Thursday, September 6, 2007

Big Thank Yous to...

Lianne Suarez-Werlein and Afranio Torres-Neto (for translating the Parent Council Welcome Letter into Spanish and Portuguese), Jeanine Gonzales and family (for setting up at the New Family Welcome Reception), Michelle Spirko (for coordinating the Welcome Back Staff Day Event), and ALL of the following parents who brought in food for the Welcome Back Staff Day event: Diane Caraker, Rebecca Fricke, Catherine Sanderson, Sheri Schmidt, Marian Parker, Jeanine Gonzalez, Shari Abbott, Janet Kannel, Andra Rose, Anne Duffy, Sue Cairn, Ellie Skinner, Robin Corder, Carrie Turkot, Debbie Gabor, Eileen Marasco, Caroline Goutte, Ann McLaughlin, Elly Hosea, Jenny Reynolds, Monica Wisnieski, Lisa Oram, Sue Borden, Amy Rose, Michele Spirko.