Fort River PGO Information
Friday, September 26, 2008
Fort River Climate Survey results
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Upcoming School Events
Annual Family Donation Fund
Parent Council Wishes to Thank.....
Fort River Directory
Sign Up for Parent Council Emails
Volunteers Still Urgently Needed!
Read-A-Thon: It's Still Not Too Late!
Important Playground Update
On-Going Fundraisers
Upcoming Community Events
Friday, September 19, 2008
Parent Council Activities and Events: Contact Names
Room Parents 2008-09
Upcoming Events
Volunteers Still Needed!
Fort River Roasters by Dean's Beans
Fort River Open House. Wednesday, Sept. 24th
School Picture Day is Coming!

Stop & Shop A+ Bonus Bucks: An Easy Fundraiser!

Upcoming Community Events
Friday, September 12, 2008
School Council Elections--Deadline Thurs. Sept. 18
Upcoming School Events
Playground Installation Help Wanted
Be Cool: Get the Fort River Parent Council Logo!

Fort River Roasters by Dean's Beans

Dean’s Beans coffee is not only delicious, but it’s also organic and kosher. Not to mention, Dean’s Beans is committed to Fair Trade, which make every sip worth while. No need to come to school to pick up your order. Coffee will be sent home with your child (unless you otherwise specify). The price of the coffee is cheaper than if you purchased it at the grocery store. WOW! Not only are we saving you a trip to the store, but we’re also saving you money. Your friends, co-workers, and family members can save money too. Ask them if they’d like to buy some delicious coffee at a cheaper price.
If this sounds good to you, fill out this order form and send it in with a check made out to Fort River Parent Council to the Parent Council mailbox in the main office. Questions or comments? Contact Libby Stanforth (253-8039, or Hana Rivkin (256-2330, Orders are due the first Friday of every month (Oct. 3th, Nov. 7nd, Dec. 5th, Jan. 9th, Feb. 6st, March 6th, April 3th, May 1nd, June 5th), and the coffee will arrive within approximately two weeks. REMINDER: Make checks payable to Fort River Parent Council.
Superintendent of Schools Search Process--Don't Forget!
Coffee With a Principals Schedule
Fort River Parent Council Officers 2008-2009
Grade Representatives 2008-2009
Upcoming Community Events
Friday, September 5, 2008
Upcoming Events
Welcome (Back) to the Parent Council Website!
Amherst School Superintendent Search
AMHERST-PELHAM REGIONAL SCHOOLS 170 CHESTNUT STREET AMHERST, MA 01002 413/362-1810 413/549-6108 (FAX) Office of Human Resources September 5, 2008 RE: Amherst School District Superintendent Search Dear School Council and PTO Members, As you may be aware, a consultant, Jacqueline Roy of J.A. Roy Associates, has been hired to assist the Regional School Committee in the search process for a new Superintendent of Schools to begin his/her work in July 2009 or sooner. Ms. Roy will begin her work by helping define the qualities, skills and experience that the public is looking for in a superintendent. To accomplish this critical task, Ms. Roy will be meeting with approximately 20 groups representing a broad range of constituencies within the district. I have scheduled a focus group with Ms. Roy and School Councils and PTOs on Monday, September 15 at 7:15 p.m. at the High School Library. The meeting is intended to provide the consultant with information about the district’s current strengths and challenges, as well as to gather suggestions about the qualities and characteristics that the district should seek in its superintendent, as indicated above. I hope that the assigned date and time are convenient for you. Please contact me at 362-1803 or by e-mail at if you have any questions about the scheduled meeting. In addition to the group meetings, Ms. Roy will hold other public meetings as per the attached schedule to which you are also invited. We appreciate your participation in this important endeavor. Sincerely, Kathryn Mazur Human Resources Director