Fort River PGO Information
Friday, May 30, 2008
Upcoming Events
Planning for 2008-2009
Field Day--Tuesday, June 10th

Just a reminder that field day is next week (June 10). Please prepare your children with a bathing suit or change of clothing, because there are many water activities that morning. Also it would be a good idea to send in sunscreen, water bottle, towel, hats and appropriate shoes.
We invite parents to join their children for a picnic outside. Bring a blanket and either buy lunch or bring one. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be available that day.
Kindergarten 9:00-9:45
1st, 2nd, and 3rd 9:30-10:45
4th and 5th 11:00-12:15
Lunch Times:
11:25 1st and 2nd grade
11:45 Kindergarten
12:00 3rd grade
12:25 4th and 5th grade
We always have room for more parents to volunteer, just email Sarah at
Have a great day,
Cathy Doctor and Sarah Murphy
Diversity & Social Justice Committee--Year-End Meeting & Dinner
Annual Family Donation Fund Update
Parent Council Activities and Events for 2007-2008
As the school year comes to an end, we wanted to update all families on the various activities and events that were brought to you by Parent Council this year:
Field Trips
· Subsidized the 5th grade trip to Lowell
· Subsidized the 6th grade trip to the Boston Science Museum
· Subsidized the 4th grade trip to Plimouth Plantation
Paid for the 3rd graders to see Tony Vacca’s African Rhythms performance (Trish Farrington and Rachel Davis’s classes)
In-School Educational Events and Assistance
· Funded the Kindergarten storyteller for all three kindergarten classes
· Funded the Museum of Science presentations for all classes in all grades
· Funded the Birds of Prey presentation
· Provided funding for library books
· Organized the Book Fair
· Organized the Book Swap
Staff/Teacher Support
· Provided each classroom and specials teacher with money for classroom set-up expenses
· Provided each teacher with funds to buy classroom books
· Organized and funded the Teacher/Staff Appreciation luncheon
· Organized and funded the Bus/Van Driver Appreciation breakfast
Social Events
· Subsidized 6th grade graduation
· Organized and funded Field Day
· Organized and funded the Beach Party (band and dinner)
· Organized and funded the monthly Coffee with a Principal
Funded end of year events for each grade
Community Building and Support
· Provided a free directory for every child
· Provided a free yearbook for every child (distributed the last day of school)
· Organized Picture Day
· Funded the Jump rope club
· Provided funds to Guidance Counselors to help Fort River families in need
· Provided a High School Scholarship (for a Fort River alum)
· Organized and funded the new Parent Handbook
· Organized and funded the new family welcome event
Box Tops for Education Update from Jan Kelly

Big (and Belated) Thank Yous to Our Fall Festival Volunteers
18 Years of Public Service (By Jerrey Roberts, Amherst Bulletin, May 30, 2008)

Pat Ononibaku offers a hug after giving a West African kente scarf to Fort River School Principal Russ Vernon-Jones during a retirement party for him May 23 at the school. He was the school's principal for 18 years. The event was coupled with a dedication of a brick walkway for the school's playground, which was installed last year. The bricks bear the names of donors for the playground project.
Of Interest to Fort River Families

Need Help Making Ends Meet? The Amherst Survival Center holds "Family Night" on the first and third Monday of each month, beginning June 2. Children with their parents or guardians are invited to join the staff and volunteers at the Survival Center for supper and fun in addition to access to all our free programs including free groceries, free clothing and free medical care. The Center is located at 1200 North Pleasant Street in Amherst. For more information, or to volunteer, call Tracey at (413) 549-3968 x202 or e-mail
A note from Parent Council. We will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Friday during the school year. Please note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Upcoming Events
Celebrate the End of the School Year With a Book

A special book plate will be placed in the donated book stating the name of the donor and of the child or adult being honored. Also, the donor and the honoree will be sent a thank you note acknowledging the donation.
In times of limited school budgets, this program helps our school by adding wonderful new books to our library. Children also gain a sense of sharing something meaningful to be enjoyed by readers for years to come. Let’s celebrate with a book!!
Please choose a book you and your child have enjoyed or you can call or email Fran Ludington, FR librarian, for suggestions (362-1215,
Here’s all you have to do:
1. Drop the book off in one of the Celebrate with a book box (collection boxes are in the Library and in the main office) with the note below completed.
2. Any questions, contact Elly Hosea ( or contact school Librarian Fran Ludington.
Celebrate With Books--Thank You Notes
Grade-Wide Event for First Grade Families
Grade-Wide Event for Kindergarten Familes
--a bottle of soda or juice to share
--additional food for your family
--balls, frisbees, jump ropes, bubbles and other outdoor playthings. Let us know who is coming and how you can help by filling out this form and returning it to school by June 2, or by contacting Amy Rose at (preferred) or 253-3831.
Please RSVP by June 4. Click here for form.
Of Interest to Fort River Families
"When Your Child is Anxious: Deciding When It Is a Problem and Determining What Can Be Done About It." Thursday, May 29, 7-9pm. Amherst Regional High School Library. Click here for more information.
Amherst Soccer Academy. ASA is being held at Amherst College on July 21st-July 25th, 2008. It is geared for boys and girls in Grades 1-8, giving them the opportunity to mix both soccer and summer fun. There is both a Full-Day camp and a Half-Day camp. The price for the Half-Day Camp is $140 (before May 15th) and $150 (after May 15th). The price for the Full-Day Camp is $230 (before May 15th) and $250 (after May 15th).An additional 10% off for Amherst College employees. For more information, and to sign up, please go to, under the Men's or Women Soccer Team web pages, and click on "Youth Camp". Any questions/concerns, please contact Justin Serpone at either or (413) 542-2956.
A note from Parent Council. We will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Friday during the school year. Please note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Annual Family Donation Fund Update--Push to $7000
5th Grade Class Event
6th Grade Class Gift
Additional Thanks
Field Day--June 10th
Amherst Regional Middle School Partnership
Of Interest to Fort River Families

Multi-Arts introduces a new electronic magazine, which can be read by anyone in the world at any time and connects schools to the real-world. The electronic magazine has been visited by readers from Ireland to Singapore. In the spring edition, Multi-Arts featured the talented writers from Fort River Elementary School. Pieces ranged from the sweet view of a first grader about her new baby sister, to the crazy story of an imaginative fourth grader about to inhabit another planet. Please come and visit the beautiful and innovative magazine at

Amherst Soccer Academy. ASA is being held at Amherst College on July 21st-July 25th, 2008. It is geared for boys and girls in Grades 1-8, giving them the opportunity to mix both soccer and summer fun. There is both a Full-Day camp and a Half-Day camp. The price for the Half-Day Camp is $140 (before May 15th) and $150 (after May 15th). The price for the Full-Day Camp is $230 (before May 15th) and $250 (after May 15th).An additional 10% off for Amherst College employees. For more information, and to sign up, please go to, under the Men's or Women Soccer Team web pages, and click on "Youth Camp". Any questions/concerns, please contact Justin Serpone at either or (413) 542-2956.
A note from Parent Council. We will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Friday during the school year. Please note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Upcoming Events
Special Fort River Event
Welcome to the New Parent Council Officers
Planning for 2008-2009
Big Thanks Yous To....
Annual Family Donation Fund Update
Of Interest to Fort River Families

Multi-Arts introduces a new electronic magazine, which can be read by anyone in the world at any time and connects schools to the real-world. The electronic magazine has been visited by readers from Ireland to Singapore. In the spring edition, Multi-Arts featured the talented writers from Fort River Elementary School. Pieces ranged from the sweet view of a first grader about her new baby sister, to the crazy story of an imaginative fourth grader about to inhabit another planet. Please come and visit the beautiful and innovative magazine at
Multi-Arts Meet the Artist: Open reading at Barnes and Noble, Hadley, Saturday, May 10th. Between 3-5pm. Come enjoy listening to these wonderful and creative stories and meet the writers behind this creation. Also in the program: a drama show, music, and clips from the children's movie: "Bubble Trubble."
The Fair is Back in Town! Once again the Amherst Rotary Club will host the Community Fair on the common, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 8th, May 9th, and May 10th. Fanelli Amusements will set up carnival rides for thrill-seekers of all ages. The climbing wall will be there to test your skills. The Pelham Lion’s Club Dime-Toss Booth will be stocked with Teddy Bear prizes and the Greenfield Savings Bank Putting - Booth will test your eyes. Of course, the Amherst Rotary Club will be selling hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries with all the fixings. The Fair will run from 2 – 10 p.m. Friday, and 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Saturday. So shut your TVs off, come out and celebrate spring with your friends and neighbors at the Amherst Community Fair.
Amherst Soccer Academy. ASA is being held at Amherst College on July 21st-July 25th, 2008. It is geared for boys and girls in Grades 1-8, giving them the opportunity to mix both soccer and summer fun. There is both a Full-Day camp and a Half-Day camp. The price for the Half-Day Camp is $140 (before May 15th) and $150 (after May 15th). The price for the Full-Day Camp is $230 (before May 15th) and $250 (after May 15th).An additional 10% off for Amherst College employees. For more information, and to sign up, please go to, under the Men's or Women Soccer Team web pages, and click on "Youth Camp". Any questions/concerns, please contact Justin Serpone at either or (413) 542-2956.
A note from Parent Council. We will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Friday during the school year. Please note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Upcoming Events
Fort River Roasters by Dean's Beans: Last Chance to Order This Year!

6th Grade Class Gift Request
Principal Named at Wildwood (Daily Hampshire Gazette, Apr. 29 2008)
Of Interest to Fort River Families

Multi-Arts introduces a new electronic magazine, which can be read by anyone in the world at any time and connects schools to the real-world. The electronic magazine has been visited by readers from Ireland to Singapore. In the spring edition, Multi-Arts featured the talented writers from Fort River Elementary School. Pieces ranged from the sweet view of a first grader about her new baby sister, to the crazy story of an imaginative fourth grader about to inhabit another planet. Please come and visit the beautiful and innovative magazine at Multi-Arts Meet the Artist: Open reading at Barnes and Noble, Hadley, Saturday, May 10th. Between 3-5pm. Come enjoy listening to these wonderful and creative stories and meet the writers behind this creation. Also in the program: a drama show, music, and clips from the children's movie: "Bubble Trubble."
The Fair is Back in Town! Once again the Amherst Rotary Club will host the Community Fair on the common, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 8th, May 9th, and May 10th. Fanelli Amusements will set up carnival rides for thrill-seekers of all ages. The climbing wall will be there to test your skills. The Pelham Lion’s Club Dime-Toss Booth will be stocked with Teddy Bear prizes and the Greenfield Savings Bank Putting - Booth will test your eyes. Of course, the Amherst Rotary Club will be selling hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries with all the fixings. The Fair will run from 4 – 10 p.m. Thursday, 2 – 10 p.m. Friday, and 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Saturday. So shut your TVs off, come out and celebrate spring with your friends and neighbors at the Amherst Community Fair.
Amherst Soccer Academy. ASA is being held at Amherst College on July 21st-July 25th, 2008. It is geared for boys and girls in Grades 1-8, giving them the opportunity to mix both soccer and summer fun. There is both a Full-Day camp and a Half-Day camp. The price for the Half-Day Camp is $140 (before May 15th) and $150 (after May 15th). The price for the Full-Day Camp is $230 (before May 15th) and $250 (after May 15th).An additional 10% off for Amherst College employees. For more information, and to sign up, please go to, under the Men's or Women Soccer Team web pages, and click on "Youth Camp". Any questions/concerns, please contact Justin Serpone at either or (413) 542-2956.
Group Swim Lessons at Hampshire Athletic Club. Another session of group swim lessons will begin on May 3rd with sign-ups and level placement. Lessons will be held on the four following Saturdays in May. To sign-up students should come in to the club on the 3rd from 2:00-4:00pm. The price for the four lessons is $60 ($50 for members) Please contact Julian Porcino at (413) 687-2692 or with questions.
A note from Parent Council. We will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Friday during the school year. Please note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.