Fort River PGO Information
Friday, February 29, 2008
Upcoming Events
Principal Candidates Nights--Strong Parent Turnout
Beach Party
The Beach Party will be held in the cafeteria. All Fort River families are welcome. Please plan to attend with your children. This is not a drop-off event.
6th Grade Graduation More Volunteers Needed!
Of Interest to Fort River Families
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Schedule for Principal Candidate Finalists
Please note the schedule for the upcoming "Meet the Candidates" nights at the Amherst Regional Middle School. This schedule is for Fort River Families. We will be meeting in the cafeteria. Mon. Feb. 25 8:00-8:40pm Tues. Feb. 26 6:30-8:00pm Wed. Feb. 27 6:30-8:00pm Candidates will answer questions. Parents and guardians will be invited to complete feedback forms. There will be one candidate on Monday night, and two candidates at each session on the other two nights.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Article from the Daily Hampshire Gazette.
Names of Principal Finalists Released
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Principal Search News
Amherst narrows field for principals BY MARY CAREY, STAFF WRITER AMHERST - School officials have identified two finalists for the Amherst Regional Middle School principal post and five finalists for three elementary school principal positions, all of whom will visit the schools in the coming three weeks. Kathryn Mazur, human resources director for Amherst schools, said the finalists' names will be released Monday, Feb. 25 to allow candidates time to tell their current employers they are seeking the job and while background checks on the candidates are being performed. One of the two finalists for the Middle School position is local, Mazur said and one is from eastern Massachusetts. Twenty-two people applied for the position. One of the two candidates will spend the day at the school on Thursday, Feb. 28 and meet with parents and community members at the Middle School Library at 7 p.m., with the other candidate doing the same thing on Monday, March 3. Acting Principal Fran Ziperstein and Co-Principal Michael Hayes are in the second year of their two-year interim positions, succeeding Mary Cavalier, the former principal.
Elementary School Schedule.
Four of the five candidates for the three elementary school positions are from Massachusetts and one is from Rhode Island, Mazur said. Thirty people applied for the positions.One of the elementary school candidates will visit the schools on Monday, Feb. 25, meeting with community members that evening; two candidates will visit on Tuesday, Feb. 26 and two on Wednesday, Feb. 27.
Russ Vernon-Jones, principal of Fort River Elementary School and Paul Wiley, principal of Crocker Farm Elementary School, who both became principal of their respective schools in 1990, announced they were retiring last year. Mark Prince later said he would not return as principal of Wildwood Elementary School after this year, after serving two years there.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Upcoming Events
Important Principal Search News! Parents Needed!
Meet the Middle School Principal Candidates
Book Swap Update
Original Works Art Project/Fundraiser
Of Interest to Fort River Families
Friday, February 8, 2008
Upcoming Events
Public Forum on the Town Budget

It's important for all Amherst citizens to come together to discuss the town's priorities in this challenging time!
Here's a link to the Town's Budget Coordinating Committee:
A Call to Parents--Run for Town Meeting!
Study Island--MCAS Prep for 3rd-6th Graders

Your child will have a username and password from school. If your child has forgotten them, contact their teacher or Joan Gallinaro (Computer Resource Teacher) at
Of Interest to Fort River Families
Friday, February 1, 2008
Upcoming Events
6th Grade Graduation Planning Meeting
Original Works After-School Activity--Event Postponed
Jump Rope for Heart Jumpathon
Annual Family Donation Fund Update for Feb. 1, 2008
Beach Party