Fort River PGO Information

Saturday, June 12, 2021

AEF Stars in Our Schools

As the school year comes to a close, we reflect on how proud we are of all our teachers, staff, students, and parents and their resilience in adapting to the unforeseen and unique challenges they faced this past year. With that in mind, the Amherst Education Foundation (AEF) is excited to announce our Spring Stars in Our Schools fundraiser.

Show your favorite teacher or staff member in the Amherst-Pelham School District your gratitude by making a contribution in their honor! Gifts of all sizes are greatly appreciated and will go towards helping the Amherst Education Foundation continue to provide grants toward amazing educational programs developed by teachers and staff. Say 'Thank You!' to a teacher, principal, coach, aide or other staff member by making a donation and we will send them a note letting them know how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication. 
Visit and make your gift by Friday, June 25 to honor teachers or staff in Amherst, Pelham, Shutesbury, or Leverett, and we will send them a recognition card.