Fort River PGO Information
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Library book pick-up
Fort River Masks for sale
Choose Love when wearing your mask! The PGO still has Fort River "We Choose Love" masks available for $10. The masks are two layers of blue material and fit all sizes. Process go to fund student supplies or mini grants for the classroom.
They will be available during the book pick-up (Tuesday, Dec. 15) or contact if you can't make it and would like to purchase.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Spanish Through the Arts
Join Multi-Arts Spanish Through the Arts
We are happy to offer our successful Spanish Through the Arts again this winter session. Children will learn Spanish using music, art and theater, making it fun and enjoyable.Children can choose Monday 5:00-6:00 p.m. Thursday 3:30-5:00 p.m. or both days. We will meet for 10 weeks. Thursday Theater class we will culminate in a final show in which children will apply the vocabulary learned during the classes.
Monday’ meetings run from Monday, December 7th to February, 22nd &
Thursday’s meetings run from Thursday, December 10th to February 25th
Isabel Arango is our Spanish teacher and Maia Petrucha our Theater teacher. You can read about them here. Welcome to sign up here.
Call for Submissions: Dreaming the Future!
Forbes, Jones, and Lilly libraries are collaborating with UMass's
Feinberg Lecture Series, and we are asking the young people of Western
Massachusetts (ages 5-18) to help us envision a future where climate
change is mitigated and the world has adapted. The
project, Dreaming
the Future, asks young
people to consider their relationship with the natural world, how they
think it might change in the future, what they hope it might be like,
and how to help guide humanity toward a more climate-just
world. Participants are invited to respond to a variety of prompts and
share their work with us; we will then publish the collection as a zine
(a limited-edition publication). Participants will receive a physical
copy of the booklet and it will also be available
online. We are asking for submissions now through January 1, 2021. To
view the prompts and find information on how to submit, please visit: https://blogs.umass.
Mad Science HoliDaze
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Center Stage Dance
Curtains up! The Center Dance is thrilled to announce an encore session of Center Stage: a marvelous medley of musical theater, jazz and improvisational dance styles. Students will work with the fundamentals of theatrical dance, learn choreography straight off of Broadway, and master a "step, ball change!" Whether your child is an aspiring performer, a Broadway enthusiast, or simply looking for some fun physical activity as the weather turns colder, this VIRTUAL edition of Center Stage is the place to be!
Our 3-week mini-session kicks of Monday, November 30th. Class will meet Mondays AND Fridays from 4-5PM, and will culminate in a virtual performance (date TBD).
Tuition: $100. Recommended for kids ages 10-13.
Giving Tuesday
This Tuesday, December 1 is giving Tuesday. Pick your favorite charity/non-profit and help out if you can.
To donate to the Fort River PGO, click the Donate button on the right hand side at
Sunday, November 22, 2020
ARPS Warm Winter Coat & Clothing Drive
winter an unprecedented number of Amherst children need warm outdoor
clothing.The Amherst Public Schools (ARPS) Family Center is once again
organizing a winter clothing drive with the PGOs' help. We are looking
for donations of new (and gently used) winter coats for over 90 Amherst
children, size pre-K through adult. Also needed: snow pants and boots;
hats and waterproof mittens/gloves appreciated, too!
are drop-off bins located outside the front doors of each Amherst public
school. Please make sure all clothing is clean, in good condition and
put your donations in plastic bags. You can see what sizes are needed most and signup to donate here:
*** If you or your children are in need of warm winter clothing, please contact Mildred Martinez at the ARPS Family Center:
Friday, November 13, 2020
Excellence in teaching - call for examples of commitment to social justice
Board members of the Roger L. Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award Foundation seek examples that illustrate elementary school teachers’ and staff members’ responsiveness and ongoing commitment to social justice during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Students, guardians, parents, teachers, staff, and others
are encouraged to submit a brief (or longer!) description to respond to this
prompt. Please email your story to Katie at by November 30,
2020 and write "Excellence in Teaching" in the subject line. Thank you!
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Town of Amherst Seeking Public Input
Town of Amherst Seeks Public Input on Block Grant Priorities
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Fort River t-shirts and apparel for sale!
Show your school spirit while helping the PGO raise money to support the Fort River community!
Store Link: (The online store will be open from Monday 10/19 through Wednesday 11/4) Orders will be distributed at Fort River by the end of November.
*All items feature our motto “Elegimos el Amor/We Choose Love”
*Students, staff and parents -- we’ve got you covered with lots of available sizes!
This year we are offering short- and long-sleeved shirts, as well as pullover hoodies. All are available in either royal blue or charcoal gray. We are also offering royal blue masks with adjustable ear loops attached to a neck strap. These masks really are one size fits all, so they are good for kids and adults!
The PGO is committed to providing a short-sleeved royal blue shirt for all students this year. We would appreciate any support to reach that goal. If you are willing to donate any amount in addition to your child's shirt, it would be most appreciated.
To request a scholarship shirt, please email Stacey Beganny with the student’s name and size:
¡Ropa de Fort River a la venta!
¡Muestre su espíritu escolar mientras ayuda a PGO a recaudar fondos para apoyar a la comunidad de Fort River!
Enlace del sitio web de la tienda: La tienda online estará abierta desde el lunes 19 de octubre hasta el
miércoles 4 de noviembre. Los pedidos se distribuirán en Fort River a
finales de noviembre.
* Todos los artículos cuentan con nuestro lema "Elegimos el Amor / We Choose Love"
* Estudiantes, personal y padres: ¡lo tenemos cubierto con muchos tamaños disponibles!
Este año ofrecemos camisetas de manga corta y larga, así como sudaderas con capucha. Todos están disponibles en azul real o gris carbón. También ofrecemos máscaras azul real con orejeras ajustables unidas a una correa para el cuello. Estas máscaras son realmente de talla única, por lo que son buenas para niños y adultos.
El PGO se compromete a proporcionar una camisa azul real de manga corta para todos los estudiantes este año. Agradeceríamos cualquier apoyo para alcanzar ese objetivo. Si está dispuesto a donar cualquier cantidad además de la camiseta de su hijo, sería muy apreciado.
Para solicitar una camiseta de beca, envíe un correo electrónico a Stacey Beganny con el nombre y el tamaño del estudiante:
Project Earth
Come, Come!! Be part of our story: Multi-Arts invites you to our virtual presentation of “Project Earth”, a humorous and entertaining story full of imagination about what our world will be in the year 3,000. There is hope! With doable actions we can change the direction our planet is heading.
This show will be performed by professional actors in collaboration with children. It will include throughout an original gorgeous composition by our local composer Luna Wolf. The story was created by Multi-Arts kids, and directed by Multi-Arts theater teacher Maia Kinney-Petrucha. For sure you’re in for the adventure of a lifetime!
Join us for this celebration of our amazing planet on November 1st at 4pm, and help spread awareness about the changes we need to make to protect it.
Request our zoom link at
AEF Halloween Costume Constest
Just in time for Halloween, the Amherst Education Foundation Trivia Bee tradition of wearing creative costumes to the event continues! Since we are virtual this year, we suggest that teams take selfies and send them to us ahead of the event, indicating the name of their team in the email. Due to COVID, team photos may not be possible (unless it is a family team), so individual photos are suggested and we will group them by team. Winners will be announced during the Trivia Bee on Thursday, October 29, at 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
School Directory
Staying connected is so important!
The PGO is again offering to create a School Directory so you are able to communcate with families and friends outside of school.
Below is link to the Directory Form, due back 10/22. Please fill it out so you can stay in touch with the Fort River Community!
¡Mantenerse conectado es tan importante!
El PGO se ofrece nuevamente a crear un Directorio Escolar para que puedas comunicarte con familias y amigos fuera de la escuela.
Abajo está el enlace del formulario de directorio, que debe ser devuelto el 22/10. Por favor, rellénelo para que pueda mantenerse en contacto con la comunidad de Fort River!
Ski and Winter Gear Sale
5th Annual Ski and Winter Gear Sale - October 31, 9 am - 2 pm
Under the tent on the lawn of the Amherst History Museum (67 Amity Street - next to the Jones Library), with deals and choices so big - it’s scary! Proceeds benefit the museum. Shoppers can once again choose from a vast selection of new and used downhill, cross-country skis, ski poles, helmets, snowshoes, boots, skates, snowboards, outdoor clothing (including jackets, gloves, mittens, and hats) all in adult and youth sizes. Strict safety guidelines will be observed with periodic cleaning of surfaces and social distancing measures in place. Masks are required, costumes are appreciated! For information and updates, go to: 1 DAY TENT SALE EVENTMad Science Halloween Spooktacular
Mad Science Presents: Live Halloween Spooktacular
AEF Trivia Bee
Participation is free, but we encourage donations benefiting the Amherst Education Foundation and our public schools. You can sign-up to participate here. Your support is more important than ever so even if you are not participating, consider contributing to the AEF Trivia Bee, here.
Sign-Up to Participate:
Donate: https://www.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Complete the 2020 Census Now
- It's safe, secure, and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected.
- Your response helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.
- Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Materials / book distribution help

Multi-Arts - Spanish through the Arts
Join Multi-Arts Thursdays Activities: September 15 to November 12
Sign up for one or several classes
At Multi-Arts Children
Discover their inner selves.
Learn ways to express feelings and ideas, and
Experience warm human connections that make their soul grow.
We are offering:
Learning Spanish through storytelling, theater, arts and music.
Create a play together and turn Zoom into a stage by making our rooms the sets, our wardrobe, the costumes, and our toys the props!
5:00 PM Crafts & Story Time with Josh Gold.
- Thursdays 3:30-6:00 pm
- September 15 to November 12.
- Final show on November 12.
$100-$150 per child per class. All classes: $200-$300 per child.
Families in need: Pay as you Can.
Register Today HERE:
For more information: or call 413-584-7951
Girls on the Run
Girls will have fun, make friends, increase their physical activity and learn important life skills.
For Your Girl!
• Girls on the Run (3rd-5th grades).
• 8 week program- Sept. 14th through Nov. 14th
• Fee Includes: 16 lessons with trained coaches, Curriculum and individual materials/bag, Program T-shirt, 5K Registration fee.
Whether in-person or virtually, coaches guide girls through research-based life skills curriculum teaching
life skills and promoting holistic health outcomes for girls.
Learn more, apply to coach and REGISTER at
Amherst LSSE at Mill River Recreation Area
Wed/Sun 3:45-5:15. Practice times subject to change when we start losing the light!
Registration fee: $150. We offer a sliding scale from $10-$150. We have never turned a girl away based on her inability to pay the registration fee.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Back to school fundraiser
Fall Sports
Tennis, Youth Football, Cross-Country Running, Track & Field, Ultimate Frisbee
Details and registration: on the Run - Western Massachusetts
NEFC Junior Soccer Academy - FREE this fall!
Joy Art classes
Registration is now open for the academic term small group online art lessons with Joy Art Space! There will be a few spaces opening up in the online art lesson groups starting in September. Art lessons at Joy Art Space are a great opportunity for children and teens to get involved in an enriching after school activity where they can engage in self-expression and learn art techniques in a supportive environment.
Academic term lessons will begin the week of September 8th (the day after labor day) and Sept 14th (for the Monday group) and run continuously throughout the academic year (generally following the Amherst Regional Public School schedule).
Mad Science and Art Ventures Fall Sessions
Friday, June 12, 2020
AEF Stars in Our Schools
Now, more than ever, we are asking the community to come together and help AEF continue to provide grants to our schools that support the enrichment of their educational programs. We will not be hosting a spring event so we are counting on Stars in Our Schools to raise the funds we need to continue making grants next year. Your support is critical to our efforts and we can not achieve our mission without you! Please make your gift today.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Book and Instrument Return

Items can be returned at any of the schools as follows:
- Crocker Farm - Wednesday, June 10, 12-3pm
- Wildwood - Thursday, June 11, 9am-12pm
- Fort River - Friday, June 12, 12-3pm
Drop-off will take place outside of the school building. Please pull-up to the drop-off table, wear a mask and practice social distancing.You should be able to stay 6 feet away from others at the drop-off site.
Feedback Wanted: Opening of School in Fall 2020
Su opinión es importante para la planificación de la apertura de las escuelas en el otoño de 2020 ante la pandemia de salud pública COVID-19. Por favor, visiten el siguiente enlace donde encontrarán una presentación sobre nuestra planificación hasta el momento y una breve encuesta donde podrán compartir sus opiniones. Gracias!
Multi-Arts Virtual Summer Camp
Multi-Arts is going virtual this summer. Children will connect with outstanding teachers who will inspire them with many creative projects in art, music, dance, theater, mime, playwriting and story-telling. The program gives children tools to self-entertain, and means to find their voices to express ideas and opinions. Small groups and individual attention, while FUN, will inspire, motivate, and empower children. Register for one week or for the entire summer! Space is limited. There is one place where children are encouraged and challenged to think creatively, and that place is Multi-Arts.
Check our schedule and register today:
Sunday, May 31, 2020
PGO Elections and last meeting of the year
We have several 6th grade parents who will be leaving us this year. If you are interested in standing for a position, please feel free to contact any of the officers for more information (or email You may nominate yourself or another. Nominees will be contacted to confirm his or her willingness to stand for election. Board elections will take place at the next PGO Board Meeting to be held June 5 at 10am (please contact for the zoom link).
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Textile recycling
The bins are still being emptied - the one at Fort River is in the south side parking lot (the visitor's lot by the playground). The Fort River PGO gets paid by the pound. Please do not leave donations beside the bin if it is full.