Monday, February 5, 2018

AEF Celebrates Champions for Our Schools on March 17


Join Amherst Education Foundation as we honor the nine principals of our school districts: Mark Jackson, David Slovin, Patty Bode, Diane Chamberlain, Nick Yaffe, Derek Shea, Lisa Desjarlais, Margot Lacey, and Jackie Mendonsa!

All nine principals will be in attendance. Come celebrate the leaders of our high schools, middle school, and elementary schools.

We hope you will join us for dinner, festivities, trivia, and more:

March 17
Student Union Ballroom at UMass

Here is the link to ticket sales:

All proceeds from the event will support AEF funded grants to educators at ARHS, ARMS, Summit Academy, and in the Amherst, Pelham, Leverett, and Shutesbury Elementary Schools.