Friday, May 22, 2009

Fun Stuff

Savings Makes Cents Is continuing in the Main Hall on Tuesdays, 8:15-8:45 am. Please remind students to bring in their deposits. Materials to open a bank account with Florence Savings Bank are also available. Only $1.00 is needed to open an account, and any amount can be deposited. After 10 deposits, the Bank will contribute $1.00 to the account. Contact Barbara Morse (253-9160; for more information. Cellphones & Ink Jet Cartridges Protect the environment and raise money for Parent Council by donating used digital cellphones1 and ink jet cartridges. Please deliver to the Main Office. 1 Cellphones will be recycled, according to EPA regulations, or refurbished and sold, with 100% of the proceeds going to Parent Council.