Tuesday, December 6, 2016

PGO Coffee with the Principal on Friday, December 9 - Mental Health Supports and Resources

Please join your friends on Friday, December 9 at 9am for coffee, donuts, and informative conversation! 

The Coffee will feature Principal Diane Chamberlain and Fort River Mental Health Team. The timely topic is Children's Mental Health with a focus on "tier 1" supports, the social thinking curriculum, zones of regulation, and mindfulness practices. There will be ample time for questions. 

PGO coffees with the Principal take place every month or two. The dates can be found on the PGO calendar which is on the right side of the blog home page. Some coffees may take place in the evening, depending upon community feedback. There will usually be a presentation for families and specifics will be available beforehand.

Your infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are always welcome at PGO Coffees! Families with future Amherst Elementary school children are also welcome and encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!