Fort River PGO Information
Friday, May 1, 2009
Empty Food Containers Needed
5th graders will soon be using Microsoft Excel in the computer lab to graph and compare nutrition content in foods. We will look at the fat, salt, sugar and calorie content of many different kinds of foods. We need your help! To help with this unit could you send in a few clean, empty containers with the nutrition labels intact. Some ideas would be, soda cans, juice cans, cereal boxes, cookie wrappers, soup cans, snack bags (chips, pretzels etc) and any other prepared foods with nutrition labels that your family eats. Please make sure the containers are empty, clean and no sharp edges. Fifth graders will work in pairs to produce a spreadsheet and graphs of all the nutrition data. Each pair will have a bag of "groceries" with approximately 10-12 items in each bag. What this means is that we need about 100+ items, so that each pair will have enough data to compare.
Thank you so much for your help with this project.
Joan Gallinaro
Technology Integration Teacher