Fort River PGO Information

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Internet Access Campaign - A Success!

Internet Access for All Students - The Campaign was a Success!

In early April, the (Insert your school name here) PGO joined with the other ARPS PGOs to organize a fundraiser to ensure that all Amherst and Amherst Regional public school students would have home wifi access during the school shutdown.  Thanks to the generosity of our community, we raised over $45,000 - enough to cover the costs not only for the rest of this school year, but for next year as well. These funds will help close the digital divide and provide more equitable educational access for all ARPS students.
The PGOs received over 235 donations of all sizes. Our major donors include the Norwottuck Fish and Game Association ($8,000), the Beveridge Family Foundation ($5,000), and the Amherst Pelham Education Association ($2,000), which represents ARPS educators and staff.  Collectively, the elementary and secondary school PGOs gave over $5,500. Thanks to all who supported our fundraiser and helped get the word out.
To see a full list of donors, please visit or