Friday, April 18, 2008

Parent Council Elections at the Next Meeting (April 30)

Our next Parent Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 30th, at 8:30am in cafeteria. We will be holding elections for next year's Executive Board. We are currently working out a re-organization of the President's and Vice-President's roles so that could have possibly 5 VPs next year (each with a different job). In this way we hope to distribute the workload among more people and make all positions seem more appealing. If you would like to help out next year, please contact any of the current board members as soon as possible and/or come to the next Parent Council meeting. We also need to replace ALL grade representatives. Grade representatives have three responsibilities: finding a room parent for each of the teachers in your grade, contacting new families and welcoming them to the school, and working with the room parents (and other parents) to organize one grade-wide event (an event that brings together all kids in a given grade, across classrooms, during an out-of-school time). Once again, please contact any board member if you are interested.