Tuesday, February 13, 2018

What To Know About Kids And Screen Time

ARHS Principal Mark Jackson shared the following information about screen time:

What To Know About Kids And Screen Time

Almost as soon as they can focus past the end of their noses, babies today are waving at Grandpa on video chat and swiping the screens on all kinds of devices. There’s a lot of panic, anxiety, guilt and shame out there about kids and screens.

And now there’s a book from one of NPR’s Ed team members. Anya Kamenetz’s latest, The Art of Screen Time: How Your Family Can Balance Digital Media And Real Life, set out to answer the question: What’s the best approach to take to tech? She says she feels it— all of it — as a mother. And as a reporter she has been interested in the intersection of children and technology for many years.

Take the Screen Time quiz
Check out our previous coverage on young children and small screens
View a round up of some of the latest research on screen timeAs always, send tips, responses or story ideas to npred@npr.org.

As always, send tips, responses or story ideas to npred@npr.org.