Fort River PGO Information
Friday, October 31, 2014
Fort River Night at the Amherst Pub
Save the Date: Fort River Night at the Amherst Pub
Tuesday, Nov. 18th
Come and meet your friends from all grades for a delicious dinner and some fun.
All evening, when you mention you are a Fort River family,
15% of your total sale will be donated to the FR PGO.
Let's support our local businesses, and they will in turn support our school!
Box Tops for Education
An easy way to help fund the Fort River PGO is to find Box
Tops on every day products in your home.
Clip Box Tops from each
Send the Box Tops to Fort River
the first Monday of each month.
Last year we earned $418, let's get clipping!
Friday, October 24, 2014
Grade-Wide Potlucks - Schedule and Signups!
Grade-wide potlucks are a fall tradition at Fort River!
Celebrate friendship and community with other families in your grade. Click on the appropriate link to sign up. Please bring an ingredient list so that those with dietary concerns may make informed decisions. Thank you!!
Fort River Chorus Concert - DATE CHANGE
Dear Folks,
I unwittingly set our Fort River Winter Chorus Concert for
Dec. 16th, which is the first night of Hanukkah. As this would be a major
schedule conflict for some of our students, we are changing the date of the winter
concert to the following:
Tuesday, December 9th at 7 pm at the Amherst Middle School auditorium. The chorus is comprised of the fourth
and fifth grades. Our daytime concert for the school will be held at 2 pm on Monday,
December 8th at 2 pm in the Fort River
Please alert parents and families to this change in our schedule.
FYI: Our spring
concert will be held on Tuesday, May 26th at the Amherst Middle School.
Please put this onto your calendars. The chorus for
this concert will be comprised of the 5th and 6th grades.
Anne White
Target - Take Charge of Education
Do you have a Target Red Card? You can designate Fort River to receive 1% of
your purchases made at any Target store
or at with your card. In
2013-14, Fort River contributions totaled nearly $1000!
ARHS Chorale Lasagna Dinner
The ARHS Chorale Lasagna Dinner is the place to be!
The entire ARPS community is invited to support this annual event.
Monday, October 27 in the ARHS Cafeteria (21 Mattoon St)
Seatings are at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are $10 for Adults and $5 for students & senior citizens.
Tickets on sale at ARHS lunch and at the door.
Seatings are at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are $10 for Adults and $5 for students & senior citizens.
Tickets on sale at ARHS lunch and at the door.
Enjoy homemade lasagna, garlic bread, salad and desserts. The Chorale will sing too!More information at
Kids Monsters Ball
25 October 2014 - Kids Monsters Ball
a costumed dance party just for parents and their children.
3 to 4 p.m. at Abbey Memorial Chapel
The Mount Holyoke Symphony Orchestra presents the “Kids Monsters Ball”, a costumed dance party just for parents and their children. Come costumed and dance to waltzes and polkas by Strauss and Chopin.
The Mount Holyoke Symphony Orchestra presents the “Kids Monsters Ball”, a costumed dance party just for parents and their children. Come costumed and dance to waltzes and polkas by Strauss and Chopin.
between, enjoy music from TV shows like Doctor Who and the Simpsons and
meet members of the orchestra who will introduce the children to the
instruments that they play.
The event is scheduled for 3 to 4 p.m. at
Abbey Memorial Chapel, located on the Mount Holyoke Campus at 50
College St, South Hadley, MA. Admission is $3 for all children, $5 for
all adults. Accompanying adults for groups of 4 or more children enter
for free. For more information, visit or call the Mount Holyoke College Music Department at (413) 538 2306.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Picture Day - Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are needed to help our Grynn & Barrett photographers next Tuesday, October 21.
Below you will find the schedule of when classes will have their photo
times. We need assistance with getting the classes to and from the
library, helping organize the class photo and just being there to help
kids with their individual pictures. You are welcome to volunteer for
20 minutes, an hour, all morning, or all day! We especially need a
parent who can commit to the 10:35-11:35 time slot to coordinate the other volunteers. Please let Liz Larson ( know when you can help or click this link to sign up .
Multi-Arts Make Your Own Mask Workshop
Come and create your unique mask for Halloween!
Whether you want to be silly or spooky, this fun workshop is an exciting way to make your imagination come to life.
is offering a children's Make Your Own Mask workshop just perfect for
Halloween! Multi-Arts, a local arts organization that has been
empowering and inspiring young artists for over 14 years, is hosting a
free mask making workshop, led by professional illustrator Titus
Neijens. Multi-Arts' innovative programming encourages creativity and
instills a lifelong love of the arts with children. Especially in this
age of consumerism, Multi-Arts' camps and workshops help children
discover they can use their imaginations to invent and build designs
that instills lasting pride and happiness.
Wednesday October 29, from 4-6 pm
Wednesday October 29, from 4-6 pm
at All Things Local Coop, Amherst
Free of charge but donations are very much appreciated
All children welcome.
Friday, October 10, 2014
The Child Learning and Development Lab at Amherst College
you have a child between 0 and 10 years of age? Professor Carrie
Palmquist, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Amherst College, is
conducting a series of studies at the
Child Learning and Development Lab that investigate how children learn
from others and about the world around them. Participation in a study
takes no more than 30 minutes. If you want your child to participate,
contact the CLAD Lab at 413-542-5670, email,
or visit to learn more and register your family!
Chalk Art for Kids at All Things Local
Please join us for a CELEBRATION OF CHALK ART – make
your own outside chalk (yup, you can MAKE CHALK) and then
help decorate our sidewalk outside the All Things Local Coop
Market in downtown Amherst (104 No. Pleasant St.). No need to be
an artist and all ages are welcome! Share your creative side and
learn how to make your own outside chalk. Sunday, October 12th, 2-4pm.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Picture Day is Tuesday, October 21st.
We need a volunteer to help schedule and coordinate other volunteers.
The photographers from Grynn & Barrett are very experienced with
working with children but the teachers do like to have an extra set (or
two) of hands to help get the classes to and from the library, keep
order in the line, maybe help a with a messy face or hair emergency. A
schedule with class "photo sessions" will be coming home soon along with
orders. If you can help as the coordinator, please contact Liz Larson
and be a part of this school tradition. And remember, a portion of
each picture package sale goes to support our school field trip fund!
Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards Program
New #artcontinues Art Lessons
There are still a few openings available! If your child's FALL SPORT SCHEDULE runs into art classes, they can start in November (o/c with tuition modification)! If you are interested or have any questions email Teri Magner at
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Volunteering at Fort River: CORI Checks
your school or PGO volunteer opportunities bring you into contact with students at
school or on a field trip, you must have a CORI* check on file. This includes all field trip chaperones and classroom volunteers (e.g. grandparents, aunts & uncles, adult siblings). CORI checks
must be done on individual volunteers every three years and are valid for all schools within our district. If you would like to check to see if you are current on your CORI'd status, please call Sasha in the Central Office at 362-1810.
To request a CORI check, bring your current driver's license into the Main
Office at Fort River or to the district's Central Office (located at the middle school) for photocopying and complete the required application well in
advance of any volunteer obligations. Questions about the CORI process can be directed to the FR Main Office at 362-1200 or Sasha in the Central Office at the number above.
*Criminal Offender Record Information
*Criminal Offender Record Information
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