Splash is a one–day event at Amherst College, where middle and high school students learn anything from Masks of the World to How People Make Money to Harry Potter: A Chamber of Secrets to Instant Chinese to Beat–boxing, all taught by college students!
When: Saturday April 9th 2016, 9am–3pm at Converse Hall, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002
A $10 fee includes course supplies and lunch. Scholarships are available.
Here’s the registration link to get you started: Register
Quick link to courses offered this semester: Class Catalog
Please invite all your friends and pass the information along to anyone interested! Additionally, we are now on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/splashamherst) so give us a like and get a chance to see updates and what happens behind the scenes with us :)
Registration is set to close April 6th so sign up soon! Give us an email if you have any questions.