Fort River PGO Information

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Cool Science Art Competition

Cool Science is a free and public art competition held each fall for all K-12 artists.  Cool Science is a collaboration between the UMass Lowell, UMass Boston, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, University of Kansas, and Kansas City Art Institute.  Last year Cool Science received a National Science Foundation grant that helped it expand the project beyond Massachusetts to Kansas, Missouri, and Southern New Hampshire. 

Challenge Questions
This year, we are asking young artists to answer one of the following challenge questions with a visual work of art: 

  1. What did you learn about extreme weather and climate that you want to teach adults?

  2. Why is a weakening Polar Vortex causing wild ups and downs in winter temperatures?

  3. How will our lives change as weather becomes more severe?

Competition Winners
During this winter, we will select the best entries for display on public buses in Sep-Nov of 2022.  The honorees will be recognized at our art exhibit celebrations next year.

To Learn More
For further information about the contest, please visit

We look forward to receiving lots of creative entries from your community by January 15, 2022!