts who can share with teens what employers look for when hiring youth and common mistakes to avoid while applying for jobs. The panel will also include a student who has successfully landed and kept a local job. The panel will answer questions and offer helpful hints about how to find a job.
No jobs will be offered at this event, but it is an opportunity to find out information and get support.
The Amherst Survival Center offers a light dinner on Thursday evenings from 5:00pm to 6:00pm. Participants are welcome to join the center for dinner, and then attend this event.
“The Amherst Survival Center provides a series of programs that support community members to seek and find employment, including a weekly one-on-one service on Thursdays from 11:30am-1pm. All are welcome to use the service, the public computers at the Center, and shop in the Community Store for clothing needed for employment. “This is the third time we’ve organized this event specifically for youth, and we’re excited to be offering this kind of information support for them. There continues to be a need to support teens in this area,” said Tracey Levy, Program Director at the Center.
The Amherst Survival connects residents of Hampshire and Franklin Counties to food, clothing, healthcare, wellness, and community, primarily through volunteers. There is also a session of its free walk-in health clinic on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30pm.
The Amherst Survival Center is located at 138 Sunderland Road, in North Amherst, on the #33 PVTA bus route.
Jones Library | Film & Discussion: Three Short Films from Brave New Films
Join us on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 7 pm in the Woodbury
Room for the next in this ongoing film and discussion series that may educate,
touch your heart, and inspire you to action to help dismantle racism.
This month showing is an excellent three-part series from
Brave New Films that explores the many ways black Americans face racial bias.
These short, but powerful films – Racism is Real; Black Protests vs. White
Riots; and Prison System by the Numbers – explore the effects of racial bias on
the lives of black Americans and the ways in which racism impacts American
society as a whole. The film will be followed by a brief discussion and then an
opportunity to continue work on some local anti-racism action projects.
Free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Janet Ryan at
This film series is co-sponsored by the Jones Library and
Coming Together. More information
about Coming Together can be found at
11th Annual Latino Achievement Night (LAN) Friday, May 19 at 6:30 p.m at ARMS Auditorium
Under the direction of Superintendent of Schools, Dr.
Michael Morris and Director of Family and Student Engagement, Dr. Marta Guevara
and in keeping with the Social Justice Commitment of the Amherst-Pelham
Regional Public Schools, the 11th Annual Latino Achievement Night aspires
toward equity in opportunity, inclusion, respect and community-building in and
out of the classroom. All families, friends, staff and community members are
invited to attend.
The Latino Achievement Night was envisioned over 12 years
ago by the members of the Latino Student Achievement Initiative. This group,
comprised of district students, staff and community members, came together to
explore ways to increase the academic achievement of students of Latino
heritage. A series of recommendations was formulated to address this critical
issue and strengthen the district’s’ efforts to support at-promise students. A
resulting step was the creation of a community event celebrating the
achievements of Latino Students paralleling the customs of Latin American
All students of Latino heritage will be celebrated in this
event and those in transition
years (K, 6, 8 and 12) will be highlighted for their
academic achievement, leadership,
community spirit, progress and/or effort. The evening’s
program will include spoken
word, music and dance presentations by students and staff of
the Amherst/Pelham
Elementary Schools and the Amherst-Pelham Regional
Middle/High School. In
addition, ARHS Seniors will be presented with a traditional
graduation stole to be worn
over their robes at the graduation ceremony in June.
The evening’s featured speaker will be Dr. Carmen Cosme. Dr.
Cosme obtained her PhD
in Hispanic Languages and Linguistics from the Dept. of
Languages, Literatures and
Cultures at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and is
currently the VELA
after-school program coordinator in our Middle School.
Please contact Mildred Martinez at 413 362-1871 with any
questions or concerns.
ARPS Special Education Services Family Survey
Parents/Guardians of Students with Special Education Services,
year the Amherst, Pelham and Amherst-Pelham Regional School Districts have
hired an independent consulting firm, Public Consulting Group, to conduct a
survey of our special education services. All parents/guardians of students who
are currently on an IEP are asked to provide feedback through an anonymous
survey. Please know that your feedback will help to improve special education
services across the district. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes
to complete. If you have more than one child currently on an IEP, we ask that
you complete a separate survey for each child. Please access the survey online
until May 26th at:
you have any questions, please check in the main office at your child’s school
or call the Student Services Office at 413-362-1834. Thank you in advance for
your time and invaluable input.
Michael Morris
Padres/ Guardianes de Estudiantes con Servicios de Educación Especial,
año Amherst, Pelham y los Distritos Escolares Regionales de Amherst-Pelham han
empleado a una empresa de consultoría independiente para conducir una evaluación
completa de nuestros servicios de educación especial. Se le está pidiendo a
todos los padres/guardianes de estudiantes que están actualmente en un IEP que
provean su opinión a través de una encuesta anónima. Por favor sepa que su
opinión ayudará a mejorar los servicios de educación especial a través del
distrito. La encuesta debería tomar aproximadamente 15 minutos para completar.
Si usted tiene a más de un niño actualmente en un IEP, pedimos que usted
complete una encuesta separada para cada niño. Por favor, tendrá acceso a la
encuest a en línea hast a el 26 de m ayo Español:
usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor valla a la oficina general de la escuela
de su niño o llame a la Oficina de Educación Especial al 413-362-1834. Gracias
de antemano por su tiempo y colaboración inestimable.
Michael Morris
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Teacher Appreciation Week May 7 - 12
Tuesday, May 9, is National Teacher Day, and this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Show your teachers some extra love this week!
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