Fort River PGO Information
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
ARPS Family Center needs donations for holidays
Greetings from all of us at the ARPS Family Center! We hope you and your families are doing well. It is that time of year in which we appeal for your help to support some of our students in need during the holiday season. It is the case that many of our students and their families continue to face harsh realities related to loss of housing, employment and physical/mental health issues due to the pandemic and life in general. We are asking for donations for our McKinney Vento (Homeless Act) students and others experiencing significant challenges.
As in past years, we continue to respond to requests for help with rental/ utilities assistance, food, warm clothing, personal items and other necessities from student's and their families in all of our schools.
For the last three years, our drive to ask for donations has been successful thanks to all of you who contributed gifts and gift cards. Gift cards continue to be the preferred donation and, ideally, we would collect $25 for each child in need, but you can choose to send any denomination gift card you wish. We recommend getting these from stores that offer an array of items, such as Target, Walmart, Marshall’s, T J Maxx, supermarkets or generic, Visa/MasterCard ones. Gift cards can be sent to us via inter school (ARPS Family Center, Holiday Donations), they can be dropped off at our center in the Middle School or we can pick them up at your school. We will be collecting your donations until December 9, 2022 so we have enough time to deliver them and families can use them before the holidays, as they wish.
Please call Mildred (362-1871) if you have any questions or wish to drop off your gift Cards at our Center or want us to pick them up at your school. Thanks, in advance, for your generosity and care.
ARPS Biliteracy information session
Interpretation Available: Request Here
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Try Hockey for Free and Learn to Skate
Skate and gear sale starts at 12:30pm.
Skating starts at 1:30pm.
The Amherst Hockey Association has a variety of programs for children of various skating abilities. Learn to skate, learn to play and girls' house programs start on November 12. More information and registration can be found here:
Election Day Bake Sale
Baked goods should be wrapped individually. Please label the container or each item so our customers know what they are buying. Drop-off information will follow closer to the date.
The bake sale stand will be open from 9am-2pm.
PGO Gift Card Fundraiser

Use the cards for:
- Purchases that you already make on a regular basis like groceries (eg. Stop & Shop, Whole Foods)
- Holiday shopping (ex. Athleta, L.L. Bean, Old Navy)
- To give as gifts to teachers, mail carriers and bus drivers (eg. Starbucks, Panera)
Fill out the order form and send it to school with a check.
Gift cards will be distributed the week of Thanksgiving, orders are due November 14.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Participate in research studies at MGH
The Cognitive Neuroscience Group at the MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston is recruiting children between the ages of 8 and 11 years to participate in research studies funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Health (NIH).
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the learning patterns of children with typical and atypical language development. The study will involve 3 visits to the lab at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. During the visits, children complete a battery of cognitive and language-based assessments, play several games on the computer and complete several language/memory tasks. The lab visit includes safe and noninvasive EEG recording. A visit will last about 3 hours. We are looking for children who were late to develop language, and who still receive services for language or learning difficulties. More information can be found at: Rally | Learning Differences in Children (
Payment is $50 for each in-person visit to
the lab ($150 total). We provide free all-day parking at the Navy Yard.
We will mail you the scores of your child on the cognitive and language
tests/subtests. Please email us at or
call us at (617) 643-4821 if you are interested or if you have any questions.
Volunteers needed at the Amherst Survival Center
The Amherst Survival Center is recruiting new volunteers to help deliver their growing services to the community! If you can make a weekly commitment of a 2-3 hour shift for 3-4 months, they'd love to hear from you. Volunteers are required to have a COVID vaccine and at least one booster. Please email or call Lisa, our Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator, at or 413-549-3968 x111 for information about upcoming new volunteer orientations.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Saturday, October 1, 2022
2nd Annual Apple Cider and Doughnut Halloween Parade
Where: Fort River School under the white tent
When: Sunday, October 30 at 1:00
Get ready for Trick-or-Treating with a parade around Fort River!
We will have Cider and Doughnuts from Atkins available!
This event is sponsored by the Fort River PGO, donations are appreciated.
All funds raised directly benefit the school and classroom activities.
AEF Trivia Bee
The Amherst Education Foundation is hosting its 28th Annual Trivia Bee
on Thursday, October 27 at 6:30pm in the Amherst Regional Middle School
Auditorium. Put together a Trivia Bee Team (4 people max) and test your
knowledge against other community members, businesses and organizations
during a super fun event! Teams are encouraged to come in their best
Halloween costumes and participate in a costume contest. There will also
be a raffle for gift cards from area restaurants and businesses, and
pizza and refreshments for purchase.
The Trivia Bee is our biggest fundraiser of the year and proceeds will go towards funding critical programs and projects
created by public school teachers and staff in Amherst, Pelham,
Leverett and Shutesbury. You don't have play to participate; come watch
all the fun for free and support all the players!
You must pre-register to play. Please visit to sign up your team or enter the raffle.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Room Parents Wanted
Sign up for your child(ren)s classes here:
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Fort River Student Directory
The PGO will be preparing a directory of all students, including class lists and contact information. The directories will be distributed to all students.
Please fill out this form to have your contact information included.
Deadline to be included is Friday, Sept. 23.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Popsicle party
Please join us for our annual Popsicle Party and The Mural Unveiling!
Mad Science/Art Ventures after school programs
Mad Science and Art Ventures after school programs are now opening for registration. Classes feature themes, take home projects, and run for 6 weeks. Please visit for details and locations.
UMass Dance Marathon fundraisers
UMass Dance Marathon is the largest student led philanthropic organization on campus that fundraises year-round for Baystate Children’s Hospital. Their goal is to get the next generation involved and excited about our organization.
Auditions for The Little Mermaind
Amherst Community Theater (formerly ALSCT) is creating a fabulous, large-scale musical, with lavish sets and costumes, a full live orchestra, and enthusiastic audiences to fill the 600-seat UMass Bowker Auditorium for nine performances in January. With great fanfare, they’re thrilled to finally be presenting Disney’s The Little Mermaid. A hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages, this timeless fable has a broad scope for a host of actors in incredible roles, and the extravagant production gives student actors an unparalleled stage experience. Actors, singers, and dancers ages 7-107 are encouraged to audition! As an added note, we at Amherst Community Theater are committed to inclusive casting. In addition, Covid-19 precautions will be in place to help guard the safety of all participants, including a requirement that those auditioning be fully vaccinated and masked.
All audition information is at
AUDITIONS: Friday, Sept. 9th, Saturday, Sept. 10th, Sunday, Sept. 11th
Callbacks Monday, September 12th
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Bus routes
Here are the bus routes (look for the ones for Fort River):
First Day Parent Coffee and Donuts
August 25, 8:10am (1st - 6th grade parents and caregivers)
August 30, 8:10am (Kindergarten parents and caregivers)
Por favor, únase al PGO para tomar café, donas, vítores y (tal vez incluso lágrimas) en el primero día de clases! Es una oportunidad para conocer a otros padres y aprender sobre formas de involucrarse en la comunidad de Fort River.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
AEF Stars in Our Schools
As the school year comes to a close, we reflect on how proud we are of all our teachers, staff, students, and parents. Public schools are a critical part of our community, and their funding is imperative. With that in mind, the Amherst Education Foundation (AEF) is excited to announce our Spring Stars in Our Schools fundraiser.
Field Day - Volunteers wanted!
Fort River Field Day is June 8 (rain date of June 9)!
We need help with the following tasks:
- Set up
- Leading one of the 12 teams (you will not be alone, you will be with (a) teacher(s))
- Running one of the activity stations (2 volunteers per station)
More details and the exact times will be communicated closer to the date.
Sign up here:
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Drinks wanted!
Please consider donating!
Drinks can be dropped off at 48 Linden Ridge Rd (please do not send to the school at this time, contact the PGO if you would like to donate but cannot get them to this address).
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Fort River Book Swap - Books wanted!
If you have any books to donate, please send them to school or put them in the big box by the front door of the building.
All students will be able to choose new-to-them books during their library period the week of June 6.
Contact Ms Lani (, Fort River Librarian, for more information.
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Ask your students to make a card, write a letter or do something nice for their teacher this week, or through the entire month of May. We love our teachers!
AEF Excellence Grants for 2022-23
Friday, April 22, 2022
Amherst Invitational Ultimate Tournament
ALSO: Ultimate Showcase features professional athletes!
Players from the women’s professional teams Portland Rising and NY Gridlock will play with Amherst girls in this first-ever showcase event. Come watch the action on Friday, May 6. 7:00 p.m. at the Amherst-Pelham Regional High School, 21 Mattoon St. Free!
Parent Input Regarding MA Civic Education
Are you a parent or caregiver of a student at a Massachusetts public school? The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education wants to hear from you! We are looking for your thoughts and opinions about preparing young people to be active and engaged members of their communities. After completing the survey, you will be entered into a raffle for one of five $40 Amazon gift cards.
To take the survey, please visit the link below!
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Fort River Shirts and Hoodies
Fort River apparel is now available to order!
The online store is open until April 18. Orders will be processed after that date, if minimum quantities are met. Expect to receive apparel in early May. All proceeds benefit Fort River.
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Recipes Wanted!
To celebrate April - Linguistic Heritage Month - the ELL team is trying to create our own Fort River Cook Book!
We need your help! Please send your favorite recipe, handwritten or typed, by April 12. If you have a picture or a story to add to it, that will make it even better.
Bon Appetit!
Sylvia, Adriana, Christina and Kyle
Sunday, March 27, 2022
AEF Mini Golf

Amherst Education Foundation is hosting its second annual Mini-Golf
Fundraiser! Join us on Saturday, May 21st for a fun event that will also
have raffles and refreshments. All proceeds will go towards
funding valuable education grants to public school teachers and staff in
Amherst, Pelham, Leverett and Shutesbury.
Register to play or purchase raffle tickets at
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Jones Library Youth Programing Survey
Want to influence kids and teen programming at the Jones library?
This short (5 question!) survey will help inform the programs the Jones Library plans to offer for kids and teens this spring and summer. We value your feedback! This survey will also be accessible on the Kids and Teens webpages until the end of March. We look forward to hearing from you!
Unicef for Ukraine
Dear Fort River Community,
The war in Ukraine keeps raging. However, our support for the wonderful people of this amazing country must stay unwavering. Please join us in this fundraiser for Unicef for Ukraine. We will be collecting $ donations starting this Monday, 3/21/22-and will continue through Friday, 3/25/22. Any money collected during this time will be supporting Ukrainian children and their families.
Estimada comunidad de Fort River,
La guerra en Ucrania sigue haciendo estragos. Sin embargo, nuestro apoyo a la gente de este increíble país debe seguir siendo inquebrantable. Por favor, únanse a nosotros en esta recaudación de fondos para Unicef para Ucrania. Estaremos recolectando donaciones en dólares a partir de este lunes, 21/3/22-y continuará hasta el viernes, 25/3/22. Todo el dinero recaudado durante este tiempo se destinará a apoyar a los niños ucranianos y sus familias.
[Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor]
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Missoula Children's Theater
Auditions will be held for the Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) musical production of RUMPELSTILTSKIN Monday, April 4th at the Amherst Middle School Cafeteria from 4:00 pm to 6:15 pm. All those auditioning should arrive no later than 4:00 and plan to stay for the full two hours. Some of those cast in the show will be asked to stay for a rehearsal immediately following the auditions.
Students from Kindergarten to 12th grade are encouraged to audition. Assistant Directors will also be cast to aid in rehearsals throughout the week, and to take on essential backstage responsibilities. There are 50-60 roles available, with parts in every age group. This is a group audition, and no advance preparation is necessary--though a smile always helps! There is a $55 Registration Fee due at the audition for all those who are cast—additional siblings are $30 (fee waivers are available!).
The Missoula Children’s Theatre touring productions are complete with costumes, scenery, props and makeup. The MCT Tour Actor/Directors will conduct rehearsals throughout the week from 4:00-8:30 Monday, April 4th – Friday, April 8th. Not everyone will need to be present at every rehearsal.
RUMPELSTILTSKIN will be presented on Saturday, April 9th at 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm at the Amherst Middle School Auditorium. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students under 18 and seniors.
For more
information, go to “Children’s Theater” at, or call Susan at 413-461-6722.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Sunday, February 27, 2022
2022-2023 Community Development Priorities Survey
The Town of Amherst's Community Development Block Grant Committee, known as the CDBG Advisory Committee, is charged with overseeing the public process to identify social service priorities targets areas for Community Development Block Grant funds received annually from the Federal Government. The Committee would like to hear from Amherst residents, employees, and service providers about the most pressing and urgent needs for low and moderate income residents.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Math curriculum review update
The update below was presented to the Amherst and Pelham School Committees about the
math review.
Video slides for Math Review - Google Slides - 31 January 2022 - Watch Video
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Fort River Directory is ready!
Thank you for all who filled out their family information to be included in the directory this year!!
The directory can be found here:
Multi-Arts Vacation and Summer Camps
For over 22 years, Multi-Arts, an innovative arts program, has fulfilled its mission of inspiring, guiding, and delighting children in the performance and visual arts. There is no other organization in the Pioneer Valley that does what we do so effectively, recognizing children’s talents, engaging and encouraging them to immerse and succeed in the arts.
Fun and active, this program just might be what you are looking for!
Don't wait, register now!
February Camp
April Camp
Summer Camp
For more info, visit Multi-Arts, email or call 413-584-7951 or (413) 345-5310
Space is limited.