Thursday, May 31, 2012

Field Day Thanks!

Field Day was super fun this year! Children of all ages worked together on teams to compete on a variety of fun and challenging events.  Students, teachers, staff and parents all worked together to make the new field day a smashing success.  Field Day would not have worked without the support of all our volunteers.  We would like to thank all the parents who volunteered to run our events, to lead a team of students, to set up the fields and to clean up afterwords.  There was such a tremendous outpouring of volunteerism, that we can't thank everyone individually.  We do wish to mention a few folks who really helped us create an event that encouraged teamwork, school spirit, and community building.  Thanks to Monica Colley for supporting and encouraging our many changes to field day this year.  Thanks also to Paula Mangiaratti for her administrative help over the last several weeks.  Thanks to Diana Spaulding for assistance on event planning.  Parents deserving a special thanks for their extra work include:  Ellen Alvord, Matt Schulkind, Michele Spirko, and Traci Hess.

We can't wait until next year!
Tim Farnham and Tammy Schulkind - Field Day Coordinators