Fort River PGO Information

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

PGO Meeting - All Fort River Parents & Guardians Welcome!

This coming Monday, March 2nd, there will be a PGO meeting at 9am. We will be discussing upcoming events like Math Night, the Talent Show, Teacher Appreciation luncheon as well as Field Day.

We need new parents to join the PGO board - especially parents of K, 1, and 2 students! This meeting would be a great way for you to see what we do! If you don't think you have the time to serve on the board, we have some great one-offs that you can volunteer for! For instance, our Yearbook Editor will be moving on to the Middle School next year, so we will need someone to take over this great tradition that can be done at your own pace and at your home.

Are you more of a party planner?!?! We need someone to take charge of this year's Teacher Appreciation fundraiser & luncheon! The PGO board will help you, but we just need someone to take the lead.

Got a passion for exercise and community building?!?! We need one or two more volunteers to help Ms. Keizer-Lawrence with Field Day! 

Children are welcome at our meetings - please just check in at the front office and they can tell you where to go! Hope to see you there! If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please email Stacey at