Please join us for the 46th annual Amherst A Better Chance Fall Foliage 5k Walk/Run on Saturday, October 14th. The Amherst Town Common will be full of fun, family activities as walkers and runners begin the race. The course is a beautiful loop through scenic countryside during peak foliage! All levels of participation are encouraged. Bring the whole family!
Anyone who pre-registers by October 7th will be guaranteed an event t-shirt. All registrants will receive a free meal post-race and there will be lots of great prizes.
We have special rates for children, families and teams! Go to (https://www.amherstabetterchance.org/fallfoliagewalkrun/ for more details and to register. Or, contact Kursten Holabird, kurstenh@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Hope to see you there!