Fort River PGO Information

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Chili Night Re-Cap!!!

What a wonderful evening, chock full of good food, lively conversation and crafts! With all this fun, we forgot to take pictures😁Thank you for all the donations -- we raised enough money to stock the PGO closet with bowls, plates, cups, etc for the next year! All the extra money will get dumped into our general operating budget which covers programs like our curriculum mini-grants and events such as Field Day!
We would like to thank all of the chili entrants, families that brought cornbread, tortilla chips, etc and to our fabulous committee: Allison Page, Jandro Levins, Stacey Beganny and Philip Avila.

Now on to the good stuff: the winners!

Best Chili Name: Malcolm Sen with "Chili Wonka in the Hot Pot Factory"

Kids Pleasin': Graysen Garrett with "100% That Chili"

Best Overall: Zac Early with "Texan-Korean Fusion Chili"

Special shout out to the Runners-Up (maybe next year 😜)
Yoosun Park & Malcolm Sen