Friday, January 22, 2016

Soup For Syria on January 31

SOUP FOR SYRIA, a community-wide benefit for Syrian refugees, will be hosted by the Jewish Community of Amherst, 742 Main St. Amherst, on Sunday, January 31 at 4:30pm. Professor David Mednicoff, UMass Director of Middle Eastern Studies, Michel Moushabeck, publisher of the cookbook Soup for Syria, and Michael Kane of Valley Syrian Relief will update us on the Syrian refugee crisis, the greatest refugee crisis since World War II with over 12 million victims. Music will be performed by musicians from the Layaali Arabic Music Ensemble and Klezperanto. Delicious soups from Soup for Syria will be served. A collection will be taken for the Syrian American Medical Society Foundation, providers of desperately needed services. Attendees can purchase Soup for Syria and books by Syrian authors to further support Syrian refugees. The event is free and the public is welcome. For those who wish to contribute but are unable to attend a check payable to SAMS can be sent to the JCA, 742 Main St. Amherst, MA 01002. For more information call (413) 256-0493.