Monday, June 6, 2016

Bus/Van Driver and Crossing Guard Appreciation Breakfast TODAY! June 6th

The Fort River PGO will host the annual Bus/Van Driver and Crossing Guard Appreciation Breakfast today, Monday, June 6th.  The Breakfast will take place in the cafeteria after the morning bus routes are completed, beginning at approximately 8:45am. 

The PGO asked for contributions of baked goods, quiches, fruit, and hot breakfast items to be brought in this morning. 

Forget what you signed up for? Signups are available here:

We hope to show our appreciation for those who help our students travel safely to and from school! Thank you!

PS - The annual PGO officer elections and general end-of-year business/planning meeting will take place the same morning at 9am. Please join other parents for coffee and conversation at this important PGO meeting. All are welcome!