Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bus/Van Driver and Crossing Guard Appreciation Breakfast on June 6th -Volunteers and Pot-Luck Items Needed

The Fort River PGO will host the annual Bus/Van Driver and Crossing Guard Appreciation Breakfast on Monday, June 6th.  The Breakfast will take place in the cafeteria after the morning bus routes are completed, beginning at approximately 8:45am. 

The PGO asks for contributions of baked goods, quiches, fruit, and hot breakfast items to be brought in that morning. 

Signups are now available: 

Please mark your calendars if you will be able to contribute food for this festive event. Let's show our appreciation for those who help our students travels safely to and from school! Thank you!

PS - The annual PGO officer elections and general end-of-year business/planning meeting will take place the same morning at 9am. Please join other parents for coffee and conversation at this important PGO meeting. All are welcome!