Fort River PGO Information

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Fundraiser for ARPS Internet access for all - UPDATE!

UPDATE (4/13/2020): With everyone's generous support, we are just $4,000 away from reaching the lofty goal of $45,000!! Thank you to everyone for your generous support.
UPDATE (4/10/2020): With the community’s support, the goal of $25,000 was reached in just 4 days - wow!  We thank everyone who has contributed so generously to our campaign at such a critical time. 
However, it is now clear that the need for home wifi access for students will extend well beyond this school year, especially for middle school and high school students. After speaking with the ARPS school district, the campaign goal has been extended to $45,000 to help fund this longer-term need. This goal is based on expected costs for next school year. 
We know there are many local families struggling right now, as well as other critical needs in our community and are grateful for all donations. We appreciate your helping us close the digital divide and your support for more equitable access to learning at home.  Thank you again! 

Students need internet access in their homes in order to fully benefit from the distance learning now being offered by our public schools in this time of crisis - but we know that about 100 families in the Amherst Regional school district do not have the financial means to pay for it. We’re asking for your help in closing this gap as soon as possible.

Donate Online Here: 

With public schools closed until May 4, and quite possibly longer, the state is requiring school districts to provide distance learning opportunities to all students. Having no internet access at home is a major barrier to accessing this learning.   Based on this state mandate, and in support of the district’s equity goals, the ARPS District is loaning mobile wifi hotspots with monthly data plans to families unable to pay for them (as well as Chromebooks if needed) so that all students can fully participate in the district’s online classes and class meetings for as long as our school buildings remain closed.  

More information on ARPS's Internet Access for All Students initiative is available in the Superintendent's 4/3/2020 e-newsletter to families and at this FAQ doc:

The district estimates the cost of these hotspots and monthly data will be close to $25,000. The ARPS PGOs are helping the district by raising money to contribute to the cost. This is an unexpected, unprecedented and critical need. We know this is a difficult time financially and emotionally for many families. If you are able to contribute, here’s how you can help (all donations are tax deductible): fund a mobile hotspot ($110), fund one month of wifi access ($40), make a monthly, recurring donation to provide on-going wifi access ($40/month). 

Donate Online Here: 
Alternatively, you can send a check made out to the "ARPS PGO" to Tracy Zafian, ARPS PGO Treasurer, 51 Blue Hills Road, Amherst, MA 01002

Thank you for helping provide all ARPS students with equal access for distance learning.  We are grateful.

The ARPS PGOs, including the
Wildwood PGO, Fort River PGO, Crocker Farm PGO, ARMS PGO, and ARHS PGO