Sunday, April 28, 2013


Fort River is participating in the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program. The SRTS program is committed to preparing children to be safety smart whether they are walking to school or in their own neighborhoods. 
On Wednesday, May 8th, during the morning, we are looking for parent volunteers to help lead the children on the short walks to teach them about walking safety, such as how to cross streets, follow signs and signals, and be alert to drivers at all times.  We will train you during the event, just prior to the walks with the children. After that, you will be more than ready to lead two children at a time on a 20-30 minute safety learning experience.
One adult walks with only two students for maximum safety and individual attention to children. Experienced parents and teachers will lead the safety training.
Adults and children enjoy this event and it is important for the safety of our young walkers.  If you are willing to help out, please contact Liz Larson ( as soon as possible.