Friday, April 20, 2018

Human Rights Commission Accepting Nominations for Youth Heroism Awards

Dear Teachers and Staff of Amherst Schools and Amherst Community Members:             
The Amherst Human Rights Commission has as its prime purpose to promote a community of mutual respect and to honor our diversity. We strive to promote attitudes of compassion and concern for all of our neighbors. To encourage these values, we offer the Human Rights Youth Heroism Awards, an annual celebration of Amherst-area youth.  2018 represents the 13th year of these awards!

It is the Commission’s intent to identify and celebrate local youth who have demonstrated acts of kindness, unselfishness, social courage and/or community service within their families, schools or community. Please help us by nominating a young person you have observed displaying exceptional kindness or consideration in the past year.

Groups of young people may also be nominated to share an award. We strive to recognize children and teens across the spectrum of age groups and schools, including those who do not live in Amherst but who attend any school in town. 

Nominations may be submitted through May 18, 2018, to or to the Commission c/o Deborah Radway, Amherst Town Hall, 4 Boltwood Ave., Amherst MA 01002. The Human Rights Commission will celebrate this year’s Heroes at its annual community picnic on Sunday, June 3rd from 10am-1pm at Mill River Recreation Area. We will alert nominators and award recipients prior to the event so they can make plans to attend. We hope you will join us!
Yours truly,

Matthew Charity,  Sidonio Ferreira,  Emily Boutilier, Elizabeth Cahn
Sovann Malis-Loeung, Sophia Maldonado and Tristan Whalen
The Amherst Human Rights Commission