If you have already registered for baseball, thank you!
If not, please do ASAP at www.amherstbaseball.org
What: Indoor Spring Training
Where: Coolidge Cage on the Amherst College Campus (next to hockey rink)
When: Saturday March 12 and Sunday March 20
We ask that ALL players, including returning players, come to Spring Training at the assigned times:
- Rookies & Minors: 8:30-10:00 AM [Note: any 9 yr. old that wants to attempt to play Majors should attend Majors session].
- Majors: Assigned players from 10-11:30 AM[Note: Unassigned players stay from 11:30-12:30 PM].
- Babe Ruth: 1:00-3:00 PM
We hope to begin outdoor play on the weekend of March 26, conditions permitting.
We will have an equipment swap during Spring Training so please bring any bats, gloves, cleats, clean baseball pants, etc. you no longer use for others to take.
What: Our annual Opening Day Jamboree with player introductions, games and photos
When: Saturday, April 30 (rain date May 1)
Where: Mill River Fields
Details will be posted on the website. Our photo vendor will be G&B Photography and order forms will be available in advance.
The more baseball players we have the more successful the league. Please pass the word to your friends and your kids' classmates that registration is open. Remember, our leagues are co-ed and kids are eligible if they live or go to school in Amherst, Pelham, Shutesbury, Leverett or Hadley. Babe Ruth is also open to Belchertown, Granby and South Hadley kids, as well as kids from certain Franklin County towns like Sunderland, Montague and South Deerfield.
We offer financial aid to families who need it, so no one should decide not to play baseball due to the cost.
As you know, Amherst Baseball is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and we depend on fundraising to offer financial aid and to purchase new equipment, maintain fields, etc. Please consider making a tax-free donation to the league or if you are associated with a business, please consider a sponsorship. I am attaching our menu of sponsorship options if you are interested.
Likewise, we always need volunteers. This year, we need at least one Team Parent for every team, as well as folks to volunteer to help with the food cart and fundraising. If you didn't sign up on-line during registration, we will have sign-ups at Spring Training.
Last but not least: The weather is beautiful and it is a great time to get outside and throw around a baseball. Don't wait for baseball season to start!