School Council Ballots Due. Friday, October 2.
Elementary School Redistricting Meeting. Thursday, Oct. 8. 7-9pm. At the Marks Meadow School Auditorium. The School Committee will be taking public comments on the proposed new school districts.
Coffee With the Principals. Friday, October 2, 8:30-9:15am. In the school cafeteria. Parents are invited to share coffee and light refreshments with Principal Ray Sharick and Asst. Principal Susan Kennedy Marx. Younger siblings are welcome.
Columbus Day. Monday, October 12. No School.
Elementary School Redistricting Meeting. Wednesday, October 14, 7-9 pm. At the Crocker Farm cafeteria. The School Committee will be taking public comments on the proposed new school districts.
Parent Council Meeting. Thursday, October 15, 7pm. In the school library. All parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
Early Dismissal Day. Thursday, October, 22, 1:20 dismissal. Parent/Teacher conferences will be taking place during the afternoon.
Early Dismissal Day. Tuesday, October 27, 1:20 dismissal. Parent/Teacher conferences will be taking place during the afternoon.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Fort River PGO Information
Thursday, September 24, 2009
School Council Elections
Please keep a lookout for the School Council Ballot coming home in backpacks this Friday (Sept. 25). Ballots must be returned to the Parent Council mailbox (in the Fort River office) by Friday October 2nd.
Fall Festival Coordinator Needed!
We are still in search of a coordinator for the Fall Festival, which is scheduled to take place on Friday, Oct. 30.
Please contact FR Parent Council President Sue Borden at if you are willing to take this on.
Please contact FR Parent Council President Sue Borden at if you are willing to take this on.
School Redistricting Meetings
The school committee will be taking comments from the public about the proposed new elementary school districts at the following two meetings:
- Thursday, October 8. At the Marks Meadow School Auditorium.
- Wednesday, October 14. At the Crocker Farm cafeteria.
Attention Twitter Users: Fort River Parent Council is Tweeting!
I have started a Twitter feed for Fort River Parent Council at I will be "tweeting" out reminders about upcoming school events, school news, forms and anything I think might be of interest to Fort River families. You can also view my most recent tweets in the right-hand column at the bottom of this webpage.
There's no need to follow if you don't already use Twitter. I will still send out my normal email reminders to everyone as usual!
HOWEVER, if you do use Twitter, please follow ftriverpc by clicking on the link.
Ann McLaughlin
Upcoming Community Events
March in the Parade. Calling all Amherst Elementary School Students! Be in Amherst's 250th Anniversary Parade and be part of Your Town and Public Libraries’ History! Click here for more details.
Apple Harvest Crafts Fair and Children's Festival. Saturday, Sept. 26. 10am-5pm. Amherst Town Common. Games, crafts, food, petting zoo, pony rides, and entertainment. More info here.
Please note that these events are not sponsored by Parent Council. Fort River Parent Council will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please send your announcement no later than 5pm Wednesday for inclusion in the week's updates. Also note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Easy Ways to Earn $$$ for Fort River!
Stop & Shopʼs A+ BonusBucks Program
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! Last year Fort River earned $2198.43 and had 135 participants! This is an easy way to raise money with absolutely no cost to you. However, for Fort River to receive credit you need to re-designate Fort River each year. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit Fort River ID # 05218. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. We already have 56 participants. Attending to this simple process makes a HUGE difference to our school. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. We need your support! Contact Ann McLaughlin if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! Last year Fort River earned $2198.43 and had 135 participants! This is an easy way to raise money with absolutely no cost to you. However, for Fort River to receive credit you need to re-designate Fort River each year. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit Fort River ID # 05218. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. We already have 56 participants. Attending to this simple process makes a HUGE difference to our school. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. We need your support! Contact Ann McLaughlin if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Annual Fund: The Heat Is On!
Parent Council is still seeking donations to the Annual Fund. Our goal is to raise a significant portion of our $13000 annual budget by September 25th (next Friday!) There are three easy ways to donate:
Cash or checks (made out to Fort River Parent Council) can be sent to the main office
donate online using PayPal. Just click on the "Donate" button on the top of the right-hand column of this web page.
bring your donation to the Parent Council Table in the main lobby of the School during the Open House on Wednesday, Sept. 23rd.
If you have already donated THANK YOU!
Upcoming School Events
Summer Read-a-Thon Forms and Money Due. Please send in to school ASAP.
Fort River Open House - Wednesday, Sept 23rd. Parent Council will be sponsoring an information table. See below for more info and to volunteer.
Picture Day. Thursday, Sept. 24th. Information and order forms will be coming home in the backpacks. Volunteers needed--see below for more information.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Fort River School Governance Council: We Still Need Candidates
Parent Council is still seeking nominations for the School Governance Council. Two seats are currently open for the Councill, which is a state mandated elected body of parents and staff that helps define the policies and procedures of the school. It meets monthly to help develop the budget & school improvement plan and to make recommendations to the Principal.
If you are interested in running for one of the vacant seats (this is a 2 year commitment) please contact Sue Borden ( All candidates will need to prepare a short (50 word or less) statement that will accompany a ballot that will go home to all parents in the next couple of weeks.
If you are interested in running for one of the vacant seats (this is a 2 year commitment) please contact Sue Borden ( All candidates will need to prepare a short (50 word or less) statement that will accompany a ballot that will go home to all parents in the next couple of weeks.
Family Fair 2009
Wednesday's Family Fair was a success! It was wonderful watching Fort River students enjoying the games and playground, and seeing our community come out and connect with one another for the start of the school year.
A SPECIAL GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all the 6th graders for doing such a GREAT JOB providing fun and creative games and for serving the food and beverages !
And many Thanks to all the others who made this event possible:
All the Fort River families who provided the delicious potluck foods and desserts
6th grade parents - for supporting your children both in setting up games and supervising food service
6th grade teachers, Mr Lamdin, Ms Simon & Mr Wallace - for organizing their students
The Family Fair earned $700 that will go toward the 6th grade end of the year events. Thanks everyone for making it all possible - and for a wonderful evening !
*Pick up plates left at the Fair in the Fort River Office
A SPECIAL GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all the 6th graders for doing such a GREAT JOB providing fun and creative games and for serving the food and beverages !
And many Thanks to all the others who made this event possible:
All the Fort River families who provided the delicious potluck foods and desserts
6th grade parents - for supporting your children both in setting up games and supervising food service
6th grade teachers, Mr Lamdin, Ms Simon & Mr Wallace - for organizing their students
The Family Fair earned $700 that will go toward the 6th grade end of the year events. Thanks everyone for making it all possible - and for a wonderful evening !
*Pick up plates left at the Fair in the Fort River Office
Parent Council Table at Open House
Parent Council will be hosting a table in the Fort River lobby the evening of Open House, Wednesday, 9/23. We will be collecting donations for the Annual Family Fund, informing families of the activities and resources supported by Parent Council, requesting volunteers, and showing a slideshow of Parent Council events that happen during the year.
If you are interested in sitting at the table for a brief time to help out, please contact Suzanne Schilling, Thanks!
Click here for the Open House Schedule and Information.
If you are interested in sitting at the table for a brief time to help out, please contact Suzanne Schilling, Thanks!
Click here for the Open House Schedule and Information.
Volunteers Needed for the Library !
Short-term, immediate help needed
Our wonderful new librarian, Lisa Poirier has many great ideas for this coming year. She is in need of library volunteers for short term jobs such as shelving and book repair, as well as longer term projects she has in the works. If you are interested in occasional help or more please contact her at:
New Parent Council Committee: Friends of the Library
Volunteers interested in joining this newly formed committee, please contact Sue Borden. This committee will be working on longer-term projects for the library. (
Our wonderful new librarian, Lisa Poirier has many great ideas for this coming year. She is in need of library volunteers for short term jobs such as shelving and book repair, as well as longer term projects she has in the works. If you are interested in occasional help or more please contact her at:
New Parent Council Committee: Friends of the Library
Volunteers interested in joining this newly formed committee, please contact Sue Borden. This committee will be working on longer-term projects for the library. (
Don't Forget Picture Day On Thursday, Sept. 24th
Picture Day is Thursday, September 24. More information and order forms will be sent home in the backpacks soon. Questions? Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Volunteers are need to assist with Picture Day on Thursday, September 24. Morning and afternoon shifts available. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Volunteers are need to assist with Picture Day on Thursday, September 24. Morning and afternoon shifts available. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Room Parent News
We now have room parents for every classroom. Thanks to all who have volunteered.
Room parents plan a class pot-luck and check in with the teacher monthly to see what is needed (e.g., snacks for an event, field trip volunteers, etc.) and update the online teacher wishlists accordingly. They may organize a class gift in December and/or June.
Please check this link to find out the name(s) of the room parent(s) for your child's classroom. You can also look up the room parents' names and emails by clicking on "Room Parents 2009-2010" under "Fort River Links" in the right-hand column of this webpage.
Teacher wishlists can be accessed by clicking on the classroom teacher's name under "Teacher Wishlists" in the right-hand column. Please check periodically as the wishlists will be updated throughout the year.
Room parents plan a class pot-luck and check in with the teacher monthly to see what is needed (e.g., snacks for an event, field trip volunteers, etc.) and update the online teacher wishlists accordingly. They may organize a class gift in December and/or June.
Please check this link to find out the name(s) of the room parent(s) for your child's classroom. You can also look up the room parents' names and emails by clicking on "Room Parents 2009-2010" under "Fort River Links" in the right-hand column of this webpage.
Teacher wishlists can be accessed by clicking on the classroom teacher's name under "Teacher Wishlists" in the right-hand column. Please check periodically as the wishlists will be updated throughout the year.
Read-A-Thon: It's Still Not Too Late
If there is anyone else who would like to turn in their summer read-a-thon lists then now is the time! Please send them in to school or bring to the school's main office as soon as possible.
Thanks a lot!!
Thanks a lot!!
Upcoming Community Events
Amherst's 250th Celebration Parade. 1 pm Sunday, September 27, 2009. A CELEBRATION OF THE HERITAGE, CHARACTER & HISTORY OF AMHERST! Over 100 units will be in the parade, including organizations, businesses, industries, churches, schools, clubs, groups, police and fire, as well as marching units and floats. Volunteers needed! For more information, call committee member, Pat Wagner, at 413-537-5626.
March in the Parade. Calling all Amherst Elementary School Students! Be in Amherst's 250th Anniversary Parade and be part of Your Town and Public Libraries’ History! Click here for more details. Boy Scout Open House. Boy Scout Troop 500 Amherst is having an Open House for prospective scouts and their families Tuesday, September 22 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at the South Congregational Church, 1066 Southeast Street, Amherst. Troop 500 has a 50+ year history in Amherst working with school-age boys. Troop activities are organized and run by the boys, including weekly meetings, monthly campouts, and projects in the community. Our Scouts learn practical outdoor skills and develop leadership skills while having a lot of fun. For more information, contact Scoutmaster Bob Cowles at (413) 665-8968.
Multi-Arts Performing Arts Afternoon.This Fall Multi-Arts will offer a Performing Arts Afternoon program. The program will include classes in theater and art, and a variety of other activities for children grades 1 through 6. There will be one group grades 1 to 4, and another group grades 4 to 6. It will take place Fridays, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. from September 25 to December 11 at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 867 North Pleasant St. Amherst. This is a fun and exciting opportunity for students to be creative and perform under the guidance of professional teachers and artists. Cost: $240 (Financial aid available). Limited Space. To register, please send payment with your contact information to: Multi-Arts, P.O. Box 108, Hadley, MA 01035. For more information call us at 413-584-7951 or contact us at Hope to see you on Fridays.
Please note that these events are not sponsored by Parent Council. Fort River Parent Council will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please send your announcement no later than 5pm Wednesday for inclusion in the week's updates. Also note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Easy Ways to make $$$ for Fort River
Stop & Shopʼs A+ BonusBucks Program
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! Last year Fort River earned $2198.43 and had 135 participants! This is an easy way to raise money with absolutely no cost to you. However, for Fort River to receive credit you need to re-designate Fort River each year. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit Fort River ID # 05218. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. We already have 45 participants. Attending to this simple process makes a HUGE difference to our school. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. We need your support! Contact Ann McLaughlin if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River.
Box Tops for Education
In case you are not familiar with Box Tops this is an easy way to earn money for Fort River--just take your scissors and clip! Last year we earned over $500. For each Box Top clipped the school receives 10 cents. Just look for the Box Tops logo on products in you already have in your kitchen, cut it out and deliver your box tops to the school's main office. If you would like to learn about the other ways you can make a difference sign up for the Box Tops website at It’s easy, free and you’ll learn about new ways to help our school earn the extra cash it needs.
Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a percentage! Last year Fort River earned $2198.43 and had 135 participants! This is an easy way to raise money with absolutely no cost to you. However, for Fort River to receive credit you need to re-designate Fort River each year. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit Fort River ID # 05218. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. We already have 45 participants. Attending to this simple process makes a HUGE difference to our school. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. We need your support! Contact Ann McLaughlin if you have any questions or problems.
Big Y Education Express
Use your Big Y Express Savings Club card and Fort River can earn points for buying much needed equipment and supplies! Just visit the Big Y customer service desk and fill out a form that will link Fort River with your card (School ID # 5947). Or go to and sign up from your computer! Whenever you use your card to purchase items designated with the “Education Express” logo, youʼll earn points for our school.
Target Take Charge of Education
If you have a Target REDcard (credit card), you can designate Fort River to receive up to 1% of the value of your purchases on the card. Go to to designate Fort River (School ID # 58645).
Atkins Farms Country Market
Use your Atkins card when you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market, and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Fort River School. Atkins provided us with one card per family last year, and new cards for new families will be coming soon-- stay tuned! Just show the card when you are checking out. There is an expiration date on the card, which is the date that youngest child graduates from Fort River.
Box Tops for Education

Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges
Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Open House Schedule
Wednesday, September 23rd
All parent/guardians are encouraged to attend our Parent Night/Open House. This is an evening to meet school staff and learn about the educational program planned for your child’s class.
7:00 – 7:30 PM
-Art, Music, Physical Education, Computer Lab
-Special Education Staff
-Guidance Counselors (Rooms 13 and 14)
-Instrumental Music representatives (Library)
-ELL parent orientation -Grades Kindergarten-3 (ELL Room)
-Language Arts and Math Resource Teachers – Library
7:30 – 8:00 PM
-Classroom Teacher Presentations – Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grades
-Instructional materials will be on display in classrooms Grades 4-6
-Library Open
8:00 – 8:15 - Transition Time
- ELL parent orientation-Grades 4-6 (-ELL room)
8:15 – 8:45 PM
-Classroom Teacher Presentations – 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades
-Instructional materials will be on display in classrooms – Grades K-3
-Library Open
· This is an evening for parents. Except for a few classes of students whose teachers have invited them to be a part of the program, students are not invited.
· Conference Sign-ups: A sheet will be posted in each classroom (grades 1-6) so parents may sign up for an individual conference. Teachers will not be discussing progress of individual students on this evening.
It is important that Fire Lanes are kept open during Open House and all other times. The Amherst Fire Department needs to know that they could get fire engines to the school in an emergency.
Parking is permitted in all marked spaces.
Parking is permitted on the right side of the entrance and exit roads, but NOT on the left side.
Parking is not permitted along the curb in front of the school. Please keep fire lanes open!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Annual Family Fund: Let's Make This Happen!
This year Parent Council would like to focus time and energy on student events and community building rather than fundraising. If we can raise a significant portion of our $13,000 budget by Sept. 25th, we will eliminate several time-consuming fundraisers. Please help us make this happen!
So far this year we have received donations from 56 of Fort Riverʼs 350 families. We have already received $3,090 so far. We are already doing better than last year, when we had raised $1085 from 31 families by 9/8/08. Let's keep the momentum going!
So far this year we have received donations from 56 of Fort Riverʼs 350 families. We have already received $3,090 so far. We are already doing better than last year, when we had raised $1085 from 31 families by 9/8/08. Let's keep the momentum going!
If you have already donated THANK YOU !!
If not, please donate soon so we can raise a significant portion of the budget by Sept 25th.
Cash or checks (to Fort River Parent Council) can be sent to the main office
donate online using PayPal. Just click on the "Donate" button on the top of the right-hand column of this web page.
donate online using PayPal. Just click on the "Donate" button on the top of the right-hand column of this web page.
Upcoming School Events
Summer Read-a-Thon Forms and Money Due. Friday, Sept. 11.
Family Fair - This Wednesday, Sept 16th, 5-7 pm. Parent volunteers and food donations needed. Please see below for details.
Family Fair - This Wednesday, Sept 16th, 5-7 pm. Parent volunteers and food donations needed. Please see below for details.
Fort River Open House - Wednesday, Sept 23rd.
Picture Day. Thursday, Sept. 24th. Information will be coming home in the backpacks.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Come to the Family Fair! Wed., Sept. 16, 5-7pm.
Fort River Family Fair 2009
Where: Fort River Playground
Where: Fort River Playground
When: Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
(Raindate Thursday, September 17th)
Please join the Fort River Community in celebrating the start of school, featuring foods from around the world, drinks and games. Once again, pizza, salad, drinks, casserole dishes and baked goods will be on sale. You can bring your own picnic if you prefer. The sixth graders will be working very hard planning fun games for everyone.
The salads, casserole dishes and baked goods all come from your generous contributions. Each year the selection of wonderful foods gets better. Please support this fun event by donating food for the fair, and consider bringing a dish from your cultural heritage. This makes for an exciting and diverse buffet. Of course, all food donations will be enjoyed by our families! You can return the form below to the Parent Council mailbox in the main office or if time runs out, just bring your delectables to the fair. Thank You.
The Family Fair is one of the most popular fundraising and social events sponsored by the Parent Council. Please come and support the six graders while socializing with your friends and meeting new families.
If you have any questions, or if you can donate any food items, please contact Sue Borden ( or Pam Rietkirk ( Please send your name, phone or email and specify which item you can bring.
- A dressed, tossed salad.
- A bake/dessert sale item.
- A casserole dish.
Picture Day Is September 24th
Picture Day is Thursday, September 24. More information and order forms will be sent home next week. Questions? Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Volunteers are need to assist with Picture Day on Thursday, September 24. Morning and afternoon shifts available. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Volunteers are need to assist with Picture Day on Thursday, September 24. Morning and afternoon shifts available. Contact Pam Rietkerk at
Help Wanted!
Volunteers are needed for the following:
- Family Fair
- Student Directory
- Book Fair
- MultiCultural Fair
- Staff/Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
- Coffee With A Principal
- Social Justice & Diversity Committee
- Teacher Book Closet (1-2 hours per week). "The Closet" is like a library for teachers where they go to select the books they use to teach reading in their classroom reading groups. All teachers and paraprofessionals have access to this closet and sign out books throughout the year. Due to their busy schedules,they are not always able to get the books returned and re-shelved in a timely manner, which makes it difficult for others who are waiting to use the books. We need 1 or 2 parents, who would be trained, to help return the books to their proper places in the closet. Ideally, the same person(s) would do this job for the entire year for about 1-2 hours per week.
- Library
Room Parents Still Needed!
We still need room parents for the following classes.
Krista Rondeau
Linda Castronovo
Liliana Klass
Please contact Sue Borden ( or Navneet Marwaha ( if you are interested in helping out!
Please click here for a list of the room parents for the remaining classrooms.
Krista Rondeau
Linda Castronovo
Liliana Klass
Please contact Sue Borden ( or Navneet Marwaha ( if you are interested in helping out!
Please click here for a list of the room parents for the remaining classrooms.
Parent Council Is Going "Paperless"
Most Parent Council communications this year will not be coming home in the backpacks on paper. Instead, we will be posting our news on this website. Each week Fort River parents will receive email reminders of website updates and upcoming events.
If we do need to send home paper, it will come home in the backpack of the youngest Fort River child in the family.
If you do not have access to email, or if you wish to receive paper copies of the newsletter, please let the Fort River office staff know and they will arrange to have paper summaries of the blog sent home every two weeks along with Principal Sharick's letter.
If we do need to send home paper, it will come home in the backpack of the youngest Fort River child in the family.
If you do not have access to email, or if you wish to receive paper copies of the newsletter, please let the Fort River office staff know and they will arrange to have paper summaries of the blog sent home every two weeks along with Principal Sharick's letter.
Principal Sharick's Latest Newsletter Has Been Posted
Click here to see to Principal Sharick's latest newsletter, in case you didn't receive it in your child's backpack last Friday. His newsletters will be posted throughout the year on the "Fort River News" page of the Fort River School website.
Teacher Wishlists
Links to the teacher wishlists for all classroom teachers, specials teachers, guidance counselors, computer room and school nurse have been added to this website. They are located down the page in the right-hand column and are arranged in alphabetical order by last name. Just click on the teacher's name and you will be taken to the classroom wish list. Please note that the wishlists are still being set up, so there may not be any items on your particular list yet. The class parents will be updating the lists throughout the year as classroom needs come up, so please keep checking back every so often to see what's new!
Amherstopoly On Sale In School Office

Amherstopoly is a collaboration of the Parent Groups of Crocker Farm, Fort River, Mark’s Meadow and Wildwood Schools to raise funds for student enrichment programs. Copies of the game are now available for purchase in the Fort River office. Games are $25 each, cash or check (payable to “Amherstopoly”). If you have any questions, please contact Sue Cairn ( or Liz Larson ( Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, 100% of the money raised through school sales of the game will go directly to benefit the students.
Calling All Fort River Kids: Be In the Amherst 250th Parade!
Please note: this is not a Parent Council Sponsored Event.
Calling all Amherst Elementary School Students!
Be in AMHERST’s 250th Anniversary PARADE on SUNDAY, September 27th, 2009
And be part of Your Town and Public Libraries’ History!
Parents from Crocker Farm, Fort River, Mark’s Meadow and Wildwood schools are helping organize a walking float to celebrate the impact the town Libraries have on all children’s lives!
Calling all Amherst Elementary School Students!
Be in AMHERST’s 250th Anniversary PARADE on SUNDAY, September 27th, 2009
And be part of Your Town and Public Libraries’ History!
Parents from Crocker Farm, Fort River, Mark’s Meadow and Wildwood schools are helping organize a walking float to celebrate the impact the town Libraries have on all children’s lives!
What to wear: Costume! Come as your favorite storybook or literary character. Wear comfortable shoes.
What to bring: A favorite book to carry, if you wish. Water; portable snack.
Where to meet: Kirby Theater, Amherst College Campus, east side of Route116, South of the Amherst Common (Enter from 116 South at Admissions Office sign; follow circular drive.)
When to arrive: Noon. Parade steps off sharply at 1 p.m.
Where it ends: Near the Mullins Center on the UMass Campus (2 mile walk)
All students, siblings and families are welcome! Strollers included!
Kids under 9: A parent or guardian must accompany you. Costumes encouraged but not required!
Kids/teens 9 – 15 years old: A parent or guardian must meet you at parade’s end, near the Mullins Center.
Don’t have a costume? Attend a costume making session:
· Session 1 will be held at the Jones Library on Sat., September 19th from 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
· Session 2 will be held at the Munson Library on Wed., September 23rd from 4:30 PM until 5:30 PM
To sign up for the parade or receive additional information, please contact
Becky Demling at Superintendent Rodriguez Interview
Clare Bertrand, Crocker Farm parent and member of the Crocker Farm PGO, has shared a questionnaire filled out by our new school superintendent. I have posted it here for your information. -- Ann McLaughlin
Clare writes:
Please click here to read the full interview.
Clare writes:
I took the opportunity to visit our new Superintendent and found him to be interesting, funny and generous with his time and thoughts. He filled out my Spotlight Interview (I had to google those leadership styles, very informative).
Here’s to hoping we all get to know each other better.
Cheers, Clare
Please click here to read the full interview.
Upcoming Community Events
Amherst's 250th Celebration Parade. 1 pm Sunday, September 27, 2009. A CELEBRATION OF THE HERITAGE, CHARACTER & HISTORY OF AMHERST! Over 100 units will be in the parade, including organizations, businesses, industries, churches, schools, clubs, groups, police and fire, as well as marching units and floats. Volunteers needed! For more information, call committee member, Pat Wagner, at 413-537-5626.
Multi-Arts Performing Arts Afternoon.This Fall Multi-Arts will offer a Performing Arts Afternoon program. The program will include classes in theater and art, and a variety of other activities for children grades 1 through 6. There will be one group grades 1 to 4, and another group grades 4 to 6. It will take place Fridays, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. from September 25 to December 11 at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 867 North Pleasant St. Amherst. This is a fun and exciting opportunity for students to be creative and perform under the guidance of professional teachers and artists. Cost: $240 (Financial aid available). Limited Space. To register, please send payment with your contact information to: Multi-Arts, P.O. Box 108, Hadley, MA 01035. For more information call us at 413-584-7951 or contact us at Hope to see you on Fridays.
Music Together For Valley Families, an internationally recognized parent/child music enrichment program, offers fall classes for young children 0-5 years old with their parents/caregivers. They are celebrating 10 years of classes in the area and are offering free sample classes between Sept. 2-12 at selected locations and times. The ten week session begins September 16 with the registration deadline of September 11. Please call to reserve a spot in a sample class or for more information. Locations are in Amherst at The Immanuel Lutheran Church, at The Congregational Church Parish House in Belchertown, The South Deerfield Congregational Church and All Saint’s Episcopal Church in So. Hadley. Call (413) 259-9400 or see
Please note that these events are not sponsored by Parent Council. Fort River Parent Council will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Thursday during the school year. Please note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Coffee With A Principal Schedule, 2009-2010
Coffee With a Principal takes place on the first friday of every month during the school year at 8:30 am in the Fort River Cafeteria. All Fort River parents are invited to meet with Principal Ray Sharick and/or Asst. Principal Susan Kennedy-Marx for coffee, light refreshments and casual conversation. Younger siblings are welcome to attend.
Here are this year's dates:
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 9
May 7
June 4
Here are this year's dates:
September 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 9
May 7
June 4
Parent Council Meeting Calendar 2009-2010
Parent Council Meeting Schedule
Sept 9 Wed 8:45 AM
Oct 15 Thurs 7 PM
Nov 18 Wed 8:45 AM
Jan 11 Mon 7 PM
Feb 11 Thurs 8:45 AM
March 24 Wed 7 PM
May 11 Tues 8:45 AM
June 2 Wed 8:45 AM
Sept 9 Wed 8:45 AM
Oct 15 Thurs 7 PM
Nov 18 Wed 8:45 AM
Jan 11 Mon 7 PM
Feb 11 Thurs 8:45 AM
March 24 Wed 7 PM
May 11 Tues 8:45 AM
June 2 Wed 8:45 AM
Spotlight Interview of School Superintendent Alberto Rogriquez
Clare Bertrand, Crocker Farm parent and member of the Crocker Farm PGO, has shared a questionnaire filled out by our new school superintendent. I have posted it here for your information -- Ann McLaughlin
SPOTLIGHT on our new Superintendent: Alberto Rodriguez
What you want us to call you? Alberto or Dr. Rodriguez.
Where did you graduate high school? Coral Gables Senior High School, Coral Gables, Florida.
Best memory from high school: My friends.
What was your favorite subject in school? History.
Tell us about your family: I have been married to my best friend, Maria, for over 23 years and we have two daughters, Madison and Danielle. They are 20 and 19 years old, respectively, and are both in college.
What are you reading right now? Primal Teen. It tells us a lot about the adolescent brain and how it works. It explains a great deal about why adolescents do the things they do.
And what would you recommend to read? Millennials Rising: The Next Generation by Neil Howe, William Strauss and R.J. Matson. This gives educators and the general lay public an insight into this transformational generation.
What is your favorite movie? I have many, but I’ll name a few: The Godfather (I), Jaws (I), and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
What do you consider comfort food? Italian food.
What is one thing you miss from your home in Florida? My family, friends and house.
How would you describe your leadership style? There are several aspects of it: Facilitative, Distributive, and Delegative.
What is one thing that really sets you off? When adults lie.
What is one thing that you really love about education? When a child’s life is turned around because of an outstanding teacher or a successful program.
If you were the US Education Czar, what big idea would you introduce? It’s not a big idea—just replicate and fully-fund programs and initiatives that work and discontinue those that don’t work. Additionally, fully-fund early childhood education to the extent that all children have access to quality Pre-K.
How do you relax? Reading, traveling and spending time with my family.
Do you have a favorite sport? Baseball.
Do you have a guilty pleasure? Eating food that I shouldn’t eat.
What surprises you the most about Amherst so far? How such a liberal community can be so resistant to change.
If we want to talk with you, what is the best way? Through my fantastic assistant, Debbie Westmoreland.
SPOTLIGHT on our new Superintendent: Alberto Rodriguez
What you want us to call you? Alberto or Dr. Rodriguez.
Where did you graduate high school? Coral Gables Senior High School, Coral Gables, Florida.
Best memory from high school: My friends.
What was your favorite subject in school? History.
Tell us about your family: I have been married to my best friend, Maria, for over 23 years and we have two daughters, Madison and Danielle. They are 20 and 19 years old, respectively, and are both in college.
What are you reading right now? Primal Teen. It tells us a lot about the adolescent brain and how it works. It explains a great deal about why adolescents do the things they do.
And what would you recommend to read? Millennials Rising: The Next Generation by Neil Howe, William Strauss and R.J. Matson. This gives educators and the general lay public an insight into this transformational generation.
What is your favorite movie? I have many, but I’ll name a few: The Godfather (I), Jaws (I), and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
What do you consider comfort food? Italian food.
What is one thing you miss from your home in Florida? My family, friends and house.
How would you describe your leadership style? There are several aspects of it: Facilitative, Distributive, and Delegative.
What is one thing that really sets you off? When adults lie.
What is one thing that you really love about education? When a child’s life is turned around because of an outstanding teacher or a successful program.
If you were the US Education Czar, what big idea would you introduce? It’s not a big idea—just replicate and fully-fund programs and initiatives that work and discontinue those that don’t work. Additionally, fully-fund early childhood education to the extent that all children have access to quality Pre-K.
How do you relax? Reading, traveling and spending time with my family.
Do you have a favorite sport? Baseball.
Do you have a guilty pleasure? Eating food that I shouldn’t eat.
What surprises you the most about Amherst so far? How such a liberal community can be so resistant to change.
If we want to talk with you, what is the best way? Through my fantastic assistant, Debbie Westmoreland.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Upcoming Parent Council Events
LABOR DAY. Monday, Sept. 7. No School.
PARENT COUNCIL MEETING. Wed, Sept 9. 8:45 am, Cafeteria. All parents are invited to attend the first Parent Council meeing of the year.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
PARENT COUNCIL MEETING. Wed, Sept 9. 8:45 am, Cafeteria. All parents are invited to attend the first Parent Council meeing of the year.
*Items in teal are sponsored by Parent Council.
Parent Council Activities and Events
The following is a list of all Parent Council activities and events, as well as contact information for project coordinator(s).
Staff Welcome Back Day
This event welcomes back our great teachers and staff by providing assorted “goodies” on their first day back at work (the day before our children return to school). The coordinator recruits families to send in a food item for staff to enjoy, and coordinates set up and clean up. Coordinator: Michelle Spirko (
School Pictures
This chair works with the photographer to have pictures taken of all Fort River students. The chair works out schedules with teachers, arranges for order forms to be sent home with children, and assists the photographers on Picture Days. Coordinator: Pam Rietkerk (
Holiday Gift Wrap Sales
This is one of our biggest fundraisers! This committee works with the gift wrap company to select items to sell, distributes brochures to each family, collects order forms and places orders with the company, and distributes orders when they arrive. Coordinator: Jen Wellman (
Fall Festival (the “Halloween Party”)
This event, which is usually held the Friday before Halloween, is a fun-filled evening featuring a costume parade, games and crafts, and food. This committee recruits and coordinates volunteers to help plan and run the events, and work on set up and clean up. Coordinator: Ann Becker ( and Jean MacKimmie (
Winter Activities/Events
Book Swap
This event is held every other year in Jan or Feb. Books (outgrown, used, etc) are collected from the Fort River community, organized and set up in the library. Teachers then bring their students who are able to choose book(s) to keep. Volunteers are needed to help collect and sort books, and help the students make their choices. Coordinator: Pam Rietkerk (
6th Grade Graduation
This committee is in charge of making sure this day is special for all the children. Sixth grade parents decorate the gym and set up all the other events surrounding graduation (slide show, food for the receptions etc). This committee also organizes the class gift. Coordinators: Lynn Logan ( and Gloria McCann (
Field Day
This event takes place on a school day in June, and involves the entire school. The committee works closely with physical education teachers to plan lots of fun physical activities for kids of all grades, including the limbo, water play, etc. Volunteers help plan, set up, and run the various “stations” that day, and clean up at the end of the day. Coordinators: Sarah Murphy ( and Tammy Rahhal Schulkind (
Bus/Van Driver Appreciation Breakfast
This is a great way to say “thank you” to the people who take our kids to and from school safely each day. This committee recruits families to send in breakfast items for the bus/van drivers, greets and visits with drivers to let them know how much they are appreciated, and cleans up behind them! This event occurs in late May/early June. Coordinator: Jen Wellman (
Summer Read-A-Thon
This is a great way to encourage children to read over the summer--and (by getting people to sponsor them) to raise money for our school at the same time! In the spring, folders are given to students who want to participate, and in the fall the folders are collected and small prizes are distributed to all who turn in a booklist. Coordinator: Jacqueline Kang (
Savings Makes “Cents”
This program encourages savings habits and goal setting. Children can open a bank account with Florence Savings Bank and bank weekly in the cafeteria with help from parent volunteers (or directly at the bank). Only $1.00 is needed to open an account, and any amount can be deposited—and after 10 deposits, the Bank will deposit $1.00 into the account. Coordinator: Barbara Morse ( and Nat Larson (
Lost and Found
Twice a year the contents of the Lost and Found are placed on tables in the lobby to be retrieved by kids/parents. Remaining items are donated to the Survival Center. Coordinator: Kathy Niedzielski (
Box Tops for Education
Families can save Box Tops from General Mills products and bring them in to the office. This person periodically empties the collection canister in the main office, and counts/bundles/mails the Box Tops for cash for our school twice a year. Coordinator: Jan Kelly (
Printer Cartridge/Cell Phone Recycling
Families can bring in used printer cartridges and cell phones (and batteries) to the box in the office. We then pack and mail them to the company – and they give us cash! Coordinator: Mikey Cutting (
Fort River Roasters by Deans Beans
Organic Fair Trade Coffee by Deans Beans is available through Fort River. Orders can be placed monthly – due the first Friday of the month. Coffee will then be sent home with your child unless you specify otherwise. Order forms are available online. Coordinators: Libby Stanforth ( and Hana Rivkin (
Activities still in need of coordinators are highlighted.
Please note that many other volunteers will be needed to help the coordinators of each activity throughout the year, so if you are interested in helping out as a volunteer, contact the coordinator(s) or Sue Borden (
Please note that many other volunteers will be needed to help the coordinators of each activity throughout the year, so if you are interested in helping out as a volunteer, contact the coordinator(s) or Sue Borden (
Room Parents
Please scroll down the page to the next post to see a separate listing of teachers and room parents. We still need volunteers to be room parents in 11 classrooms!
Student Directory
The student directory is an invaluable resource! This committee solicits local businesses to place advertisements, compiles student data, and arranges for the directory to be copied and distributed at school. Coordinator: Hana Rivkin (, Dror Schmerling ( and VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
Staff Welcome Back Day
This event welcomes back our great teachers and staff by providing assorted “goodies” on their first day back at work (the day before our children return to school). The coordinator recruits families to send in a food item for staff to enjoy, and coordinates set up and clean up. Coordinator: Michelle Spirko (
Family Fair
The Family Fair helps welcome everyone back to school. The 6th graders create and run games, and/or sell food. The 6th grade teachers work the fair into the beginning of the year assignments, and help on the day of the fair (Mr. Wallace is a key contact!). Volunteers organize the activities, request food from families, and work at the fair (set up, clean up, helping the kids serve food). This is the first major Parent Council event of the Fall and it is coming up SOON!! (In September!) Please contact Sue Borden if you are interested ASAP. Coordinator: VOLUNTEER NEEDED !
Cultural Enrichment Committee
This committee notifies teachers of cultural events at U Mass, orders tickets that teacher’s request, and confirms the date and time of the performance for teachers.
School Pictures
This chair works with the photographer to have pictures taken of all Fort River students. The chair works out schedules with teachers, arranges for order forms to be sent home with children, and assists the photographers on Picture Days. Coordinator: Pam Rietkerk (
Holiday Gift Wrap Sales
This is one of our biggest fundraisers! This committee works with the gift wrap company to select items to sell, distributes brochures to each family, collects order forms and places orders with the company, and distributes orders when they arrive. Coordinator: Jen Wellman (
Book Fair
This is a great opportunity for students to purchase quality books at affordable prices (and provides funds for our library). This week-long event will take place in early December. This committee makes arrangements to have the books delivered, staffs the book fair, and handles the final payment to the book companies. This project needs many volunteers!. Coordinator: Diane Caraker (253-4191; and Co-Coordinator NEEDED !
Fall Festival (the “Halloween Party”)
This event, which is usually held the Friday before Halloween, is a fun-filled evening featuring a costume parade, games and crafts, and food. This committee recruits and coordinates volunteers to help plan and run the events, and work on set up and clean up. Coordinator: Ann Becker ( and Jean MacKimmie (
Winter Activities/Events
Book Swap
This event is held every other year in Jan or Feb. Books (outgrown, used, etc) are collected from the Fort River community, organized and set up in the library. Teachers then bring their students who are able to choose book(s) to keep. Volunteers are needed to help collect and sort books, and help the students make their choices. Coordinator: Pam Rietkerk (
MultiCultural Fair
New Event. This event is planned as a potluck community building event in late May featuring Fort River students. Planning will occur this fall/winter. Coordinator: Rebecca Fricke ( Co-Coordinator and VOLUNTEERS Needed
6th Grade Graduation
This committee is in charge of making sure this day is special for all the children. Sixth grade parents decorate the gym and set up all the other events surrounding graduation (slide show, food for the receptions etc). This committee also organizes the class gift. Coordinators: Lynn Logan ( and Gloria McCann (
Staff/Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
This is a great way to say “thank you” to all the people who take care of our kids. This committee finds a restaurant and works with the manager to set a date and menu, sends invitations to all staff asking for menu choices, collects RSVPs and gives meal counts to the restaurant, and keeps in contact with the restaurant to make sure that everything is on track! Coordinator: Catalina Arrubla ( and Co-Coordinator NEEDED !
Field Day
This event takes place on a school day in June, and involves the entire school. The committee works closely with physical education teachers to plan lots of fun physical activities for kids of all grades, including the limbo, water play, etc. Volunteers help plan, set up, and run the various “stations” that day, and clean up at the end of the day. Coordinators: Sarah Murphy ( and Tammy Rahhal Schulkind (
Bus/Van Driver Appreciation Breakfast
This is a great way to say “thank you” to the people who take our kids to and from school safely each day. This committee recruits families to send in breakfast items for the bus/van drivers, greets and visits with drivers to let them know how much they are appreciated, and cleans up behind them! This event occurs in late May/early June. Coordinator: Jen Wellman (
Summer Read-A-Thon
This is a great way to encourage children to read over the summer--and (by getting people to sponsor them) to raise money for our school at the same time! In the spring, folders are given to students who want to participate, and in the fall the folders are collected and small prizes are distributed to all who turn in a booklist. Coordinator: Jacqueline Kang (
Although much of the work involved in putting together the yearbook doesn’t happen until the spring, this committee works throughout the year enlisting people to take pictures and making arrangements for a printer. Once materials have been gathered, this committee works on laying out the book , printing, and distribution during last week of school. Coordinators: Joy Sullivan (, Kathy Niedzielski (, & MORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED !
Coffee With A Principal
A morning coffee with Principal Ray Sharick and/or Vice-Principal Susan Kennedy Marx occurs the first Friday of every month. This committee makes coffee, provides light food, and handles set-up and clean-up. Coordinator; VOLUNTEER NEEDED !
Newsletter transcription
Volunteer needed to compile Fort River Parent Council website entries to a paper format every 2 weeks to make available to parents who do not have email access. VOLUNTEER NEEDED.
Celebrate With A Book
This program seeks books to be donated to the Fort River Library in honor of a special occasion. A bookplate, indicating the name of the donor and the person being honored, is placed in the donated book. This committee publicizes this program, maintains lists of books wanted by the library, and writes thank you notes to acknowledge donations. Coordinator: NEEDED !
Savings Makes “Cents”
This program encourages savings habits and goal setting. Children can open a bank account with Florence Savings Bank and bank weekly in the cafeteria with help from parent volunteers (or directly at the bank). Only $1.00 is needed to open an account, and any amount can be deposited—and after 10 deposits, the Bank will deposit $1.00 into the account. Coordinator: Barbara Morse ( and Nat Larson (
Diversity and Social Justice Committee
This committee promotes and celebrates diversity at Parent Council sponsored projects, events and meetings, and recommends educational programs on bias issues for students, teachers and parents. Diversity is defined as based on race, nationality, gender, class, sexual orientation, religion and/or disability. Coordinator: NEEDED !
Lost and Found
Twice a year the contents of the Lost and Found are placed on tables in the lobby to be retrieved by kids/parents. Remaining items are donated to the Survival Center. Coordinator: Kathy Niedzielski (
Box Tops for Education
Families can save Box Tops from General Mills products and bring them in to the office. This person periodically empties the collection canister in the main office, and counts/bundles/mails the Box Tops for cash for our school twice a year. Coordinator: Jan Kelly (
Printer Cartridge/Cell Phone Recycling
Families can bring in used printer cartridges and cell phones (and batteries) to the box in the office. We then pack and mail them to the company – and they give us cash! Coordinator: Mikey Cutting (
Fort River Roasters by Deans Beans
Organic Fair Trade Coffee by Deans Beans is available through Fort River. Orders can be placed monthly – due the first Friday of the month. Coffee will then be sent home with your child unless you specify otherwise. Order forms are available online. Coordinators: Libby Stanforth ( and Hana Rivkin (
Room Parents 2009-2010
Room parents plan a class pot-luck and check in with the teacher monthly to see what is needed (e.g., snacks for an event, field trip volunteers, etc.) and update the online teacher wishlists accordingly. They may organize a class gift in December and/or June. Teachers highlighted in yellow are still in need of a class parent! Please contact Navneet Marwaha (VP for Room Parents) or Sue Borden if you would like to volunteer.
Teacher Room Parent
Deb Felix Kathryn Mahony (
First Grade
Kris Griswold Tammy Rahhal-Schulkind (
Laurie Hickson Stephen Poulin (
Kim Prince Michelle Spirko (
& Liza Cunningham (
Irene Eigner Jacquelyn Kang (
Tim Sheehan Lisa Oram-Brown (
Third Grade
Rachel Sautter Stacy Simonson (
Mary Fournier Laura Wenk (
& Traci Wolfe (
Amy Jackendoff Becky Michaels (
Fourth Grade
Maurisa Davis Pam Rietkerk (
Judah Hughes Eileen Marasco (
& Sue Robertson (
Linda Yeh Diane Caraker (
Fifth Grade
José Cantillo Amy Siege (
Tom Chang Jan Kelly ( &
Karen Cardozo (
Liliana Klass Lisa Harvey (
& Navneet Marwaha (
Sixth Grade
Kai Simon Pam Rietkerk (
Peter Lamdin Traci Wolfe (
Roger Wallace Andra Rose (
& Elly Hosea (
Room parents plan a class pot-luck and check in with the teacher monthly to see what is needed (e.g., snacks for an event, field trip volunteers, etc.) and update the online teacher wishlists accordingly. They may organize a class gift in December and/or June. Teachers highlighted in yellow are still in need of a class parent! Please contact Navneet Marwaha (VP for Room Parents) or Sue Borden if you would like to volunteer.
Teacher Room Parent
Deb Felix Kathryn Mahony (
First Grade
Kris Griswold Tammy Rahhal-Schulkind (
Laurie Hickson Stephen Poulin (
Kim Prince Michelle Spirko (
Second Grade
Linda Castronovo Sonia Correa Pope ( Liza Cunningham (
Irene Eigner Jacquelyn Kang (
Tim Sheehan Lisa Oram-Brown (
Third Grade
Rachel Sautter Stacy Simonson (
Mary Fournier Laura Wenk (
& Traci Wolfe (
Amy Jackendoff Becky Michaels (
Fourth Grade
Maurisa Davis Pam Rietkerk (
Judah Hughes Eileen Marasco (
& Sue Robertson (
Linda Yeh Diane Caraker (
Fifth Grade
José Cantillo Amy Siege (
Tom Chang Jan Kelly ( &
Karen Cardozo (
Liliana Klass Lisa Harvey (
& Navneet Marwaha (
Sixth Grade
Kai Simon Pam Rietkerk (
Peter Lamdin Traci Wolfe (
Roger Wallace Andra Rose (
& Elly Hosea (
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sign up for Stop & Shop BonusBucks!
Dear Parents:
Welcome to the start of a new school year and another year of A+ Bonus Bucks. Starting October 9, 2009 through March 25, 2010, Fort River will have the opportunity to earn cash through the Stop & Shop A+ Bonus Bucks Program.
All you have to do is:
Log on to to register online
Dial 1-877-275-2758 to register your card over the phone
After you register your card, each shopping trip at Stop & Shop using your Stop & Shop Card earns CASH for our school! Each month, the amount of CASH awarded will be updated on the Stop&Shop website. You can track the amount of points you earn for our school by checking your grocery receipt and online when you create an account at Our school will receive a check at the end of the program. The money can be used for any of our school’s educational needs.
Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit.
Attending to this simple process makes a HUGE difference to our school. We need your support!
Last year, Fort River earned almost $2200 for the school and had 135 participants.
Please be sure to register your card to benefit Fort River School using ID # 05218. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. It could mean the world to our children.
Please contact me at if you have any questions or trouble signing up. I'd be happy to help!
Ann McLaughlin
Parent Coordinator for the Stop & Shop BonusBucks Program
Welcome to the start of a new school year and another year of A+ Bonus Bucks. Starting October 9, 2009 through March 25, 2010, Fort River will have the opportunity to earn cash through the Stop & Shop A+ Bonus Bucks Program.
All you have to do is:
Log on to to register online
Dial 1-877-275-2758 to register your card over the phone
After you register your card, each shopping trip at Stop & Shop using your Stop & Shop Card earns CASH for our school! Each month, the amount of CASH awarded will be updated on the Stop&Shop website. You can track the amount of points you earn for our school by checking your grocery receipt and online when you create an account at Our school will receive a check at the end of the program. The money can be used for any of our school’s educational needs.
Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit.
Attending to this simple process makes a HUGE difference to our school. We need your support!
Last year, Fort River earned almost $2200 for the school and had 135 participants.
Please be sure to register your card to benefit Fort River School using ID # 05218. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. It could mean the world to our children.
Please contact me at if you have any questions or trouble signing up. I'd be happy to help!
Ann McLaughlin
Parent Coordinator for the Stop & Shop BonusBucks Program
Parent Council Thanks Volunteers for Staff/Faculty Welcome Back Brunch
We inadvertently neglected to thank Janet Kannel for her help at the staff and faculty welcome back brunch last week. Janet is a consistent volunteer for this event. She always brings teas for the teachers . . . they last much of the year!
Annual Fund: Don't Forget to Donate!
This year Parent Council would like to focus time and energy on student events and community building rather than fundraising. If we can raise a significant portion of our $13,000 budget by Sept 25th we will eliminate several time-consuming fundraisers. Please help us by making an early donation to our Annual Fund. Suggested donation is $25-$50 a child, but donating more will help the families who cannot afford as much. All amounts will help us reach our goal. Please choose your tax deductible donation amount:
Donate online via PayPal.
Thanks for all your support !
Sue Borden
Parent Council President
- $25
- $50
- $75
- Other
Donate online via PayPal.
Thanks for all your support !
Sue Borden
Parent Council President
Parent Council Officers 2009-2010
President: Sue Borden (
Vice Presidents:
Fundraising: Libby Stanforth (
Teacher outreach: Suzanne Schilling (
Family events: TBA
Room parents: Navneet Marwaha (
Website: Ann McLaughlin (
Secretary: Jenn Green (
Treasurer: Lynn Hayes (
Vice Presidents:
Fundraising: Libby Stanforth (
Teacher outreach: Suzanne Schilling (
Family events: TBA
Room parents: Navneet Marwaha (
Website: Ann McLaughlin (
Secretary: Jenn Green (
Treasurer: Lynn Hayes (
Upcoming Community Events
Please note that these events are not sponsored by Parent Council.
Music Together For Valley Families, an internationally recognized parent/child music enrichment program, offers fall classes for young children 0-5 years old with their parents/caregivers. They are celebrating 10 years of classes in the area and are offering free sample classes between Sept. 2-12 at selected locations and times. The ten week session begins September 16 with the registration deadline of September 11. Please call to reserve a spot in a sample class or for more information. Locations are in Amherst at The Immanuel Lutheran Church, at The Congregational Church Parish House in Belchertown, The South Deerfield Congregational Church and All Saint’s Episcopal Church in So. Hadley. Call (413) 259-9400 or see
A note from Parent Council. We will publish information about non-Parent Council sponsored events with the following conditions:
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
1. The event should be of interest to Fort River families.
2. The information should be sent to Ann McLaughlin at in the form of a short description.
3. Contact information (website or name, telephone and/or email address) must be included.
We add new information to the blog every Friday during the school year. Please note that we do not accept announcements of items or services for sale (with the exceptions of children's classes/lessons). Inclusion in this section does not imply any guarantees or endorsements by Fort River Parent Council or Fort River School.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sign Up for Parent Council Emails
If you aren't already receiving emails from Parent Council, please consider signing up. You'll get weekly email notifications after the Parent Council website has been updated, and you'll also get automatic calendar reminders before the various Fort River events such as the Family Fair and Parent Council meetings. Just click on the link below and tell me your name and preferred email address. All Fort River families, staff and faculty are welcome to sign up!
Subscribe to the Fort River Email list.
Have you been getting Parent Council emails this year? Have you recently changed your email address? Make sure I have your latest email address or else you won't be kept up-to-date on the latest Parent Council news! Click on the above link to let me know your new email address. Please include your old email address so I can remove it from the list.
Ann McLaughlin,V.P. for Website
Fort River Parent Council
Subscribe to the Fort River Email list.
Have you been getting Parent Council emails this year? Have you recently changed your email address? Make sure I have your latest email address or else you won't be kept up-to-date on the latest Parent Council news! Click on the above link to let me know your new email address. Please include your old email address so I can remove it from the list.
Ann McLaughlin,V.P. for Website
Fort River Parent Council
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