The Amherst Education Foundation (AEF) is excited to announce our Spring Stars in Our Schools fundraiser. Let our teachers and staff know how much you appreciate their dedication, hard work, and expertise! Please make your gift by
Friday, June 19 and let us know if there is a teacher or staff member
in Amherst, Pelham, Shutesbury, or Leverett that you would like to
honor, and we will send them a recognition card.
Now, more than ever, we are asking the community to come together and
help AEF continue to provide grants to our schools that support the
enrichment of their educational programs. We will not be hosting a
spring event so we are counting on Stars in Our Schools to raise the
funds we need to continue making grants next year. Your support is
critical to our efforts and we can not achieve our mission without you!
Please make your gift today.