Fort River PGO Information

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Biliteracy Programs

To celebrate the assets of multilingualism and to promote sustained English language, native language, heritage language, and global language learning, the Amherst Regional School District is excited to continue offering a language initiative called the Seal of Biliteracy. ARPS will be offering the official State Seal of Biliteracy to graduating seniors in spring of 2021, as well as Biliteracy Pathway Awards to students in grades 6 and 8.

The Seal of Biliteracy is awarded by the state department of education and local school districts to recognize students who attain proficiency in English (listening, speaking, reading and writing), as well as one or more additional languages learned in school or another setting, as measured by standardized language assessments. This recognition will be included with students’ high school transcripts and diploma, and serves to certify attainment of a student’s biliteracy for employers and universities.

Apply at this link. Deadline is Thursday, February 3.

The Elementary Biliteracy Club meets Thursdays from 3:15-4:00, starting February 4. Use Google Meet code 'biliteracy'.

For more information, please see, or contact Katie Richardson, ELL and Dual Language Coordinator at