Let's celebrate the river from which our great school gets its name! The Fort River provides our drinking water, habitat for rare species, and is the longest free-flowing tributary to the CT River!
June 3rd, 2012 is the 5th Annual Fort River Celebration Day! All are welcome to join us at Groff Park for educational displays and activities, and of course the Rubber Ducky Race at 1pm. A guided canoe ride will follow as stream ecologists lead explorative canoers and learners down the wild section of the Fort River from Kiwanis Park to Groff Park.
Education in the Park:
Bring a picnic and come join us for the free public event at 11 am in
Groff Park. River-oriented professionals and organizations will share
knowledge and activities about the Fort River and the greater
Connecticut River watershed for all. A rubber ducky race will mark the
close of the park portion of the event at 1 pm, where participants can
earn prizes for racing their “buck-a-duck”!
Canoe/Kayak Ride:
All “river explorers” will be shuttled from Groff Park to Kiwanas Park
at the close of the event at 1:30pm. The canoe/kayak ride will then
begin at 2pm, where stream ecologists from Rushing Rivers will guide you
down the Fort River to discover the ecology while afloat.
Register online for a canoe - First Come, First Serve! We strongly
encourage a donation of $20 for the guided canoe ride to benefit the
Fort River Stewardship Project.
http://fortrivercelebration.com for more information.
This event is not sponsored by the FR PGO.