Fort River PGO Information

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Experience Indian Culture at Amherst Ballet

Learn about Indian Culture, Experience Indian Dance, and Enjoy Indian Cuisine at Amherst Ballet!

Amherst Ballet is hosting a free Indian Dance Workshop led by Ms. Monica Bhowmik as the first of its World Dance Workshop series. The workshop will start with a short lecture on Indian culture and dance by Prof. Ranjanaa Devi, the former director of the Asian Arts and Culture Program of Fine Arts Center, UMass. At the end of the workshop, participants will be treated to a reception featuring Indian cuisine.

Date and Time: Saturday, November 16 2:00-4:00 pm
Location: Amherst Ballet (29 Strong Street, Amherst)

For more information, visit, email, or call (413) 549-1555