Monday, January 30, 2017

UPDATE: ARHS Gym Renovation Project

from ARHS Administration:

We are excited to provide an update on the ARHS gymnasium renovation project.  The architectural firm Kuhn Riddle will have the design work for the project done by the end of January with construction anticipated to begin in March.  The construction phase of the project will be completed by August 15th in time for all of our Fall athletic programs and the 2017-18 school year.  The scope of the project will include the following:  
  1. Removal and replacement of the existing gym floor
  2. Removal of the wooden bleachers to be replaced with new ADA compliant composite bleachers
  3. Painting the ceiling and walls white with Hurricane logos (location TBD)
  4. Removal of the non-functioning mechanical doors to be replaced with drop down netting
  5. Reconfigure the volleyball court to allow for two practice nets

We appreciate everyone's patience with this project as it has put a strain on our physical education students and teachers as well as our athletic teams this year.  In the end we will have a fully renovated gymnasium that has not seen significant updates since its construction in 1959.  This is an exciting chapter in ARHS Athletics and we can’t wait to see our student athletes utilizing this space next year!