Thursday, February 9, 2017

UMass Pediatric Physical Activity Laboratory (PPAL) Recess Study

The UMass Pediatric Physical Activity Laboratory (PPAL) is excited to announce that we are conducting a recess study at Fort River for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. All students in those grades will be invited to participate in fun and active games that our team will be leading during recess periods, but we will only collect data on students that have officially signed up for the study. To determine if your child is eligible and to learn more about the study, complete the bottom portion of the flyer that will be sent home with your child and return it to his/her teacher, or visit this link: 

PPAL team members will be available after school at parent pick-up to answer questions on Monday, 2/13 and Tuesday, 2/14 and at the Hillside Pizza pick-up on Thursday, 2/16.

Baseline measurements (for students that enroll) will be taken between March 6 and 10 (during your child's recess period). The games will be offered 3 days per week for 4 weeks starting March 20.

Feel free to contact our team at!
Christine St. Laurent, MS, CSCS
Doctoral Candidate
Pediatric Physical Activity Laboratory
Department of Kinesiology
University of Massachusetts Amherst