Fort River PGO Information
Monday, April 25, 2016
Meet the Architects at the Fort River Parent/Child Forum on Thursday, May 5th at 5:15 PM

The Fort River Parent/Child Forum will take place on Thursday, May 5th at 5:15 PM in the Fort River Cafeteria. Pizza! Planning!
Violin Lessons Offered by Fort River Parent
🎼🎻🎶 Violin lessons offered by Fort River parent Carolyn Walker.
Private lessons for students of all abilities and levels, ages 5 to adult
Songwriting lessons for students with prior music experience
Fort River Alumni part of ARHS’s JETS Engineering Club Teams that win BEST IN STATE!
This has been an outstanding year for Amherst Regional High School’s JETS Engineering Club. The club entered five teams (40 students, grades 9-12) into the national Test of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science (TEAM+S) and won Best in State at both the 9th/10th grade and 11th/12th grade level. All six teams finished in the top 10% nationally.
Our top finishing 11th/12th grade team consisted of seniors: Brody Lynch, Liam Brandt, Michael Kamlarz, Jonathan Hosea, Solomon Rueschemeyer-Bailey, Dennis Shen, Nathaniel Corp, and Jacob Kaplan.
Our top finishing 9th/10th grade team consisted of: 10thgraders John Dinsmore, Alvaro Borrell, Doug Eveleigh, Aleksa Kosanovic, Alexandra Patton, Eric Thompson-Martin, Nathan Ji, and 9th grader Tim Demling.
ARHS has competed in the TEAM+S competition since 1989. TEAM+S is a national high school academic competition formally sponsored by the Junior Engineering Technical Society and recently taken over by the Technology Student Association. More than 1,000 teams of students compete every year in a fun and fast-paced competition that inspires creativity, teamwork, critical thinking and valuable insight into the world of engineering. The theme of this year’s competition was “Engineering the Tools of Innovation.” It challenged students to use their engineering and design skills to address pressing issues currently faced by computing and information technology industries.
Hillside Pizza Fundraiser for 5th Grade
Valley Gives Day is May 3, 2016
Fort River Community Event on Saturday, April 30: Tag Sale, CarWash,Cake Walk

Town Manager Search: Finalist Interview Schedules and Call for Community Input
Maria E. Capriola, Mansfield CT Assistant Town Manager, interview day Monday 04-25-16
William J. Fraser, Montpelier VT City Manager, interview day Tuesday 04-26-16
Paul Bockelman, Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) Director of Administration and Finance, interview day Wednesday 04-27-16
~Alisa V. Brewer
member, Amherst Select Board 2007-, chair 2015-
member, Amherst & Amherst-Regional School Committees, 2002-2007
member, Amherst Representative Town Meeting, 1999-
Trivia Night at the Jones Library on May 5
Coming Together Film Screening & Discussion: "Just a Piece of Cloth" at the Jones on May 12
From Coming Together:
Join us on Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Woodbury Room for the next film in this ongoing film and discussion series that may education, touch your heart, and inspire you to action to help dismantle racism. A facilitated discussion will be held after the screening.
Just a Piece of Cloth is a documentary that unravels stereotypes perpetuated by the mainstream media about Muslim women. It is a film about Muslim women, the hijab, and other issues of Islamophobia and racism. A facilitated discussion will follow the screening.
Free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Janet Ryan at 413/259-3223.
This film series is co-sponsored by the Jones Library and Coming Together. More information about Coming Together can be found at
Money Smart Week® Comes to the Jones Library
Amherst, MA – Libraries have long been advocates for reading and literacy for the people in their communities. Another community need now being addressed by libraries in an annual campaign is financial literacy and money management. Money Smart Week®, a public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances, will be observed with programs at the Jones Library during the week of April 23 – 30, 2016. On Tuesday, April 26 at 7 pm, gain a better understanding of cred at a workshop called Understanding Credit. This workshop is a primer in learning about the wise use of credit. It will help you understand your credit report, explain how credit scores are determined, and give you tips to improve your score. You will also learn what to look for to find the best credit card! This program is co-sponsored by UMassFive College Federal Credit Union. On Thursday, April 28 at 10:30 am, the weekly children’s story hour will have a special focus on money and saving. Money Smart Week® is a public awareness campaign to promote financial education across all age groups. Launched in 2002 by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the program is now active in more than 45 states through national partnerships with the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Cooperative Extension and the American Library Association. For more information, visit All programs are free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Janet Ryan at 413/259-3223. |
Come watch 32 teams compete in the 25th Annual Amherst Invitational, one of the oldest and most prestigious youth Ultimate Frisbee tournaments in the world. And it all happens right here in Amherst, the birthplace ofUltimate! Games will take place at both ARHS and ARMS fields, with the finals on Sunday afternoon at ARHS. Free admission and awesome layouts! More information at |
AMHERST EDUCATION FOUNDATION IS THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE THE RECIPIENTS OF THE 2016 EXCELLENCE GRANTS Congratulations to our Fort River teachers Amy Chang and Anne White who were both awarded grants for programs that will benefit ALL elementary students in Amherst! |
Of the fourteen applications, totaling $133,000 in requests, AEF awarded five grantees a total of $35,400!
These grants will positively impact the education of students throughout the Amherst-Pelham Regional School District. We are so proud to be supporting our teachers and staff in their efforts to provide a first-rate educational experience for our children.
Friday, April 15, 2016
History Lesson: ARHS Graduate and Supreme Court Chief Justice

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Odyssey Bookshop Children's Writing Contest
Monday, April 11, 2016
4th Grade Immigration Play on May 9th
Dental Van at Fort River this Thursday, April 14
Sunday, April 10, 2016
DUE WEDNESDAY! Change a Light! Change the World! Fundraiser Provides 100% of Funds Raised to Fort River!
Click the link for easy access to the order form:
Thank you for your participation and support! The money raised will support Field Day as well as the purchase of playground games and equipment for recess.
PGO Coffee with the Superintendent: Update on Principal Search Process
The tentative topic is the Principal Search Update and Process Overview and we hope to welcome special guest Superintendent Maria Geryk. Please click here to read an overview of the process.
Author Event on May 7 at the Odyssey Book Shop
An invitation from local author Anna Alter:
Sprout Street Neighbors Community Art Show and Raffle
Family Film Series at Amherst Cinema - Guaranteed Fun!
Pim & Pom: The Big Adventure
Saturday, April 16 at 10am
Looney Tunes Revue
Special vacation week run!
Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22 at 2pm daily
Batman: the Movie
Saturday, May 21 at 10am
Shaun the Sheep Movie
Saturday, June 18 at 10am
Lost and Found
Message from Ms. Finocchio:
Our "Lost and Found" has collected a GREAT deal of clothing! Clothing will be on display this Wednesday - Friday from 1:25- 4:00 in the foyer. Come by and see if you can find your long lost coat, mittens, or boots!
Friday, April 8, 2016
Sustainability Festival on April 16th
10 AM – 4 PM
Join us for a day of family fun, education and entertainment. The Sustainability Festival is in its seventh year and is bigger and better than ever!
There is literally something for everyone with over 100 vendors of renewable energy, energy efficiency product suppliers, advocacy groups as well as sustainable crafts and artisans!
Schedule of Stage Performances:
10 AM – Piti Theatre Company – “Innocenzo”
11 AM – Valley Women Drummers
Noon – Incus
1 PM – Carrie Ferguson
2 PM – Chris Scanlon
3 PM – The Connotations
Demo Workshops:
10:00 AM – “Growing, Sprouting and Saving Bean Seeds” – David Lovler
11:00 AM – “Vermi-composting” – Brandon Curtin
Noon – “Constructing Your Own Solar Oven” – Scully Wilhelm
1 PM – “Making Natural Deoderant & Biochar Facemasks” – Erica Clark-Tramantozzi & Mariana Lachiusa
2 PM – “Gardening with Mushrooms” – Willie of Fungi Ally
3 PM – “Beekeeping: Getting Started” – Henry Wilhelm
Be sure to bring your clean, used, dry clothing and textiles for the annual Textile Drive sponsored by the Amherst Recycling and Refuse Management Committee! The drop off will be located on Boltwood Avenue across from the Lord Jeff Inn.
A Special Note: We dedicate this year’s festival to the memory of our beloved former Town Manager, John Musante. He truly believed that sustainability and energy efficiency were the “right thing to do” and we thank him for his leadership that led Amherst to become a Green Community, as well as his many other lasting legacies. – Stephanie Ciccarello, Sustainability Coordinator
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Yearbook Photos Needed
Multi-Arts April Break and Summer Camps
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Update on Principal Search Process and Request for Volunteers
April 5, 2016
Dear Fort River Families:
As you know, Ms. Finocchio will be leaving her position as Principal of Fort River School as of June 30th. She has done a wonderful job during her time here, and I know our Fort River families join me in wishing her the best as she moves back to eastern Massachusetts. Fort River is fortunate to have an outstanding Vice-Principal, Diane Chamberlain, and exceptional faculty and staff who will provide stability and support during this time of transition.
The district has now posted the Principal position and will soon begin the hiring process, which starts with the appointment of a Screening Committee. The Screening Committee will consist of three parents/guardians, three members of the Fort River staff, and two Central Office administrators. The role of the Screening Committee is to review all applications, conduct initial interviews, and recommend finalist candidates to me. The timeline for the screening and selection process is as follows:
STEP I: Screening Committee Review of Applicants—Complete by April 25, 2016
Screening Committee members must be available to come to Central Office to review the candidate pool and participate in a meeting at which semi-finalist candidates will be selected.
STEP II: Screening Committee Interviews—Week of May 2, 2016
Members of the Screening Committee must be available to participate in semi-finalist interviews during the week of May 2. At the end of the day on Friday, May 6, the Screening Committee will meet with me to review the candidates and make a recommendation about which candidates to invite for finalist interviews. The formal role of the Screening Committee ends with this recommendation.
We hope to invite finalists to Fort River School during the week of May 16, 2016. During these visits, finalist candidates will spend a day at Fort River touring the school and observing classrooms. Each candidate will meet with students, teachers, administrators, and me. There will also be evening public forums so parents and guardians can meet and provide feedback about each finalist. The goal is to select and announce the new Fort River Principal to the community by May 27, 2016.
If you are interested in serving on the Screening Committee, please contact Kathryn Mazur, Human Resources Director, by April 8, 2016. She can be reached by telephone at 413-362-1803 or by email at
Maria Geryk, Superintendent of Schools
5 de abril del 2016
Estimadas familias de Fort River:
Como saben, la Sra. Finocchio dejará su puesto como Principal de la Escuela de Fort River a partir del 30 de junio. Ella ha hecho un trabajo maravilloso durante su tiempo aquí, y sé que nuestras familias de Fort River se unen a mí deseándole lo mejor cuando se mude de nuevo al este de Massachusetts. Fort River tiene la suerte de tener una excelente Vice-Principal, Diane Chamberlain, y una facultad y un personal excepcional que proporcionaran estabilidad y apoyo durante este tiempo de transición.
El distrito ha publicado la posición de Principal y pronto comenzará el proceso de contratación, que se inicia con el nombramiento de un Comité de Selección. El Comité de Selección estará compuesto por tres padres / encargados, tres miembros del personal de Fort River, y dos administradores de la Oficina Central. La función del Comité de Selección es revisar todas las solicitudes, realizar las entrevistas iniciales, y recomendarme los candidatos finalistas. La línea de tiempo para el proceso de selección y la selección es el siguiente:
PASO I: Revisión de los Solicitantes por el Comité de Selección-Completado para el 25 de abril 2016
Los miembros del comité de selección deben estar disponibles para venir a la oficina central a revisar la lista de candidatos y participar en una reunión en la cual se seleccionarán los candidatos semifinalistas.
PASO II: Entrevistas del Comité de Selección -Semana del 2 de mayo 2016
Los miembros del Comité de Selección deben estar disponibles para participar en las entrevistas de los candidatos semi-finalistas durante la semana del 2 de mayo. Al final del día, el viernes 6 de mayo, el Comité de Selección se reunirá conmigo para revisar los candidatos y hacer una recomendación acerca de cuáles candidatos se deben invitar a las entrevistas de finalistas. La función formal del Comité de Selección termina con esta recomendación.
Esperamos invitar los finalistas a la Escuela de Fort River durante la semana del 16 de mayo del 2016. Durante estas visitas, los candidatos finalistas pasarán un día en Fort River recorriendo la escuela y observando los salones. Cada candidato se reunirá con los estudiantes, maestros, administradores, y conmigo. También habrá una noche de Foro Público, para que los padres y encargados puedan reunirse y proporcionar comentarios sobre cada finalista. El objetivo es seleccionar y anunciar el nuevo de Principal Fort River a la comunidad para el 27 de mayo del 2016.
Si usted está interesado en servir en el Comité de Selección, por favor, póngase en contacto con Kathryn Mazur, Directora de Recursos Humanos, antes del 8 de abril del 2016. Se le puede contactar por teléfono al 413-362-1803 o por correo electrónico a
Maria Geryk, Superintendente de Escuelas
Change a Light Change the World! Green Energy Fundraiser
Information came home last week in your child's backpack about this awesome fundraiser! In partnership with Eversource, Fort River will keep 100% of the money spent on residential energy efficient supplies (light bulbs, powered strips, etc.)
2nd Annual International Festival on the Town Common - April 9
Students, residents and visitors to the Amherst Common on April 09, 2016 will be able to join in one of the biggest event in Amherst for the spring 2016 as well as celebrate and raise awareness of the colorful cultural diversity within our community. Everyone will be given the opportunity to achieve the dream of traveling around the world in one day with our collaborative cultural booths, contemporary performances, exclusive souvenirs and handmade goods from your favorite countries, as well as enjoying our local vendors’ authentic food. Exclusively, there would be more activities for kids such as the petting zoo, arts and crafts provided by Amherst Family Center and UMass Craft Center.
There is no entrance fee. Hours are from 1:00 p.m., to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 09, 2016
For more information, please visit and or contact
Monday, April 4, 2016
ARPS Forming Food Services Visioning Group - Looking for Parent & Community Participants
From the ARPS Finance Director, Sean Mangano
March 31st, 2016
Good afternoon,
Food services are more complex than ever with various trends/movements rising to the surface: organic, buying local, nutritional standards, GMOs, service delivery... The district is forming a visioning group to identify goals and priorities and set a clear direction for the food service program.
The group will include parents, School Committee members, community members, Wellness Committee members, and teachers.
I envision four or five meetings during the summer and fall with a recommendation to school committee in the winter.
Please email me if you would like to participate.
Thank You.
Sean Mangano
Principal Finocchio Announces Departure from Fort River
Announcement from Principal Finocchio:
April 1, 2016
Dear Families,
I write this letter to inform you that as of June 30, 2016, I will be leaving the position of principal of Fort River Elementary School. At this time, I need to relocate back to Eastern Massachusetts to be with my family.
It is not without sadness that I leave Fort River. Fort River School and the Amherst community will always be special to me. I feel fortunate and privileged to have had the opportunity to serve as principal for the last two years. It has been an honor to experience strong partnerships with the students, staff, and families in the community. Although I am leaving Amherst, the fond memories and learning experiences I have had here will stay with me always.
I am very proud of the achievements and growth our students have made and I know the good work will continue. I am eager to hear about the continued success of our students. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, your children and this outstanding community. To say the very least, I will miss the Fort River School!
Bobbie Finocchio
1 de abril del 2016
Queridas familias,
Escribo esta carta para comunicarles que el 30 de junio del 2016, estaré dejando mi cargo de Principal de la Escuela Elemental de Fort River. En este momento, necesito reubicarme de nuevo al este de Massachusetts para estar con mi familia.
No es sin tristeza que dejo la Escuela de Fort River. La Escuela de Fort River y la comunidad de Amherst, siempre serán especiales para mí. Me siento afortunada y privilegiada de haber tenido la oportunidad de servir como principal durante los últimos dos años. Ha sido un honor experimentar alianzas firmes con los estudiantes, el personal y las familias de la comunidad. A pesar de que estoy dejando a Amherst, los recuerdos y las experiencias de aprendizaje, que he tenido aquí permanecerán conmigo siempre.
Estoy muy orgullosa de los logros y el crecimiento que nuestros estudiantes han alcanzado y sé que el buen trabajo continuará. Estaré ansiosa por escuchar sobre el éxito continúo de nuestros estudiantes. Gracias por la oportunidad de servirles a ustedes, sus hijos y esta comunidad excepcional. ¡Lo mínimo que les puedo decir es que extrañare La Escuela de Fort River!
Bobbie Finocchio