Fort River PGO Information

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Chili Night January 29th!!

BRRRR! Are you looking forward to a bowl of steaming hot chili next week? 

The Fort River 8th Annual CHILI NIGHT for a CHILLY NIGHT is just days away! Don't forget to add your chili ingredients to your grocery list! Many, many more cooks are needed! (There are 15 openings on the sign up list!) We have extra crockpots if you need one - email Stacey -

Don't do chili? How about making some cornbread? At least 10 volunteers are needed to bake or purchase cornbread! Sign up NOW

Donations of tortilla chips and beverages (no soda!) are also needed! Please sign up

Don't cook at all? You can donate your time helping to set up! Follow this link to sign up:$zS2hq9Is0

YOU HEARD ABOUT THE PRIZES, RIGHT??? Everyone votes for their favorite chili with prizes for Best Overall, Kid-Pleasin', and the most creatively-named chili! 

Dinner is $1 suggested donation per bowl. All funds raised support our teachers and learners! We hope to see you there! 

Wednesday, January 29
6 - 7:30 pm
Fort River Cafeteria
please drop off chili, etc by 5:45pm