4th Annual African American Achievement Awards Night
Thursday, May 7
Amherst Regional High School Auditorium
21 Mattoon Street
Parents/guardians, faculty, staff and community members are invited to attend this special event honoring students who identify as African American or Black in the Amherst, Pelham and Regional Public Schools. Awards will be presented to students in Grades PreK-12 who have made accomplishments in the areas of academics, leadership, community service, fine & performing arts and athletics. The evening will also feature music, dance and spoken word performances and a special ceremony to honor the ARHS Seniors who will graduate in June.
If you would like to nominate a student, please complete the nomination form and return by April 1. Please direct all questions to Kimberly Stender 413-362-1825 or stenderk@arps.org.
African American Achievement Awards Night
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Amherst Regional High School Auditorium
21 Mattoon Street
African American Achievement Awards Night was initiated in 2012 to honor all students who identify as African American or Black who perform to their greatest individual abilities. African American Achievement Awards Night provides an opportunity for the communityto celebrate student success. Students in Grades PreK-12 can be recognized for academic, leadership, fine & performing arts, athletic and community serviceaccomplishments.
ARPS staff, parents/guardians and community members are encouraged to nominate students currently enrolled in Grades PreK-12 at Crocker Farm, Fort River, Pelham and Wildwood Elementary Schools and Amherst Regional Middle and High Schools.
In addition, ARHS seniors graduating in June will be honored in a special recognition kente stole ceremony.
Students, families, school staff and community members are invited to attend the celebration on Thursday, May 7.
African American Achievement Awards Night Nomination Form
Nomination deadline: April 1
Student’s First & Last Name:_____________________________________________________
Student’s Current School & Grade:_______________________________________________
Nomination Categories & Descriptions
(please circle those that apply to student)
Academic Achievement: student consistently demonstrates excellence in studies
Academic Dedication & Effort: student demonstrates diligence, perseverance & determination in class
Leadership: student embodies positive leadership skills in school & community organizations
Community Service: student demonstrates commitment to community or social justice projects
Fine & Performing Arts: student demonstrates passion for music, song, drama, writing, poetry, art & stagecraft
Athletics: student demonstrates positive sportsmanship & physical skill on school team and in PE class
Nominator’s name :___________________________________________________________
Phone:_________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________
Nomination deadline: April 1
Send completed forms to:
Kimberly Stender Office of the Superintendent 170 Chestnut St. Amherst, MA 01002
Please direct questions to Kimberly Stender at 413-362-1825 or stenderk@arps.org