Fort River PGO Information

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Project Earth

PROJECT EARTH: Calling for children collaboration
Multi-Arts is excited to announce plans to produce a play inspired by Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot". This  production is set to premiere Summer 2020, and will have elements of live music, narration, and of course, fantastical sets & props!
We invite children under 18 to watch this video, reflect on Sagan’s words, and create art/poetry/writing inspired by it.
The deadline for submissions is April 7th, and winners will have their ideas incorporated into the final script.
Prizes also include up to $300 for applicants 13-18 years old, and a free day at Multi-Arts for ages 4-12
Final script will be written by Maia Kinney-Petrucha, a children’s playwright and theater educator specializing in immersive and devised entertainment for all ages. Her background in cognitive science drives her love of theatrical research, and using the power of play to heal and foster empathy through storytelling.

Renowned composer Luna Pearl Woolf will breathe life into the story with stirring, original compositions. Woolf has created commissioned works for the likes of Carnegie Hall and the Washington National Opera.
Multi-Arts’ art teacher, Julio Neijens, will lend his expertise in set & prop building, and artistic direction. He has worked as head carpenter and painter in theater productions throughout Chicago. Julio has also worked with the Lincoln Park Zoo, making play items for the animals to help keep them healthy and active!

Right now is a time of great uncertainty and anxiety for many, and we know that stagnancy and pessimism move us farther from solutions. Instead, we call upon the young people in our community to share their creativity, insights and light with us. At the heart of this production will be a story about taking care of our planet, and inspiring change so that we may all preserve this beautiful pale blue dot. 
Please send submissions  to
or call our number for more information!
(413) 584-7951