Monday, October 2, 2017

Thank you to our Family Fun Fair and Costume Shop Volunteers!

Thanks so much to everyone who attended the Family Fun Fair last week. There was a wonderful turnout and the 6th graders appreciate all of the support!

The PGO and 6th grade team would like to give a special shout out to Pam R and Liz L for coordinating the evening, and to all of the volunteers who staffed tables and/or donated food items. It was a terrific community building event!

Finally, the first ever Free Halloween Costume Store was a huge success! Thank you to Deb L for the fabulous idea, enormous effort, and enthusiasm to bring this new event to our community! Thanks to all the shoppers and those who donated ... there were some seriously cute costumed little ones walking around at the Family Fun Fair! It is sure to become annual tradition! Thanks to all who contributed costumes and shopped for new ones!