Friday, April 27, 2018

Coming Together Presents Feature Film "Imperial Dreams" at the Jones on May 15

The following is an announcement from the racial justice organization Coming Together. If you are unable to attend this event, the highly rated feature film is also available on Netflix.

Everyone interested in advancing racial justice is warmly invited...

 Our video/film series continues!

Tuesday, May 15,  2018
at The Jones Library at 7:00PM


"Imperial Dreams"

new feature film - received the
Sundance Festival Audience Award

A young father and reformed gangster returns home from jail eager to care for his son, Daytona, and become a writer.  Crime, poverty and a flawed system threaten his plans, in this fictional, but realistic drama film. Released in 2017, this film was rated 91% on Rotten Tomatoes. Some African American young men in Amherst recommended it to us for the Coming Together series.  Please join us!
We will have a brief discussion of the film following the showing.
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    This is part of our new format - showing feature length films and having our working groups meet at other times.  This will give us all better opportunities to feel deeply and be moved by powerful stories and works of art.