Friday, May 23, 2008

Grade-Wide Event for Kindergarten Familes

Dear kindergarten families, Let's celebrate the end of the year with an All Kindergarten Party!!!
Friday, June 6, 5 - 7 pm at Groff Park.
*In case of bad weather, picnic will be held at Ft. River. Check the Ft. River Parent Council Online website or call grade level coordinator Amy Rose on Friday afternoon to confirm location: 253-3831. Pizza will be provided courtesy of the Parent Council, and thank you to the Alimonos family and Athena’s Pizza for pizzadonations! Please bring:

--a bottle of soda or juice to share

--additional food for your family

--balls, frisbees, jump ropes, bubbles and other outdoor playthings. Let us know who is coming and how you can help by filling out this form and returning it to school by June 2, or by contacting Amy Rose at (preferred) or 253-3831.

Please RSVP by June 4. Click here for form.