Fort River PGO Information
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Library book pick-up
Fort River Masks for sale
Choose Love when wearing your mask! The PGO still has Fort River "We Choose Love" masks available for $10. The masks are two layers of blue material and fit all sizes. Process go to fund student supplies or mini grants for the classroom.
They will be available during the book pick-up (Tuesday, Dec. 15) or contact if you can't make it and would like to purchase.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Spanish Through the Arts
Join Multi-Arts Spanish Through the Arts
We are happy to offer our successful Spanish Through the Arts again this winter session. Children will learn Spanish using music, art and theater, making it fun and enjoyable.Children can choose Monday 5:00-6:00 p.m. Thursday 3:30-5:00 p.m. or both days. We will meet for 10 weeks. Thursday Theater class we will culminate in a final show in which children will apply the vocabulary learned during the classes.
Monday’ meetings run from Monday, December 7th to February, 22nd &
Thursday’s meetings run from Thursday, December 10th to February 25th
Isabel Arango is our Spanish teacher and Maia Petrucha our Theater teacher. You can read about them here. Welcome to sign up here.
Call for Submissions: Dreaming the Future!
Forbes, Jones, and Lilly libraries are collaborating with UMass's
Feinberg Lecture Series, and we are asking the young people of Western
Massachusetts (ages 5-18) to help us envision a future where climate
change is mitigated and the world has adapted. The
project, Dreaming
the Future, asks young
people to consider their relationship with the natural world, how they
think it might change in the future, what they hope it might be like,
and how to help guide humanity toward a more climate-just
world. Participants are invited to respond to a variety of prompts and
share their work with us; we will then publish the collection as a zine
(a limited-edition publication). Participants will receive a physical
copy of the booklet and it will also be available
online. We are asking for submissions now through January 1, 2021. To
view the prompts and find information on how to submit, please visit: https://blogs.umass.