Fort River PGO Information
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Holiday Gift Donations Sought

Monday, October 26, 2015
"Plan Local Action Steps against Racism" Tuesday, October 27 at 7pm atThe Jones Library
Amherst Elementary School Building Project: Community Forum Today/Tonight at AHRS 3:30pm and 7pm
The next Community Forum will be TONIGHT, October 26 in the ARHS Auditorium. Similar to last month's forum, there will be two identical sessions. The first will begin at 3:30pm and the second will begin at 7pm. Hear the rationale for the recommendation for grade reconfiguration and offer feedback. Spanish translation and childcare will be available for both sessions.
ARPS administrators presented the Elementary School Education Program to the School Committee at the Amherst School Committee meeting on October 20. This is a required step in the MSBA process. The presentation is available here:
The School Committee Agenda and Meeting packet from October 20 is here (pages 11 - 39 are the Education Program): http://www.arps.org/…/…/ASC%20Agenda%20Packet%2010.20.15.pdf
Here is a link to video of the Amherst School Committee meeting on 10/20/15. Approximately the first hour is public comments, and the presentation on the Amherst Elementary School Building project starts on 1:06:17 and ends on 2:20:53: https://archive.org/details/94351School102115
Here is the Gazette article about the meeting, published October 21:
Among the three options being considered in the Feasibility Study, Superintendent Maria Geryk recommended that the School Committee reconfigure the elementary schools into grade wide schools serving all Amherst students. The Crocker Farm school would enroll children in grades pre K to 1, and a new building (location to be determined) would serve students in grades 2 through 6. Under this reconfiguration the Wildwood and Fort River buildings would no longer be in use by the district. The other options being considered would include new or renovated facilities for Wildwood alone. There is no state funding available at this time to renovate or rebuild Fort River unless the reconfiguration option is chosen. Regardless of the option chosen, it would need to be considered at Town Meeting and will necessitate an override.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the project can be found here:
Katherine Appy appyk@arps.org
Vira Douangmany Cage douangmanyv@arps.org
Phoebe Hazzard hazzardp@arps.org
Rick Hood hoodr@arps.org
Kathleen Traphagen traphagenk@arps.org
PLEASE Send in Winter Clothing for those in Need! Collecting NOW, Distributing on 11/12 and 11/13
The Fort River PGO's annual winter clothing collection is ongoing. Now is a great time to go through closets and find coats/jackets, snowpants, boots, mittens, scarves, and hats that your family has outgrown or you no longer need. Please drop off clean items in good condition in the collection box in the lobby. All sizes are wanted, including infant/toddler and adult.
All school and community families will be welcome to take whatever they need. Fort River PGO is working together with other ARPS PGOs and schools to share warm winter clothes among as many students and families as possible, and we also have community partners assisting with the clothing collections. Distribution dates for Fort River will be on November 12 and 13. Please help if you can! Thank you!
Nominations Sought for 2016-2017 ARPS Community-Building Award
The annual ARPS
Community Building Award honors two Amherst, Pelham or Amherst-Pelham Regional
School District employees who "have helped to foster a sense of belonging
among students and have helped to build bridges of understanding and acceptance
among them." Awardees for the 2015-2016 school year were George
Graiff, Pelham Custodian, and Kimberly Stender, Community Liaison.
Nominations for 2016-2017 will be accepted at any time until June 30,
2016. More information about the award criteria is available here and nomination forms are
available here.
Family TIES of Massachusetts Presents: Let’s Get Organized 11/4 at 6:30pm at ARHS room 13
Do you wish you had a way to keep track of your child’s IEPs, evaluations, progress reports, doctor reports, test results, and more? Western Parent Coordinator will offer effective ways for parents to organize and manage paperwork, building a customized binder for your child - plus general ideas on “keeping it together” and tips for developing community connections for your child. This workshop is free and open to the public.
ARPS SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council)
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Amherst High School
(Room 13)
light snacks served
Nancy Stewart (413)687-4255 sepac@arps.org
¿Te gustaría tener una manera de no perder de
vista, IEP, evaluaciones de su hijo, informes de progreso, informes médicos,
los resultados de pruebas, y mucho más? Coordinadora de Padres
Occidental ofrecerá formas efectivas de los padres de organizar y
gestionar el papeleo, la construcción de una carpeta personalizada para su hijo
- además de las ideas generales sobre "Mantener Juntos" y
consejos para el desarrollo de las conexiones de la comunidad para su hijo.
Este taller es gratuito y abierto al público.
(Consejo Asesor de Padres de Educación Especial)Miércoles, 4
de Noviembre de 2015
Escuela Superior Regional de Amherst
(Salón 13)
aperitivos ligeros serán servidos
DE 10-29-15
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Amherst High School
(Room 13)
light snacks served
Nancy Stewart (413)687-4255 sepac@arps.org
Family TIES de Massachusetts es un proyecto de la Federación para Niños con Necesidades Especiales, financiado por el Departamento de Massachusetts de Salud Pública, Oficina de Salud Familiar y Comunitaria de la División de Perinatal, de la Primera Infancia y Salud Necesidades Especiales.
Pumpkin Fun Run & Pancake Breakfast THIS SATURDAY! All welcome
Join us on Saturday, October 31 at 9 AM for the first ever Fort River Pumpkin Fun Run & Pancake Breakfast!
Students can arrive in costumes (practical enough for running) and the 1 mile run/walk will begin at 9:15 AM. A Pancake Breakfast will be served and every child will leave with a small pumpkin!
Volunteers still needed! Please contact Deb if you can help. Thanks to our sponsors including Karen and Jeff West of Maple Street in Hadley (pumpkins) and alumni family Bob and Sally Fitz from Small Ones Farm in South Amherst (apples)!
Students can arrive in costumes (practical enough for running) and the 1 mile run/walk will begin at 9:15 AM. A Pancake Breakfast will be served and every child will leave with a small pumpkin!
Volunteers still needed! Please contact Deb if you can help. Thanks to our sponsors including Karen and Jeff West of Maple Street in Hadley (pumpkins) and alumni family Bob and Sally Fitz from Small Ones Farm in South Amherst (apples)!
Family Films at Amherst Cinema: Great Films for Kids Big and Small!
family fun from Amherst Cinema ...
Saturdays at 10am, $5 general admission!
Parents, different films will be appropriate for different ages. We recommend commonsensemedia.org as a helpful resource in determining what's right for your child.
The Witches
Saturday, October 24 at 10am
In Nicolas Roeg's adaptation of Roald Dahl's The Witches, a young boy is vacationing at the seaside with his grandmother when he discovers that the hotel he is staying at is hosting a convention of witches.
Saturday, October 31 at 10am
Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson star as Manhattan-based paranormal investigators. The team wrangles ghoulies, ghosties, and giant marshmellow men.
Back to the Future
Saturday, November 7 at 10am
Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) is sent 30 years into the past in a time-traveling DeLorean. He must make sure his high-school-age parents unite in order to save his own existence.
The Secret of Kells
Saturday, November 14 at 10am
Magic, fantasy and Celtic mythology come together in a riot of color and detail that dazzle the eyes in this sweeping story about the power of imagination and faith to carry humanity through dark times.
An American Tail
Saturday, November 21 at 10am
Fievel Mousekewitz and his family of Russian-Jewish mice escape from their homeland in the late 1800s, boarding a boat headed toward America to evade the Czarist rule of the Russian cats.
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
Saturday, November 28 at 10am
German prevaricator Baron Munchausen is seen quelling a war that he himself started, flying into the stratosphere on the back of a cannonball, ballooning to the moon, and being swallowed by a whale.
Akeelah and the Bee
Saturday, December 5 at 10am
AKEELAH AND THE BEE is the inspirational story of Akeelah Anderson (Keke Palmer), an eleven-year-old girl from south Los Angeles with a gift for words.
Song of the Sea
Saturday, December 12 at 10am
Based on the Irish legend of the Selkies, SONG OF THE SEA tells the story of the last seal-child, Saoirse, and her brother Ben, who go on a journey to save the world of magic and discover the secrets of their past.
Saturday, December 19 at 10am
In Jon Favreau's Christmas comedy hit, Will Ferrell stars as Buddy, who, as a baby in an orphanage, was stowed away in Santa’s sack and ended up at the North Pole.
The Polar Express
Saturday, December 26 at 10am
THE POLAR EXPRESS revolves around Billy, who longs to believe in Santa Claus, despite his family's insistence that all of it, from the North Pole, to the elves, to the man himself, is just a myth.
Video and Film Series at The Jones Library
Video and Film Series at The Jones Library
Saturday, November 21 from 2:30 – 4:00PM
“The Story We Tell“ is an eye-opening tale of how deep social inequalities
came to be rationalized as natural – deflecting attention from the social
practices and public policies that benefited whites at the expense of others.
We will look at how this story continues to affect us and our society
today. (This is Episode #2 in “Race: The Power of an Illusion” from
PBS, California Newsreel.)
Thursday, December 10th at 7:00 PM
“Cracking the Codes”
From Shakti Butler comes a new film that asks
America to talk about the causes and consequences of systemic inequity. Cracking
the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity features moving stories from
racial justice leaders and others of many different racial backgrounds.
Van Jones says, “Cracking the Codes challenges us to build a world
that works for everyone.”
Community Conversations: Planning Some Action Steps 10/27, 7 – 8:45PM at The Jones
from Coming Together: Understanding Racism, Working for Justice & Building Connections
NAACPAmherst Racial Equity/UROC
Dear Community Members Who Care About Racial Justice,
Dear Community Members Who Care About Racial Justice,
Please join us for:
Community Conversations:
Planning Some Action Steps
Tuesday, October 27, 7:00PM – 8:45PM
We invite everyone in the
community to come together at The Jones Library to brainstorm, discuss, form
action teams, and plan to initiate action steps to help dismantle racism in our
community and beyond.
We will invite participants to
suggest action projects and the organizers will offer suggestions as well –
things “ordinary” people can do locally to make a difference. After some brief
discussion there will be an opportunity for each person to select a proposed
action step and meet with a small group of others who are interested in
pursuing that idea together.
We see this as a continuation of:
- a community conversation that happened last fall,
- ongoing discussions that have occurred in meetings and/or film showings in each of sponsoring organizations over the past year,
- the call to action at the end of the NAACP walk a few weeks ago,
- the question, “What can we do?” that has been raised repeatedly by local people who care about dismantling racism.
This is part of our ongoing work of
building a powerful movement for racial justice.
Racism tries to divide us, silence
us, and make us feel powerless in the face of systemic oppression. Together we
can accomplish things we can’t do alone. All of us have limited
time, but many of us want to be sure we are taking some effective action. This
meeting is for people of all racial backgrounds and all identities. Please join
us Tuesday, October 27th at 7PM.
Yours in solidarity,
Coming Together: Understanding Racism, Working for Justice & Building Connections
Amherst Racial Equity/UROC
Jones Library: Fun for Kids!
Did you know that the Jones Library offers a Lego club, infant singing time, an electronics club, preschool story time, literary groups, winter crafts, and art classes?
Check it out on their website: http://www.joneslibrary.org/juv/programs.html
Check it out on their website: http://www.joneslibrary.org/juv/programs.html
Monday, October 19, 2015
Fort River Pumpkin Fun Run & Pancake Breakfast on October 31 at 9 am
Students can arrive in costumes (practical enough for running) and the 1 mile run/walk will begin at 9:15 AM. A Pancake Breakfast will be served and every child will leave with a small pumpkin!
Volunteers still needed! Please contact Deb if you can help. Thanks to our sponsors including Karen and Jeff West of Maple Street in Hadley (pumpkins) and alumni family Bob and Sally Fitz from Small Ones Farm in South Amherst (apples)!
AEF Trivia Bee on October 29
Amherst Education Foundation will hold its 21st annual Trivia Bee
on October 29, 2015 from 7 pm to 9 pm in the Amherst Regional
Middle School auditorium.
AEF supports public schools with significant grants
each year. From the AEF website: "Last year the Trivia Bee helped raise
over $8,000 in support of the Amherst area schools. Hundreds of people attended
and appreciated all the businesses who supported our kids and our schools. This
is a fun annual event that the community looks forward to. With your
contribution, AEF can make a real difference in our schools."
For further information, contact
Storm Delay Information
Please note that school cancellations and delays are determined on a district by district basis. For the Amherst-Pelham school district, call 413-362-1898. You can also check the district home page or the cancellation websites of local television stations: Channel 22 and Channel 40.
ARPS Listening Session Regarding Possible Consolidation of ARMS and ARHS … October 19 at 5:30 pm
The District is currently exploring the possibility of consolidating the Regional Middle and High Schools into a single building. This exploration is the result of a significant funding gap at the Regional level, a declining student population, and questions from the leaders of the four Regional towns about when and whether such a consolidation might occur. Input from students, families, and community members about this proposed consolidation initiative and the financial, educational, and social opportunities/challenges it presents, is vital. A Community Listening Session is being held on Monday, October 19 with Tours of ARHS starting at 5:30pm and the Listening Session beginning at 6:30pm in the ARHS Library.
Here is a link to more info on the district website:
Here is a link to more info on the district website:
October Principal Newsletter
The October Principal Newsletter is available here:
Previous Newsletters can be accessed on the right-hand side of the PGO blog or in a similar location on the school website.
Check out these resources from the Newsletter!
Positive behavior supports:
Bucket filling:
Growing your mind video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =WtKJrB5rOKs
Previous Newsletters can be accessed on the right-hand side of the PGO blog or in a similar location on the school website.
Check out these resources from the Newsletter!
Positive behavior supports:
Bucket filling:
Growing your mind video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =WtKJrB5rOKs
Early Dismissal
Students will be dismissed early on three occasions over the next week:
October 21 at 1:20 pm
October 23 at noon
October 26 at noon
Lunch will be served on all three dates.
October 23 at noon
October 26 at noon
Lunch will be served on all three dates.
Amherst Elementary School Building Project - Decision about Grade Reconfiguration Coming Soon
Thank you to everyone who attended the PGO Coffee with the Principal last Friday! We had a great turnout of concerned parents and lots of dialogue about the future of our elementary schools. Special guests Superintendent Maria Geryk, Assistant Superintendent Michael Morris, and Amherst School Committee chair Katherine Appy presented information about the current and future status of the Amherst Elementary School Building Project, formerly known as the Wildwood School Building Project. Superintendent Maria Geryk will be presenting recommendations to the Amherst School committee this Tuesday, October 20th about grade configuration. Should Amherst have three K-6 elementary schools or a single district wide pre-K/K/1 at Crocker Farm, and a single district wide grades 2-6 school somewhere else? Should the new elementary school building be a smaller grades K - 6 school, essentially replacing Wildwood's current building but with some necessary redistricting, or should it be a larger grades 2 - 6 district wide school, allowing the district to cease usage of both the Wildwood and Fort River buildings?
The meeting is open to the public, and will be held at the Amherst High School at 6 pm. Parents are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts. Please consider delivering concise remarks on Tuesday night or emailing the School Committee members with your thoughts. The Committee members' contact information is found on this district webpage.
If you need to get up to speed quickly, please visit the Amherst Elementary School Building Project Facebook page.
School Picture Day on Tuesday, October 20
School Pictures are this week on Tuesday, October 20! Please be sure to send in the order form with payment if you'd like to purchase a photo package.
Volunteers are needed! This is a fun activity for parents and guardians. Please sign up for a shift using the following link: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090e44acaf2c7-fort Please be certain that your CORI is up to date and check in at the office when you arrive.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Pre-Season Youth Basketball Clinic
Check out the Pre-Season Basketball Players’ Clinic (for children in grades K-8), which is scheduled for Saturday, October 31st at the Amherst Regional High School Gym.
The GIRLS’ Clinic will run from 10am - 12pm, and the BOYS’ Clinic will run from 1 - 3pm.
These clinics will provide an excellent opportunity for your child to get ready for the upcoming Rec Basketball season and/or Travel Tryouts for grades 4-8th (Nov. 3rd and 7th for boys and Nov. 4th and 7th for girls)* and meet members of both varsity girls’ and boys’ teams.
The girls’ clinic will be run by Girls’ Varisty Head Coach Dustin James. Coach James is also the current PE teacher at Crocker Farm. The boys’ clinic will be coached once again by longtime Varsity Boys’ Head Coach Jim Matuszko.
The cost of the clinic is $5, payable at the door. All proceeds benefit the ARHS Basketball program.
The GIRLS’ Clinic will run from 10am - 12pm, and the BOYS’ Clinic will run from 1 - 3pm.
These clinics will provide an excellent opportunity for your child to get ready for the upcoming Rec Basketball season and/or Travel Tryouts for grades 4-8th (Nov. 3rd and 7th for boys and Nov. 4th and 7th for girls)* and meet members of both varsity girls’ and boys’ teams.
The girls’ clinic will be run by Girls’ Varisty Head Coach Dustin James. Coach James is also the current PE teacher at Crocker Farm. The boys’ clinic will be coached once again by longtime Varsity Boys’ Head Coach Jim Matuszko.
The cost of the clinic is $5, payable at the door. All proceeds benefit the ARHS Basketball program.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Winter Clothing Collection! Please Search your Storage!
The Fort River PGO's
annual winter clothing collection starts this week. Now is a great time
to go through closets and find coats/jackets, snowpants, boots, mittens,
scarves, and hats that your family has outgrown or you no longer need. Please
drop off clean items in good condition in the collection box in the lobby. All
sizes are wanted, including infant/toddler and adult.
All school and community
families will be welcome to take whatever they need. Fort River PGO is
working together with other ARPS PGOs and schools to share warm winter clothes
among as many students and families as possible, and we also have community
partners assisting with the clothing collections. Distribution dates for Fort River will be on November 12 and 13. Look for a flyer in
backpacks soon with more details on all of the collection and distribution
sites and dates.
Thank you!
Most Likely to Succeed - An Educational Documentary
Free showing Oct 14th, 6:30 pm
at the ARHS Auditorium
The screening will include an introduction by educator/architect David Stephen, & a Q&A afterwards by author/producer Ted Dintersmith.
Here is a link to the web site for David Stephen's architectural firm, New Vista.
Here is a link to Ted Dintersmith's blog, Educating for the 21st Century.
Monday, October 12, 2015
IMPORTANT PGO Coffee with the Principal THIS Friday, October 16 with Special Guests Michael Morris and Katherine Appy
Please join your friends on Friday, October 16 at 9 am for coffee, donuts, and informative conversation!
Assistant Superintendent Michael Morris and Amherst School Committee Chair Katherine Appy will discuss the AMHERST ELEMENTARY School Building Project and take questions. Be sure to read the responses to FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about this project here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1UHfp-WxPTYRUI4V1llbWNNSXc/view
The next community forums on this issue facing the elementary schools will be on Monday, October 26 in the High School Auditorium. The first will begin at 3:30 PM and the second at 7:00 PM. Two identical sessions will be held.
Monthly coffees will take place on or about the 15th of each month. The dates can be found on the PGO calendar which is on the right side of the blog home page. Some coffees will take place in the evening. There will usually be a presentation for families and specifics will be available on the blog, FB, and Twitter. Your infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are always welcome!
Please share with your friends and neighbors! Families with future Amherst Elementary school children are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there!
Halloween Window Painting with LSSE
Participate in the annual fun ritual to decorate the town and spreads safe, wholesome Halloween festivity: Window Painting!
The deadline to register is Oct. 16, and participants get down to work on Oct. 24.
Participate in the annual fun ritual to decorate the town and spreads safe, wholesome Halloween festivity: Window Painting!
The deadline to register is Oct. 16, and participants get down to work on Oct. 24.
Bulbs For Sale ONLINE through October 16! ORDER NOW!
Fort River still needs your help! If you missed the Dutch Mill Bulb FUNdraiser it's not too late! Our goal is to raise $600.00 but we aren't quite there.
The PGO will earn at least 50% profit on every package of bulbs sold. Each bulb package option is conveniently priced at $8.
The PGO will earn at least 50% profit on every package of bulbs sold. Each bulb package option is conveniently priced at $8.
Our custom Fort River online fundraising link is available for ONLINE orders and supporters outside of the local area. Orders will be shipped directly to your home for a small fee.
Click NOW to place your order and remember that paperwhites make great holiday gifts: http://groups.dutchmillbulbs.com/fortriverelementaryschoolpgo.php
Be sure to let out-of-town friends and relatives know that they too can participate in our flower bulb fundraiser by using the custom link. The link will prompt your out-of-town supporters to select from 17 items (all guaranteed to grow and bloom!), provide billing and shipping information, and choose a secure method of payment (either credit card or PayPal). Be sure they add your student’s name during the check-out process! Online orders are shipped directly to the customer based on the appropriate planting time for the state in which they live. A minimal shipping fee will apply (sorry - no shipments to Alaska or Hawaii). Online orders will be accepted through October 16th.
A template letter found here can be customized and sent by email to friends, family, and any other potential Fort River supporters. Thanks for participating and remember to thank all of your generous customers for supporting our school!
Questions can be sent to Stacey: sbeganny@gmail.com
Questions can be sent to Stacey: sbeganny@gmail.com
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