Fort River PGO Information
Friday, December 21, 2007
Season's Greetings from the Parent Council Secretary
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
AboutAmherst: A Local Amherst Blog by Mary Carey

This is an adorable picture of some of our Fort River kindergarteners who were selling homemade ornaments yesterday to raise money for charity. This picture appears on the "AboutAmherst" blog by Mary Carey, a reporter who covers the Amherst schools for the Daily Hampshire Gazette and the Amherst Bulletin. Click on the link to check it out!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Teacher Wish Lists
Friday, December 14, 2007
Upcoming Events
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Early Dismissal on Thursday, Dec. 13, Due to Snow
Friday, December 7, 2007
Upcoming Events
Winter Choral Concert by 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Choruses
Amherst Regional Middle School Principal Search
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Of Interest to Fort River Families
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
It's Time to Wake Up and Order the Coffee!

Orders for Fort River Roasters coffee from Dean's Beans are due this coming Friday, Dec. 7. Please be sure to get your forms into the Parent Council mailbox by then. Extra forms are now available at the Parent Council bulletin board in the school lobby. You can also click HERE to download a form or click on the link on the right hand side of this webpage under "Parent Council Forms."
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Upcoming Events
What Has Parent Council Done for You and Child?
As 2007 comes to an end, we wanted to provide an update about the various activities and events that were brought to you by Parent Council this year – and to ask for your continued support of Parent Council activities and events! *Providing FREE school directories to all children* *Paying $10 per child for all 4th graders to go to Plimouth Plantation* *Coordinating the Fall Festival (e.g., the Halloween Party)* *Funding the Welcome to New Families event* *Funding the monthly Coffee With a Principal event* *Providing the guidance counselors with funds to assist Fort River families in need* *Providing each classroom teacher with special funds to buy books for the classroom* *Coordinating the Summer Read-a-thon* *Providing the Museum of Science presentations to all children* *Paying for flowers for the planters in front of school* *Paying for the Birds of Prey presentation for all 2nd graders*
Big Thank Yous to...
Gift Wrap Orders
Annual Family Donation Fund Update Nov. 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Don't Forget These Ongoing (and Easy) Fundraisers!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Upcoming Events
Hillside Pizza Fundraiser -- Pickup This Afternoon (Friday, Nov. 9)

Gift Wrap Sales

Fort River Parent Council Email List -- An Update
Friday, November 9, 2007
Upcoming Events
Hillside Pizza Orders – LAST CHANCE!

Contact Pam Rietkerk (256-2605, or Alisa Braverman (253-5362, with any questions.
Thanks to Volunteers
Annual Family Donation Fund Update
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Stop and Shop A+ BonusBucks update
Friday, November 2, 2007
Upcoming Events
Celebrate With a Book
Pizza and Cookie Dough Orders Are Due in One Week!
A HUGE Thank-You to Our Playground Volunteers

Annual Family Donation Fund Update
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Winter Gear Drive
Friday, October 26, 2007
Upcoming Events
Hillside Pizza Fundraiser
Winter Gear Drive
Fall Festival Tonight

Also, for those of you who are new to Fort River, the kids (and some parents!) do indeed wear their Halloween costumes.
This is one of Parent Council's most popular and fun events. We hope to see you all tonight in your costumes!
Annual Family Donation Fund Update for Oct. 26, 2007
Playground Volunteers Needed This Weekend
Gift Wrap Sales -- Orders Due Today Friday, Oct. 26.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Upcoming Events
Volunteers Desperately Needed -- Playground Installation
Annual Family Donation Fund Update
Thanks from Parent Council
Hillside Pizza Fundraiser
Fort River Roasters from Dean's Beans

Questions? Contact Hana Rivkin (256-2330, or Libby Stanforth (253-8039;
Gift Wrap Sales -- Orders Due Friday, Oct. 26.
6th Grade Graduation
Class Potluck -- Amy Jackendoff's Class
Fall Festival--Please Volunteer and Help Recruit Volunteers
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hillside Pizza Fundraiser Allergen Information
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Boston Museum of Science Demonstration
This event was presented by the Boston Museum of Science and was sponsored by Parent Council. As part of this special event, each Fort River class attended one of three separate, age-appropriate demonstrations during the school day.
Thanks to Betty Sharpe for organizing the Science Day Demonstrations, and Chris Felton and Janet Kannel for managing the Bake Sales before/after this event.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Upcoming Events
Playground News -- Installation on Oct. 20th.
Hillside Pizza Fundraiser for the Playground--Dates Announced!
Orders for the pizza fundraiser are due Friday, November 9. Click here for a copy of the form. Forms will also be coming home in the backpacks.
Here’s how it works: 1. Order pizzas & cookie dough tubs; send form and payment to the Parent Council mailbox by Friday, November 9. 2. Pick-up is from 3:00-5:00pm in the Fort River lobby on Friday, November 16.
Dining on Hillside “take & bake” Pizza is a real treat! Hillside Pizzas are made fresh, locally, and are truly delicious. The crust is made with certified organic flours, virgin olive oil and sea salt. A tasty organic tomato sauce and triple-blend of hormone-free cheeses top Hillside pizzas. Pizzas come with freezer bag & oven-ready tray; enjoy one now and freeze another. Prices will be $12.50-$14.00/Large 16”. Don’t forget dessert! Fresh cookie dough comes in 4 flavors, ready to be scooped onto baking sheets & put into the oven. Each tub has enough dough to make 3 dozen cookies. They are made with the finest quality organic and natural ingredients--without preservatives, additives, hydrogenated oils, or GMOs. Tubs can be frozen and count towards our total sales. How can you help?? *Buy a few pizzas & cookie dough; cook fresh and/or freeze for later! *Get together with neighbors and throw a pizza party! *Ask family, neighbors, & co-workers to buy pizza & support Fort River! *Reach out to local businesses willing to further our efforts! ** Questions ** Sales Ideas ** Ready to Volunteer ** Contact Pam Rietkerk at 256-2605 or Alisa Braverman at 253-5362
Annual Family Donation Fund Update for Oct. 12, 2007
Picture Day -- Volunteers Still Needed
Family Fair Thanks
Stop and Shop A+ Bonus Bucks
Class Potlucks
Friday, October 5, 2007
Upcoming Events
Thanks from Parent Council
Annual Family Donation Fund Update for Oct. 5, 2007
Science Demonstration Day Update
Box Tops for Education

In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River….. and is one fund raiser that does not ask for any money….just take your scissors and clip! For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents! How easy is that? So before you recycle the cardboard Zip Lock bag container, tear off the plastic around the Scott Bath Tissue, or throw away the top to the Yoplait Yogurt container take out your scissors. I know I always return my 5 cent cans rather than throw away money and this is the same for Fort River.
This year, our goal is to raise $500.00 for our school. So far this year we have collected 670 box tops and are 67.00 towards that goal. (Last year we only earned 98.00….some schools in our area earned over $2,000.00!). The collection box is on the table in the Front Office. This is one way relatives can help support your child’s school. (My children’s aunt and 95 year old grandmother clip) Every Box Top clipped will help Fort River School continue to provide quality education for our kids! NEXT REDEMPTION IS END of October so clip and send in your Box Tops by Friday October 26.
If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs. Here's a link to the Box Tops product list.
Jan Kelly
tel. 253-9403
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
A Friendly Reminder from Parent Council
The Annual Fort River Open House is tonight (Wed. Oct. 3rd) at 7pm.
It's also a great time to bring in:
- Fort River Roasters/Dean's Beans order form,
- your Parent Council Annual Family Fund Donations,
- your ticket orders for next week's "Fog, Flowers and Fireworks" demonstration,
- and your ballots for the School Council Elections!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Important Playground Update
School Council Ballots
Savings Makes "Cents" Program
Annual Family Donation Fund Update for Sept. 28, 2007
Gift Wrap Sales
Attention All Stop and Shop Customers!
- Log on to to designate online
- Call 1-877-366-2668 to designate over the phone
- Fill out the A+ BonusBucks Form and drop it off at any participating Stop & Shop store.
New Section Added to Blog -- Parent Council Forms
Buy A Brick -- Fort River Playground
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Fog, Flowers & Fireworks
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Resource Coordinators
Grade Reps. 2007-2008
Room Parents 2007-08
Friday, September 21, 2007
Food Services Committee
Upcoming Events
Diversity and Social Justice at Fort River School
Annual Family Donation Fund Update for Sept 21, 2007
Important Playground Update
A Note of Thanks to Parent Council
Fort River Roasters from Dean's Beans -- MMM....Good!

- Dean’s Beans coffee is not only delicious, but it’s also organic and kosher. Not to mention, Dean’s Beans is committed to Fair Trade, which make every sip worth while.
- No need to come to school to pick up your order. Coffee will be sent home with your child (unless you otherwise specify).
- The price of the coffee is cheaper than if you purchased it at the grocery store. WOW! Not only are we saving you a trip to the store, but we’re also saving you money.
- Your friends, co-workers, and family members can save money too. Ask them if they’d like to buy some delicious coffee at a cheaper price.
If this sounds good to you, fill out this order form and send it in with a check made out to Fort River Parent Council to the Parent Council mailbox in the main office. Questions or comments? Contact Libby Stanforth (253-8039, or Hana Rivkin (256-2330,
Orders are due the first Friday of every month (Oct. 5th, Nov. 2nd, Dec. 7th, Jan. 4th, Feb. 1st, March 7th, April 4th, May 2nd, June 6th), and the coffee will arrive within two weeks.
REMINDER: Make checks payable to Fort River Parent Council.
Not only do we thank you, your taste buds thank you too!
Price List
Regular Coffee
Dark: $8.50. A strong and exceptionally smooth cup of coffee from Nicaragua. Medium body and slightly dry.
Medium: $8.50. Complex, full-bodied bean from the Andean slopes near Colombia. (The traditional standard in coffee.)
Swiss-water Processed Decafs
Dark: $9.50. A full-bodied, but flavorful and aromatic Peruvian coffee. The best tasting decaf in the world!
Medium: $9:50. A delightful dance of light and dark roasted Mexican Chiapas beans. Smooth and nutty, with a bold finish.
Dean’s Beans' Other Fun Products
Hot Cocoa, Wow! : $4.50
Field tested by a playgroup of wild 4-year olds over the spring and summer, this hot cocoa mix really passes the test. Guaranteed to be the best tasting and lowest cost organic hot cocoa mix available!
Milk and Dark Chocolate Chocolate Java Drops : $8.50
Vienna-roasted, shade grown Guatemalan and Mexican coffees sensuously surrounded by pure dark or milk chocolate. A mouthful of 100% organic pleasure. Half of the profits are returned to the indigenous cooperative in Costa Rica that provides the cocoa butter.
Coffeelands CD from Putamayo: $14.00
We absolutely love this CD (and part of the proceeds goes to Coffee Kids for development work). Incredible music from around the coffee world.