Did you miss it? You can still support the school and our classrooms by using our book fair code either on line or at the store until this THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10TH.
There are a number of books from our teacher wish lists that are still available. Some can be found in the store and most are on line.
Remember to use our Book Fair Code #11609500 when checking out. You can also bring a copy of the voucher to use at checkout in the store or simply mention that your are shopping to support Fort River.
Thanks also to our Book Fair Coordinating Team: Liz Larson, Shilpa Cunniffe, and MaryBeth Meade, and to all of our amazing volunteers! Great job everyone!
Thanks also to our Book Fair Coordinating Team: Liz Larson, Shilpa Cunniffe, and MaryBeth Meade, and to all of our amazing volunteers! Great job everyone!